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Electronic Cigarettes


The Friendly Undead
With New Years resolutions going into effect and people trying to lay down cigarettes, I figured I would bring this subject back up from a previous thread. Just wondering about anyone that have talked about trying them or people that have been using them for a while. Wanted to see what model people are using and what juice people are vaping.

I've been using a PV (personal vaporizer/e-cig) for a little over a year now. I just upgraded to a new model called the KGO with an 1100 mah battery. I'm still waiting for it to arrive, but I can't wait. This is going to be a major upgrade from the Kr808s I have been using. I have been using mainly PG juice that I get from Vapor4life in Butterscotch or Waffle flavor, but I'm looking forward to trying a few new juices that I ordered as well.
I have a box of SmokeTip (some kind of basic starter kit) sitting in my drawer -- where it's been for almost a year. I never got the courage? motivation? to take the plunge, but I really want to cut down my smoking to almost nill. It would definitely help at the gym :(
I have a box of SmokeTip (some kind of basic starter kit) sitting in my drawer -- where it's been for almost a year. I never got the courage? motivation? to take the plunge, but I really want to cut down my smoking to almost nill. It would definitely help at the gym :(

You know, you don't have to make a full switch all at once. I've known plenty of people that start out smoking and vaping before they make the full switch. Most of them do switch over eventually, but I still know people that smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day and vape the rest of the time. I don't think there really is a right way to do it.

Good luck, I hope you do try it. I like it so much better.
I've tried electronic cigarettes in the past, and they did nothing for me. I managed to quit smoking quite a while ago, but still haven't managed to quite nicotine completely. I'm heavily addicted to snus, and other types of chew. (Now only if there was an easy way to quit.)
I hear snus is better for you than most chaw, but yeah sounds like it's all-around difficult no matter the route one takes heh
It may be the individual or it may be the type/brand of e-cigarette tried. I've met a few people that just couldn't let go of analogs or found every/any excuse (not accusing anyone here) for why they couldn't use one. One girl told me that she couldn't use one because she had to hold it differently than a regular cigarette. :rolleyes:

A bunch of people that have seen mine have commented that they tried some brand that they found at a gas station and didn't like it. That was my first experience too, but after trying a brand that had some quality behind it, I love it.
It may be the individual or it may be the type/brand of e-cigarette tried. I've met a few people that just couldn't let go of analogs or found every/any excuse (not accusing anyone here) for why they couldn't use one. One girl told me that she couldn't use one because she had to hold it differently than a regular cigarette. :rolleyes:

A bunch of people that have seen mine have commented that they tried some brand that they found at a gas station and didn't like it. That was my first experience too, but after trying a brand that had some quality behind it, I love it.

How you hold it is very important.
Ok, so I've had a few members send me a PM me and explain that they are trying to quit smoking. Each asked me for some information on electronic cigarettes so I figured I would post something that everyone could read that might be interested, but too shy to ask.

Many refer to these products as electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes or e-cigs (like I did in the title of this thread). There is a large number of users that prefer to refer to them as a PV or personal vaporizer. This has more to do with the fact that the word cigarette has a very negative connotation. This has also created the term vaping instead of smoking. Since someone using one of these devices isn't really smoking anyway.

