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Favorite App so far.... Developers please see link to Announcements above.

Yeah it's amazing that I discovered this app just the other night right before they took it off Android Market. But then my father wanted it and I wondered what happened. I discovered it was on amazon, slideme and several other markets so I was able to get it for him.
I'm a big fan of XCom, Syndicate and Masters of Orion. I've tried all the Android DosBox emulators, and they were mostly too slow, unplayable, and left a lot to be desired. The other day, I discovered DosBox Turbo.

I've been able to play my XCom at full speed now, and on my ASUS Transformer, its the only DosBox that fully supports my trackpad and even External Mice. I even ran Turbo C++ on DosBox Turbo for fun.
I like Nicole, but Amy's my 2nd choice. I wish Emma was available, it's by far the best. I keep switching between Jeannie and Speaktoit. Seems one works better than the other for somethings.

More fun
Discovered these apps
Ivona text to speech. I use the Amy voice


Now give your new Amy voice a chance to speak

will check out Eva next...
Last night I asked jeannie what is the derivative of x squared and got 2 x. Thanks to some help from wolfram.
Then I asked "what is the stock price of IBM divided by the stock price of Dell." I chuckled to myself while I waited but it came up with the correct answer.
I would be hopelessly lost without Wee Week Widget. It's the 2x2 calendar in the middle of my screen.

It is unlike any other calendar widget I've found in that it color codes events based on words it finds in the entry. For example: When it sees my boy's name, it uses blue. My girl is pink. "Doctor" or "dentist" is red. "Pay" is green. You set it up however you like. It is truly a full week at a glance.

The big problem is that the dev says it won't work with 3.0 or higher because it's not being supported. I'm hoping enough of you fine folks will try it and like it that the original developer or someone else will run with it. Frankly, this widget is so important to me that I won't take the ICS upgrade if it means losing it.

My only complaint is that the skin isn't very customizable and isn't great looking. That seems like a workable fix.

PLEASE check it out in the Market. Thanks!


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  • WeeWeek.png
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I'm always tempted to use a Ad Block but it just feels so wrong. I'm using a great app by the dev for absolutely free instead of paying for it. The least I can do for the dev is allow him/her to get some money through ads.
Yes i agree with you. Developers scarifies lot of valuable time and knowledge for create those apps, and they give them free of charge. But i hate push ads.:):D
Last night I asked jeannie what is the derivative of x squared and got 2 x. Thanks to some help from wolfram.
Then I asked "what is the stock price of IBM divided by the stock price of Dell." I chuckled to myself while I waited but it came up with the correct answer.

I'm now reading that speaktoit is 'the app to get so it's also going on my list.
I remember playing with ELIZA back in the day. And then there was the whole aibo/pleo craze. I like the idea of 'training' an AI that could do more than roll over and fetch your slippers.

Update: I wanted to work on jeannie for at least a week before trying anything else. Unfortunately, when I told it to speak in chinese, it doesn't know English and I don't know chinese so I uninstalled it to start fresh. I decided to check out speaktoit and it was clearly subpar. Sam really is as dumb as she looks. The only good thing about it is that you can also type in your response. I dumped that and now back to a fresh and clean jeannie.

One cool thing about jeannie is that you can play an Akinator-like game with it except you can think up any thing. Jeannie is worth the fuss just for this game!
smart keyboard app 1.5 mb themes paid only gets rid of a little thing saying to get rid of this get the paid version it cost 3 $ but i have the free

ohh and help me with my phone below i am no spam
Not sure. When you install and it says you are now ad free, reboot your phone. That's what I had to do and the ads magically disappeared.:cool:

It did not blocked market links which are in form of ads in few apps, but it did blocked the advertisement. it it working the same way for you?
My new favorite launcher - Nova Launcher (only works on ICS)

just wanted to jump in here and say that Go launcher Pro does all these same things and it works on GB. thanks guys
btw "Go" apps are my fave apps right now
found one last night most impressive called zMooth Lite
it basically puts a gesture bar at the bottom of ur screen that you can customize the size of(when i first downloaded i was so mad cuz it was huge and covered up all my docking bar..but you can make it smaller..mine works perfect now)
basically gestures control menu,home,and back buttons...you can add more with the paid version...havent done that yet but its on the list of things to do..let me know if this is a kewl app for you guys as well..ps this one was gotten of SlideME market...but still awesome...i dont know if its in google market yet? also would be something worth knowing
Note: most of these apps are free, at least for their basic versions (which are themselves very functional). Have at it!

