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I certainly will suggest the Juiced folder. It looks to be a great bike and he might like the step through far better than my bike. There are a lot of quality e-bikes to shop. I'm only familiar with the Juiced brand. It's the features that you deem important and to find those on the bike that's a good fit and you like the looks is the trick. It's near impossible to know what's important to buy until you ride an e-bike. And everyone has a different need or desire with different riding styles as well. I think the place to start is to ride one. Riding multiple options would be even better if possible.
I rode 21 miles yesterday. It was pretty windy by the time I was free to ride and I saw nobody riding but me. I'm glad I rode because it's just too windy to ride today. I'm hoping that it will calm down before it gets dark and I can get in a ride. Otherwise, it will be one of those rare days that I didn't get to ride.

I couldn't stand it and went riding. Though it was wicked windy, I managed. The wind was from the South. I rode straight into it one way and had it on my back the other. I wouldn't want to ride East West today. The wind might blow you over. I rode my 21 mile loop then I rode around town for a while taking shelter from the wind provided by the houses and trees. I logged 28 miles and was glad I went riding.
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It rained over night and was cloudy / misty most of the morning. I had to wait for it to dry out some before I could mow. That ate up my afternoon ride but I managed to get in a good ride after dinner. It was humid but no wind and low eighties temp which made for some great riding. I logged 30 miles by the time I called it a day. I was the only guy taking advantage of the perfect early evening weather.
It remained very humid today with little or no wind. It was pretty nice riding weather. The wind created by riding had a cooling effect. I rode 39 miles before I put the bike up. I didn't see anyone else riding while I was out. I did see some walkers enjoying the day.
I rode 21 miles yesterday and 42 today. It wasn't too bad yesterday but miserable weather today. The last I looked at the weather station it was 99° and with the humidity it felt like 106° with a robust South wind. I was the only guy out riding for a reason. Without an e-bike, it was stay in the AC sort of Saturday. I had a great time riding but once I stopped the sweat just poured off of me.
I went riding early this morning. I saw a few cyclists and quite a few joggers. I rode 21 miles and came home to do some chores. I went riding again once I had my task list done and rode another 30 miles. I was out of battery and it was getting hot so I called it. I have ribs smoking and will likely go for another ride once I've had dinner. The zero wind is the calling card. :)

It was hot late afternoon but there was very little wind. I ate dinner and went riding again. Collectively I logged 83 miles with my three times riding. That might be the most I've ever ridden in a day. I know it's the most I've logged on the e-bike.
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It was extremely hot and humid here today. I logged 21 miles and called it a day. I'll be glad when the air dries out. I don't mind hot but hate humid.
I rode after I finished mowing and again after I ate dinner. I logged 42 miles between the two rides. It's just too hot to be riding a standard bike. My second ride it was 102° and felt like 112°. Though the e-bike made it doable, the heat/humidity takes most of the fun out of riding.
With the temp ten degrees less and the humidity lower, it was a pretty nice day today. I rode twice logging 42 miles but I wasn't really ready to quit. It's amazing what a difference desirable weather makes.
Today was a carbon copy of yesterday so I had fun riding. I logged 48 miles today. I saw one of the kids I mentioned early this month on his e-bike today. He was pretty much flying down the road the opposite direction that I was traveling. I think he saw me but he didn't return my wave. I'd like to get a better look at his bike.
As much as I wanted and needed the exercise, I only rode 21 miles today and put the bike up. It was 101° and felt like 115°. There was a stiff South wind blowing with gusts near 30 mph. I grilled out burgers and hoped to ride again this evening but it isn't cooling down. It feels like 114° now. :( I decided it will be healthier for me to stay inside tonight. ...and I only lack 4 miles of hitting 4,600 miles. Bummer
It was a bit cooler and dryer today so I made up for lost time and rode 54 miles. I saw quite a few people out this morning but only a few this evening. The wind was out of the North today. That completely changes the complexion of the North / South loop I ride. It actually was fun for a change of pace.
It was raining off and on all morning. I like to ride on Sunday mornings but there was no riding today. The good part about the rain is it brought with it cooler temperatures. I was busy this afternoon but I took advantage of the cool temps and near zero winds and rode 30 miles tonight. I only saw two other riders. One was an older gent that needed an e-bike. The other rider was pulling one of those child trailers. No hikers and only one jogger. We might not see another evening where there is zero wind and the temperature less than 80° until mid September. This wasn't the evening to stay inside.
Today was example A of how hot and miserable it can be. It only got to 98° today but the humidity was just terrible. It has fallen to 56% now but it was in the seventies this morning. I'm ready for that dry heat you hear about. :) I noticed there were some riders out this morning while I was mowing. Nobody was on my loop tonight. It felt good to ride and it felt good to grab a shower afterwards.
I logged 24 miles today.
No riding past few days ?
I rode again Tuesday and logged another 24 miles. Yesterday was boggy all day. It never rained hard but it rained a little most all of the day. I managed to mow only two lawns in the soup and no riding. The first day I've missed riding in a long time.
I have to play catch up and will have lawns to mow all day today. As soon as I finish my coffee I plan to ride. The humidity is 93% and the grass is standing water. I will ride while I'm waiting for the grass to dry out some. I've always believed that work came before pleasure but not today. :)

