I actually run an ecig shop online, vaperdepot.com
I have been vaping for 8 months now, it is really great, I enjoy it, and I also enjoy the positive health benefits from NOT SMOKING, and also not smelling like smoke all the time.I used to smoke a pack a day, for ten years, I vape maybe 3-5ML's a day at 18-24mg nic.
I use a
provari currently for the most part, 510 and 306 LR atomizers, and I drip for the most part. If on a long trip or something I will use a
MAP Tank though, they are freaking awesome.
I use juice from a lot of places, i built or helped build a lot of ecig sites so i get lots of juice for free.
Juice Vendors I like
alien visions (yeah boba's and gorilla juice is bangin)
backwoodsbrew (casablanca is crazy good)
sweet-vapes lots of good desert flavors
and I also vape a lot of juice from
cloudsofvapor too, Bruce is a good friend of mine.
ETA: Nicotine can only be derived from tobacco. You can't synthetically create nicotine. but it is extracted from tobacco in a way that makes it pure. This solution is used to strength tobacco cigarettes, make nicotine patches, etc. same stuff they use in ecig juice, medical grade nicotine.