App access

Circle launcher - I keep this on my home screen for all of the apps that I might like to keep close at hand. Very attractive and highly functional.
SwipePad - Set up a hotspot on your screen and you can call up a grid of 12 apps to access from anywhere on your phone. There are several paid-for extras (for example to expand the number of apps on the grid from 12), of which I've only bought the AppLauncher, which lets you appoint the app drawer from one of the grid spots.

Airdroid - Many others have talked about it and it is a great app. Essentially performs a similar role to Samsung's "Kies Air", which lets you control various of your phone's functions from your computer over the wi-fi network.
aTimer - A grid of 15 configurable timers and stopwatches. You can label each individually too, if you like.

aCalendar - A nice, clean and well-laid-out calendar app. I now use it in preference to HTC's built-in one. The developer seems to have put a lot continued work and thought into improving it.

CloudMagic - A centralised search function to trawl through your Google and Twitter accounts. It works well, but doesn't support as many different account types as Greplin (but Greplin doesn't have an android app).
Evi - The best natural-language voice search app (think Siri-alike) I've used so far on Android. It had some initial server connection issues, but they have now been fixed. It doesn't perform voice actions, but it's worth a look.
Google Gesture Search -Allows you to search your phone for contacts, apps or bookmarks by drawing figures on the screen. You can activate it by turning the phone over and back again (although this drains the battery faster).

Glympse - Location sharing done right. Share your location for a user-determined period of time or until you reach a set destination. Your location can be sent out to phone numbers, email addresses and even Facebook. Highly recommended.

Actionsnap - Lets you turn your phone into one of those Lomography cameras with multiple lenses that puts multiple images on the same frame. It makes for some pretty cool effects.
Pano - A great app for making panoramas - the stitching on this is excellent. My Sensation hasn't got an upgrade to ICS yet, so I don't know how this compares to the stock panorama utility on Android 4.0
Photo Calendar - I find scrolling through all of my photos to find the most recent ones annoying, so this organises your shots by day. Very useful and well presented.

ReadItLater - I send so many things from either my Twitter feed or Google Reader to this. It saves article-style pages to your phone and to their website (which also has Firefox and Chrome add-ons available, so you can sync a bunch of different pages for later reading easily). It cleans up the layout, removes ads and gives you just what you want. Pretty much perfect.
Spool - Similar to ReaditLater (above), but for richer media like videos, etc. Not as fast, for obvious reasons, and the layout work isn't quite as good. However, the app is relatively new and they're still working on it, so it's worth a try.
Sensor Music Player - It allows you to use various of your phone's sensors to control your music's playback. Extremely cool.
Youtube Remote - Lets you control your Youtube viewing on your laptop or other screen from your phone or tablet.

Just a few more of my favorites. I am definitely a file manager and information junky, so for those who are in the same boat:

X-plore File Manager. There are several file managers I like and everyone has their favorites, but this had definitely become my favorite and I'm still learning things it will do. This is a dual pane file manager. I have the Rezound and I have the internal SD card showing on one pane, and the external SD on the other. I just finger flip from one pane to the other to view them, or use the different functions and I don't think there are any functions it doesn't have. The operation buttons are in the middle between panes and you can configure them however you want. I'm stock and not rooted, but it looks like it would be very handy for those who are rooted. I haven't found anything I can't do with this and I'll be interested in comments from others who try it. No, I'm not the developer, I just really like this file manager and don't remember seeing it mentioned before. It's free, but I'd pay to have it.


System Panel App/Task Manager
. Turn it on and you can let it run for a few hours, or days if you really want to know what's accessing your processor and using your battery. While turned on, it seems to use very little of my phone's resources itself and some of the info I got was surprising. I only use it occasionally now, usually after installing new apps to check on them. I'm linking the free version, but as usual, I pay for apps I like to support the developers and the paid version of this is $2.99. Well worth it if you're another info junky.


Just decided to throw this file manger in since it's by the developer of System Panel.
FX File Explorer. It's still in Beta, but definitely shows a lot of promise if you'd like to check it out.


AppXplore. This is by Sony Ericsson Developer World and will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about your individual apps. I'm sure there are other apps that will probably give you this info, but this one doesn't try to do everything, or anything other than give you a lot of info about the apps you have on your phone.


That's the last of the Information category for now. These next few are among my daily favorites.