I rode 24 miles and then mowed until late afternoon. I ate dinner and rode another 24 miles. It was a pretty nice day. It was humid but much cooler with a slight Northerly breeze. It was fun to be riding. I saw quite a few riders this morning but none early evening. Everyone had fireworks and BBQs going on tonight.
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Today's weather was much like yesterday. It made for some great riding. I rode this morning and again late afternoon. I logged 47 miles today. I wasn't the only person out enjoying the day. I didn't see any other e-bikes but did see quite a few riders. The joggers are mostly morning people. I tried jogging around 35 years ago. It wasn't long before I was investing in a bicycle. I bought a Giant Iguana. It was and still is a great bike. We saw a lot of miles together. My son still has it stored in his shed. They are collectable.
I was all day Saturday enjoying the company of my friends as we smoked out some meats. I didn't get any riding done but I made up for it today. It was one of those special days where the temp was ideal and there was zero wind. I just couldn't bring myself to quit riding. I logged 72 miles today and enjoyed my ride immensely! There were a lot of people out enjoying the day. It was not the day to be inside.
There is a bridge over the railroad tracks just before you enter the town to the South. I had to wait for four riders that were riding together to exit the bridge before I could continue into town and then ride the siding of the highway back to my town. When I completed my return I again rode across town and then headed South for another loop. I met the four guys again still headed North. You could tell by their expressions that they were quite surprised to see me. I had almost doubled the distance they had traveled in the same amount of time.
It was cool again today but there was a wind blowing from the NE. It is the least favorite of wind directions for the loop I ride. It was a factor for my early ride but the wind had all but quit blowing by my early evening ride. There were quite a few bike riders out this evening for a week night. It was a nice night to be riding. I ended up logging 57 miles. It looks like I will reach my goal of exceeding 5110 miles by July 20th. That is the anniversary of my first ride on this bike. 5110 miles in a year is an average of 14 miles riding every day. That's not too bad considering the cold winter days too crummy to ride and that I wasn't allowed to ride for 71 days after my heart attack.
Early ride I had a North wind to contend with. My evening ride was wonderful with no wind. I logged 60 miles between the two rides. I only intended to ride 21 miles tonight but I helped some young woman get her chain back on track. Somehow it was way messed up and she had no idea how to gain slack in the chain to straighten it out. I pulled the derailleur forward producing the necessary slack and we got it untangled. I headed on South and I didn't see if she was behind me or if she turned around and headed back North. Making certain she was good to go, I decided to do one more loop. I met her as she was just getting back to our city. It felt good to be of some help.
I rode two 30 mile loops today. It was hot and humid so I was quite surprised at the number of cyclist that were riding today. There wasn't much for wind which might have been the calling card. Whatever, it was fun to see that many riding. One rider I've been seeing often. He is a big guy that seems to be on a mission. Good for him. I lack 38 miles of reaching my yearly goal of 5110 miles. I will likely reach that tomorrow, well before the 20th. I'd like to say that I've worked hard to reach my goal but I've just been riding my bike and having fun.
Between being busy and the weather simply brutal, I just rode 21 miles yesterday and 21 today. I won't likely get to ride tomorrow. I'm going out of town for a funeral and won't be back until late. I hope to get out early Sunday and log a few miles.

My back tire has a slow leak. It has been that way since I installed the tube. It seems the frequency that I have to add air is increasing. If I add slime to the tube it will likely heal the leak. However, the slime eliminates the ability to patch the tube. The sealant eats through the adhesive of a patch. My other option is to remove the tube and hope to find the leak and put a patch on it now. I fear it isn't leaking bad enough to find the leak to patch. For now I continue to add air. I don't like a tire that doesn't hold air. It gives me an uneasy feeling.
Between being busy and the weather simply brutal, I just rode 21 miles yesterday and 21 today. I won't likely get to ride tomorrow. I'm going out of town for a funeral and won't be back until late. I hope to get out early Sunday and log a few miles.

My back tire has a slow leak. It has been that way since I installed the tube. It seems the frequency that I have to add air is increasing. If I add slime to the tube it will likely heal the leak. However, the slime eliminates the ability to patch the tube. The sealant eats through the adhesive of a patch. My other option is to remove the tube and hope to find the leak and put a patch on it now. I fear it isn't leaking bad enough to find the leak to patch. For now I continue to add air. I don't like a tire that doesn't hold air. It gives me an uneasy feeling.
I would tell you to contact Juice and see what they say about this happening so often to the back tire specifically, but my guess you already know, LOL 1) The mileage you put on 2) The fact that the back tire has the most weight distribution. Wouldn't hurt to ask thought just out of curiosity.
That's not a bad idea though I think the current tire problem is a bad tube. It lost a few pounds of pressure the first week it was in service. I've added air weekly since. It seems to be losing air at a faster rate as time goes by. My older bike's back tire would lose air. Once I slimed the tubes, it quit leaking. I will likely slime the current leaking tube as well.

Contacting the Juiced support team is a pleasure. I had a brake problem with my first bike and a derailleur problem with the new bike that they were quick to address and seemed to genuinely care that the problems were solved to my satisfaction. I was more than pleased with my interaction with them.
I got home in time for a quick ride. The back tube lost nine pounds since last night and two pounds during the 24 miles I rode tonight. I ordered some slime.
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