The basic way that an e-cig or PV works by heating up a liquid (commonly called e-juice or juice) which is vaporized and inhaled in a similar way that a cigarette would be. The major difference between a PV and a typical cigarette is that the juice someone is vaping doesn't contain the 4000+ chemicals found in a regular cigarette. The juice typically contains vegetable glycerin aka VG(found in many foods) or propylene glycol aka PG(found in asthma inhalers) and sometimes both combined with nicotine and artificial flavoring which are typically of the baking variety. Unlike cigarettes the juice can also be in just about any flavor you want. There are normal cigarette type flavors, but you can also find vanilla, cappuccino, chocolate & watermelon as well as some odd flavors like BBQ, bacon & lasagna. :rolleyes: As I said before I am currently vaping butterscotch or waffle flavor right now. I should add, that finding a flavor that exactly matches the brand of cigarette you currently smoke isn't going to happen. There are flavors that taste really good and some that have a real tobacco flavor, but Marlboro smokers aren't going to find a real replacement for Marlboro Reds. I am told that many of the Menthol flavors do taste like menthol though. When looking at different juices a good rule of thumb is that PG juices offer more flavor and throat hit (that feeling you get in the back of your throat when you inhale) and VG will give off more vapor. These juices can also come in varying levels of nicotine strength. Starting at 36 mgs and going all the way down to 0 mgs. It is really up to the individual to determine what is right. Just keep in mind that like everything else, too much nicotine can make you sick. I smoked Camel Filters and Marlboro Reds so I use 24 mgs and will probably cut down to 18 mgs or 16 mgs in the coming months.

The main components of a personal vaporizer are a battery, atomizer and cartridge (cart). There are also cartomizers (carto) that combine the atomizer and cartridge into a single unit. The batteries are rechargeable and the cartomizers, atomizers and cartridges can all be cleaned and reused multiple times. Batteries are typically listed by there mah rating and just like all batteries the higher the mah the longer they last on a single charge. A good measure is that 100 mah = 1 hour of vaping. The batteries also come in automatic where inhaling like a typical cigarette activates the device and starts the vaping process as well as manual where a button needs to be pressed to activate the process. It is normally personal preference as to which is used.



Since this was a pretty short and sweet version of how everything works I can understand some people wanting to know more. If that is the case then I encourage you to go ahead and ask questions and/or take a look at another forum. ECF New Members Forum

As far as what to buy, I can only recommend the products I have experience with or know a lot about.

If you want something that looks and feels like a cigarette (most people do int he beginning) then I would suggest looking at Smokeless Image. The Volt is a very popular brand that works amazingly well. They are also priced within reason. I would avoid the basic starter kit though as you will want more than one battery. The 78 mm batteries, which will be about 19 mm longer than a traditional 100 cigarette with a cartridge on, is 320 mah and should last about 3 hours of vaping. It typically takes about 4 hours to charge a battery of this type.

An accessory to consider is a PCC (personal charging case) that has its own battery and can charge an e-cig 3 to 4 times. It is great if you are/were a pack a day smoker or more and can't be by an electrical outlet all day.

If you aren't interested in something that looks just like a traditional cigarette and are looking for more battery life during the day then you could try something like the Ego. The Ego is available in a 650 mah battery or a 900 mah battery. You can find starter kits from Liberty Flights - SMOK EGO These kits as well as others from other stores come with completely black cartridges so you will also need to buy some liquid/juice to go in them.

With any of these types/brands extra cartridges and juices are going to be needed later on down the line. A typical 30 Ml bottle of juice will be around $15. Two good sites for juice are Alien Visions E-Juice and FreedomSmokeUSA.

Also, while this may look like it is going to be more expensive than smoking, it really isn't. After buying the things I needed to get started my $5 a day habit turned into about a $1 a day habit. I spend about $30 a month on juice and new cartridges. So this year I will probably end up spending $430-450 on vaping where I would have spent over $1800 on cigarettes and God only knows how much on lung cancer later on.

I hope that helps some of you that might be interested in making the switch from smoking. Remember, there is nothing that says you have to make the switch all at one time.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.
loooooove my e-cig. with a city law against smoking indoors in any public building, it has been a lifesaver. i went the cheap route and got an nJoy from my local Kangaroo. the original refills were not that great, but these fit fine, hit harder, offer more flavors, and are cheaper.
loooooove my e-cig. with a city law against smoking indoors in any public building, it has been a lifesaver. i went the cheap route and got an nJoy from my local Kangaroo. the original refills were not that great, but these fit fine, hit harder, offer more flavors, and are cheaper.