Listables. This has many uses and I use this all of the time. Want to make a QR code of just about anything on your phone? This is your app. Share one, or all contacts, songs, or whatever you want with others. I use it frequently just to back up about everything on my phone and email it to myself for a quick re-instal if I do a factory reset. This is the free version, but the $2.00 donation is a bargain.


While you're at it, check out Pocket Permissions by the same developer. This gives a good explanation of the different permissions if you're interested in learning about them. It does a few other things also, but the information about permissions alone is worth the $1.99 and will help support this developer.


Any.DO. I've had a lot of to do apps, and this one has become my favorite. Seems simple and easy to use, but does much more than I originally thought. I've tried to explain some of what it will do, but it does so much it's hard to give a short description. It is now my one stop, go to app for everything from my grocery list to appointment reminders. It will also pop up a phone notification if you want it to.


aCalendar. This calendar was definitely mentioned earlier and although Business Calendar is my favorite, I do use aCalendar because it has the best week view I've seen. It's still a work in progress, but it has been getting frequent updates and improvements, so I'll give it another plug. Sorry, I don't remember who originally posted this, but thanks.


Sorry, I'm sure that probably some, or all of these have been mentioned before, but they're all worth another mention.
Just a few more of my favorites. I am definitely a file manager and information junky, so for those who are in the same boat:

X-plore File Manager. There are several file managers I like and everyone has their favorites, but this had definitely become my favorite and I'm still learning things it will do. This is a dual pane file manager. I have the Rezound and I have the internal SD card showing on one pane, and the external SD on the other. I just finger flip from one pane to the other to view them, or use the different functions and I don't think there are any functions it doesn't have. The operation buttons are in the middle between panes and you can configure them however you want. I'm stock and not rooted, but it looks like it would be very handy for those who are rooted. I haven't found anything I can't do with this and I'll be interested in comments from others who try it. No, I'm not the developer, I just really like this file manager and don't remember seeing it mentioned before. It's free, but I'd pay to have it.


System Panel App/Task Manager
. Turn it on and you can let it run for a few hours, or days if you really want to know what's accessing your processor and using your battery. While turned on, it seems to use very little of my phone's resources itself and some of the info I got was surprising. I only use it occasionally now, usually after installing new apps to check on them. I'm linking the free version, but as usual, I pay for apps I like to support the developers and the paid version of this is $2.99. Well worth it if you're another info junky.


Just decided to throw this file manger in since it's by the developer of System Panel.
FX File Explorer. It's still in Beta, but definitely shows a lot of promise if you'd like to check it out.


AppXplore. This is by Sony Ericsson Developer World and will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about your individual apps. I'm sure there are other apps that will probably give you this info, but this one doesn't try to do everything, or anything other than give you a lot of info about the apps you have on your phone.


That's the last of the Information category for now. These next few are among my daily favorites.

Listables. This has many uses and I use this all of the time. Want to make a QR code of just about anything on your phone? This is your app. Share one, or all contacts, songs, or whatever you want with others. I use it frequently just to back up about everything on my phone and email it to myself for a quick re-instal if I do a factory reset. This is the free version, but the $2.00 donation is a bargain.


While you're at it, check out Pocket Permissions by the same developer. This gives a good explanation of the different permissions if you're interested in learning about them. It does a few other things also, but the information about permissions alone is worth the $1.99 and will help support this developer.


Any.DO. I've had a lot of to do apps, and this one has become my favorite. Seems simple and easy to use, but does much more than I originally thought. I've tried to explain some of what it will do, but it does so much it's hard to give a short description. It is now my one stop, go to app for everything from my grocery list to appointment reminders. It will also pop up a phone notification if you want it to.


aCalendar. This calendar was definitely mentioned earlier and although Business Calendar is my favorite, I do use aCalendar because it has the best week view I've seen. It's still a work in progress, but it has been getting frequent updates and improvements, so I'll give it another plug. Sorry, I don't remember who originally posted this, but thanks.


Sorry, I'm sure that probably some, or all of these have been mentioned before, but they're all worth another mention.

Any.Do and aCalendar are both great - I use them extensively. I'll check out SystemPanel; I could do with seeing exactly what drains my battery.
I've started using Simple Calendar Widget, as my primary calendar app (I use aCalendar) doesn't have a 4x1 widget. This widget looks great, is relatively customisable and, as if that weren't enough, it lets you link to your replacement calendar. That's such a helpful feature for me, as the HTC calendar is so much heavier than aCalendar.

Highly recommended.
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