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Forum Admin Disabled Tapatalk for Phandroid?

i think i'd like the qr code for that if it is on the market :D

sent from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard using MountainDewCauseIReallyNeededACaffeineBoostThisMorningTalk.
has anyone see that article for the gov's pip-boy esque wrist warn android powered computer?


i dont even really want to think about what crumbs might be in my keyboard, lmao. i eat my lunches at my desk and usually dont take my breaks. hopefully in line for a promotion later this month even with the down economy, been working my ass off for it. :D

sent from my browser on my pc while i use tapatalk on my droid to lurk on xda ;)
damn, was trying to cut and piece a rom together and got stuck in a boot loop...

posted from my computer because even if i could be lurking or posting on other sites using tapatalk on my droid i'm doing a nandroid restore right now.
i had posted but i just didnt feel that i should keep bumping the thread myself trying to keep it alive. on another note it really makes me wonder how XDA has tapatalk still enabled, the people on that site take advantage of every loophole imaginable in software and their site is secure with it enabled still...

sent from paintings on the wall in a cave...
i had posted but i just didnt feel that i should keep bumping the thread myself trying to keep it alive. on another note it really makes me wonder how XDA has tapatalk still enabled, the people on that site take advantage of every loophole imaginable in software and their site is secure with it enabled still...

sent from paintings on the wall in a cave...

I don't think the admins here use other site experiences nearly as much as assessing what's happened here, when deciding what strategies to take having to do with security.
i had posted but i just didnt feel that i should keep bumping the thread myself trying to keep it alive. on another note it really makes me wonder how XDA has tapatalk still enabled, the people on that site take advantage of every loophole imaginable in software and their site is secure with it enabled still...

sent from paintings on the wall in a cave...

i wondered the same my brother
Remember what I said about the real android police vs donut munching mall cops, right?

Frisco, don't you dare post that picture of me again. That was for your eyes only!
Frisco, don't you dare post that picture of me again. That was for your eyes only!

Do you mean this pic?


That's not you, that's Phases, demonstrating the new, high tech Tapatalk replacement.
No, not that one. It also isn't very nice of you to leak classified pictures of Phases there will probably be a congressional inquiry or something.
No, not that one. It also isn't very nice of you to leak classified pictures of Phases there will probably be a congressional inquiry or something.

You're right, of course.

However, when they take the time to mull over the possibilities, perhaps they'll consider that somebody with access to classified pictures is not somebody to mess with. :D
I wonder how much they are going to charge for the AF 'tapatalk' app.

I assume it's going to be free - or at least it should be.
^ How do you know you were targeted (serious question)?

because i was sitting there in their chat as they thought up ways to get me to download the app :P

sent from my eris with super thread necromancy powers (its a special rom im cooking up) ;)
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