Yea, I forgot to mention that there isn't a law (in most places) against vaping indoors. I've read that Seattle and Boston have both passed laws against it though.

Not smelling like a cigarette is another beautiful thing.
Yea, I forgot to mention that there isn't a law (in most places) against vaping indoors. I've read that Seattle and Boston have both passed laws against it though.

Not smelling like a cigarette is another beautiful thing.

also want to add that the e-cig cut me down from 4-5 packs a week to 1-2 even though that was not my intention. since i do not smoke cigarettes inside my house, i now tend to use the vape just for convenience when i want a quick nicotine fix. this is especially true in the winter. the only times i crave the real deal are after a meal, before bed, and while around other people smoking. i am sure that if i really tried, i could make the permanent switch.
Btw I think I had read that same ECF forum before I settled on SmokeTip as a good starter package. I'll have to give it a try soon and let y'all know how it goes :)
My Mom smoked for about 35 years before getting on the E-Cig and quitting for good a couple months later. Very proud that she took the initiative to quit!

The same with my cousin that smoked for about 10-12 years. He used the E-Cig for about 6 months before quitting.

Hopefully it works out well for you! Good luck!!!!
I have two, both the same model. They're just basic ecigs with the battery, cartridge, and heating element. I keep orange cognac ejuice in one, and I use the other for various coffee flavors that I have. I loooove them. So far the best place for ejuice I've found (in terms of price and taste) is DIY Flavor Shack by E-Cig Smoke Store. I also still smoke 1-2 cigs a day after work, though.
After buying the things I needed to get started my $5 a day habit turned into about a $1 a day habit. I spend about $30 a month on juice and new cartridges. So this year I will probably end up spending $430-450 on vaping where I would have spent over $1800 on cigarettes...

That seems like it would be quite an incentive to switch right there.

I'm seeing astronomical cigarette prices on signs at stores lately.. being old I quit in 1980 when a pack was just about 70 cents. If I were still a smoker I think the new fangled e-cigs would be the way to go.
I have been vaping since the first day my ego kit came in the mail 5 months ago. That was the last day I smoked a cigarette. I had smoked for 18 years and smoked at least a pack a day and really had no plans to quit. Vaping made it SIMPLE for me to quit smoking. I have turned many people onto vaping most of them have quit, but some continue to smoke. The day I started vaping, I decided that vaping would replace my cigarettes. It gave me the same feeling of smoking but was much healthier. I have come a long way from the ego and purchased a few REO's. They are exactly the device that I was looking for. They are not cheap to buy and with the batteries and charger it costs a decent buck to get going, but in the long run it will be cheaper than the 50 that I would spend weekly on cigarettes plus the 1.5 hour drive round trip to the indian reservation. I probably have 50 different flavor juices from Juicy Vapor (which has a store 15 mins away and 750 flavors) but am currently for the past few months hooked on Boba's Bounty from AVE e juice. If anyone is trying to quit smoking I would highly suggest you check out the ecf forums, do lots of reading (tons to learn but easy once you get the hang of it) and research and give it a shot. Dont buy junk from the mall or the gas station. Juicy Vapor sells a good starter kit called the Smoov. I have a bunch of friends that still use it and love it.
I have been vaping since the first day my ego kit came in the mail 5 months ago. That was the last day I smoked a cigarette. I had smoked for 18 years and smoked at least a pack a day and really had no plans to quit. Vaping made it SIMPLE for me to quit smoking. I have turned many people onto vaping most of them have quit, but some continue to smoke. The day I started vaping, I decided that vaping would replace my cigarettes. It gave me the same feeling of smoking but was much healthier. I have come a long way from the ego and purchased a few REO's. They are exactly the device that I was looking for. They are not cheap to buy and with the batteries and charger it costs a decent buck to get going, but in the long run it will be cheaper than the 50 that I would spend weekly on cigarettes plus the 1.5 hour drive round trip to the indian reservation. I probably have 50 different flavor juices from Juicy Vapor (which has a store 15 mins away and 750 flavors) but am currently for the past few months hooked on Boba's Bounty from AVE e juice. If anyone is trying to quit smoking I would highly suggest you check out the ecf forums, do lots of reading (tons to learn but easy once you get the hang of it) and research and give it a shot. Dont buy junk from the mall or the gas station. Juicy Vapor sells a good starter kit called the Smoov. I have a bunch of friends that still use it and love it.

