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Do you have your thunderbolt rooted? What are the benefits of rooting over just doing an update like this?

I personally held off on rooting for a while, as this thing flies and (as far as I'm concerned) doesn't NEED to be overclocked... However, I finally went for it due to battery life. Having the ability to underclock/undervolt the CPU in certain situations (screen off, lower battery %, etc.) has done wonders for my battery. I understand (as I think some people tend to forget) that we aren't just carrying around phones anymore, these things are amazing little computers. I understand that if I continuously use my phone for a few hours, I WILL run through my battery. However, if my phone is idle (screen off), I want the processor to get its rest. Custom kernels and ROMs (along with programs like setCPU) do a much better job of this than the stock kernel. This was the main reason I, personally, rooted. My .02
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I personally held off on rooting for a while, as this thing flies and (as far as I'm concerned) doesn't NEED to be overclocked... However, I finally went for it due to battery life. Having the ability to underclock/undervolt the CPU in certain situations (screen off, lower battery %, etc.) has done wonders for my battery. I understand (as I think some people tend to forget) that we aren't just carrying around phones anymore, these things are amazing little computers. I understand that if I continuously use my phone for a few hours, I WILL run through my battery. However, if my phone is idle (screen off), I want the processor to get its rest. Custom kernels and ROMs (along with programs like setCPU) do a much better job of this than the stock kernel. This was the main reason I, personally, rooted. My .02

x2 all the way!:)
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Haha, I was right there with you on the Eris. Couldn't wait I guess. Not that it mattered much though. The "Leak V1 through 3" worked fine, and I eventually rooted. Think I'll wait for the OTA. Still haven't rooted this thing yet. I haven't really seen a reason to yet personally. It was a neccessity on the Eris, but this phone is fast and responsive as is. Maybe someone can convince me!

bamf 1.5 remix is the reason, new update isnt officiallt confirmed i dont think
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Not sure exactly where this leak came from, but I do recall Adrynalyne and ThatDudeButch, the devs of BAMF saying they had this for a little while but were waiting to get permission to release it.

Permission from whom? I have no idea.

I cant say I noticed much of a difference with battery life. I also went from BAMF to Perfect Storm, back to BAMF 1.5 with the radio enhancement, and I'm slightly overclocked. Basically if there's a difference with battery life I cant say the radio upgrade is the cause..
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Has anyone who has been experiencing loss of data connection tried this update? Did it fix the issue?

This is the BIG questions for allot of us. I know a boatload of t-bolt users that are on the verge of return if this isn't resolved. :mad:

I still experienced the issues of losing data periodically throughout the day. I work in an area that is right outside of 4G service, like maybe five miles away. I ended up locking my phone to just 3G service and it has been rock steady since then. When they expand 4G to my area I will just turn 4G back on. I think when your phone is close enough to 4G to taste it, it will try to drop 3G to grab 4G, but fails and reverts back to 3G. Hence the loss of data.
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I still experienced the issues of losing data periodically throughout the day. I work in an area that is right outside of 4G service, like maybe five miles away. I ended up locking my phone to just 3G service and it has been rock steady since then. When they expand 4G to my area I will just turn 4G back on. I think when your phone is close enough to 4G to taste it, it will try to drop 3G to grab 4G, but fails and reverts back to 3G. Hence the loss of data.

1. What are you using to lock in to 3g? LTE ON/OFF or something else?
2. I'm nowhere near 4g (by about 150 miles) and I'm losing data 5 times a day when on 3g.

Not sure how locking in to 3g might help (since I'm already locked in due to nothing else available but....who knows!
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Just installed the non-root version yesterday and all is well in both 3G and 4G LTE areas. Haven't noticed a change in battery life, but it is having less issues getting a signal inside buildings where it was before and the connection is much smoother. Also, the GPS is behaving much better also (Don't have to wait near as long for a lock-on). All-in-all seems to have been a positive upgrade!
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Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! here ya go for the non root ppl! Enjoy! once downloaded place it on ur sdcard and rename it to PG05IMG boot into hboot and itll do the rest...make sure u have a full battery or pretty close after intall erase from sdcard,,

Maybe I am just having a day, but boot into hboot? explain?
I have downloaded and renamed the file PH05IMG.zip via Astro file manager and is in the downloads folder.
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I say sit back and learn everything possible about it before messing with it. I had my Eris for about 8 months before I decided I was ready/comfortable to install leaks, or gain root access.

Agree with the logic, but i am within the 14 days so I just jumped the gun in trying to get this the way i need it to be.

I do appreciate the help, just never been so annoyed with something like this before. I think this phone has a good shot, but my D1 never gave me these troubles. :(
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