I've been thinking about ordering some Boba's Bounty. I hear great things about it and from what I've seen on YouTube it turns most PVs into a fog machine. I don't know if I'll ever make the jump to a Reo, but I have been looking at some box mods for stealth vaping. I wish there was a local store to buy juice from around here.

Congrats on quitting and keep on vaping.;)
First post but I felt inclined to comment since the subject caught my eye.

I started vaping not too long ago to try and quit smoking. Started with an ego-t kit which was decent as a starter but I found that I was having issues with leakage. After some research online and not being able to fully resolve the leak issues with the tank system, I bought some Clearomizers but had new issues with those, most notably the burnt taste. Not long after that, I went off a recommendation from a guy on one of the car forums I'm on. Pulled the trigger on some Boge LR 2.0 cartomizers, threw on a whistle tip and it made a world of difference. Vapor production is phenomenal and flavor is what it should be.

For a while, I cut cigarette smoke down to 2-3 per day (from a half pack per day) until a recent death in the family. Pretty soon I'll start vaping more and cutting out cigs all together. Helps that my wife decided to quit smoking as well.

As far as flavors, I'm still kind of testing different brands and flavors but I find that so far my "go to" is a 16mg cappuccino flavor that I purchased from the guy that ran the group buy for the ego-t kits. Only downside with going through him is I usually have to wait 2 weeks from the time I send him payment to get my product (which is also partly why I started smoking more, again. Lol.) But the last purchase I made from him was for 3bottles of this stuff. :)

Now I'm far from an e-cigs expert but I think I've found my perfect combination. Took alot of trial and error. Google and YouTube were my friends. Not sure why I didn't just join the ECF forums but a lot of my Google searching lead me there anyway. LOL

I've always read to stay away from the mall/gas station kits as they're pretty crappy to begin with but I can't comment personally on those. I did however see the Blue cigs (which gets some mixed reviews) at a local Walgreens but I never pulled the trigger on.

For the snus guy that posted above, I also went through that stuff for a while a few years ago. My fave was Ettan Los and Ettan White. Never cared much for the overly sweetened snus that Camel and Marlboro makes. ;)
I've been thinking about ordering some Boba's Bounty. I hear great things about it and from what I've seen on YouTube it turns most PVs into a fog machine. I don't know if I'll ever make the jump to a Reo, but I have been looking at some box mods for stealth vaping. I wish there was a local store to buy juice from around here.

Congrats on quitting and keep on vaping.;)

Bobas has a very unique taste. The vg creates the fog and the 18mg on a ressurector carto gives me that throat hit. The Reo with a carto on top is a grab and go, set it and forget it type of thing. I love my reo's, I couldn't imagine a better set up. Fill it up, if I'll gone for a while grab a couple of batteries and have a very reliable mod that lasts a long time. Plus the Reo section of ecf makes you feel like family and is super fast to help and offer tips. The customer service from the creator, Rob is amazing. Almost flawless device. You can pick them up cheap sometimes in the classifieds. I am super lucky to have a store so close by. They are very good people up there too. Hope you are able to quit as well. Vape on!
Bobas has a very unique taste. The vg creates the fog and the 18mg on a ressurector carto gives me that throat hit. The Reo with a carto on top is a grab and go, set it and forget it type of thing. I love my reo's, I couldn't imagine a better set up. Fill it up, if I'll gone for a while grab a couple of batteries and have a very reliable mod that lasts a long time. Plus the Reo section of ecf makes you feel like family and is super fast to help and offer tips. The customer service from the creator, Rob is amazing. Almost flawless device. You can pick them up cheap sometimes in the classifieds. I am super lucky to have a store so close by. They are very good people up there too. Hope you are able to quit as well. Vape on!

I'm going to have to pull the trigger on the Boba one of these days. I'm still looking for that perfect flavor right now. I've got some ressurectors in the mail with the KGO kit I just ordered. I've heard they work really well together.

I may have to divert some of my phone funds over to a Reo one of these days.

As far as quitting goes, I've been vaping for the last year. I put my cigarettes down the day I received my first Kr808 kit. :D
After posting my curiosity for e-cigs in the roll your own cig thread; I decided against making the investment.

I really only smoked when I drank, but since I quit drinking my interest in vaping came from wanting to quit dipping. However, 3 months ago I made the commitment to start running and working out again, and I was unsure how vaping would affect my lungs. I know OfTheDamed said she mountain bikes often and found it not to be a problem. I also looked on an e-cig forum to see if I could find info on the effects; I believe it was ECF forum. The only thing I could find were smokers that would say they can feel a change for the better in their lungs. I also got the impression the vaping was a relatively new tech and the effects are not fully known at this time.

So long story short, rather than making the investment into something I was unsure of, I have decided for now to quit the old fashioned way. Hey I have paused before, I can do it again. Hopefully permently. :P
I'm going to have to pull the trigger on the Boba one of these days. I'm still looking for that perfect flavor right now. I've got some ressurectors in the mail with the KGO kit I just ordered. I've heard they work really well together.

I may have to divert some of my phone funds over to a Reo one of these days.

As far as quitting goes, I've been vaping for the last year. I put my cigarettes down the day I received my first Kr808 kit. :D

Boba is an incredible flavor. It truly is.

I'm using the Ego-T Tank system from Joytech. It's incredible, and so easy to refill. I have the extended battery and it lasts ALL day, and I'm constantly vaping.


Thumb drives are in the pic for size comparison. It's a hefty device, but man it works well and is really low maintenance compared to similar solutions.

Joyetech electronic cigarette Tank System Changeable System eGo-C eGo-T 510-T e-Liquid

My tank holds a full 2 ml of liquid, which needless to say is enough to keep me fueled all day long. It refills in about 5 seconds.

As far as costs go, I've only had to replace the atomizer once an it cost me a whopping $10. No carts to buy, and I don't have to worry about any tissue wearing own. I can switch flavors at will on the fly. I've been using my current atomizer for about 5 months and it's still going strong.

If you prefer a stronger throat hit, get the low resistance atomizer.
Have you guys seen or heard much about the dangers of e-cigs?

I keep running across stuff about components of anti-freeze and tetramethylpyrazine, etc.. stuff that are carcinogens and one that is a known catalyst to brain damage and used to be used in glues until banned from those products due to "huffing."

Some of the scare sites about e-cigs seem to have a sort of unsaid lean (between the lines, so to speak) toward real tobacco products being better for you. :rolleyes: Makes me think that perhaps there's some tobacco money behind the "information." ;)

But to me, deeply inhaling much anything other than air would seem to challenge the cardiopulmonary system and perhaps most anything down stream.
^ As I said above, that was part of the reason I chose not to start vaping. Since I'm a dipper rather than a smoker, I didn't want to trade my bad habbit for something that may have effects that are unknown at this time.

And like you I would assume that inhaling anything other then air would have some effect.
Yeah.. I have an outlook on cigarettes and pot and hanging oneself for thrills, etc as thus: I drink alcohol, which in some forums is a cleaning agent, fuel and solvent (no, I don't drink cleaning agents, fuel or solvents ;)). So, that's enough for me as far as intentional dangerous behavior goes, with the notable exceptions of skydiving and driving my car.

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