Android Expert
The way I see it is that those complaining are those that have paid for a 3rd party app that nowhere on phandroid or AF states that this 3rd party plugin will always be enabled. In purchasing such a 3rd party app you put yourself at the mercy of any forums you use it on discontinuing any support. They have every right to protect their investments in whichever way they deem fit. We are their guests in their house and as such should feel we have the right to dictate how they should decorate or kit it out.
You took the risk and it didn't pay off. Just another lesson learned. Get over it and move on. If the lack of tapatalk results in your lack of posting or defection to another community so be it. Dedicated members who'll stay with AF through thick and thin on the other hand will always be held in high regard. I mean of all those who speak highly of tapatalk, why don't you ask if you maybe involved with a beta test of the new local app. That way your input will make the app better than Tapatalk could be for you here and will be much more productive than whining about it.
Hmm, not quite sure I am whining or complaining about it being pulled but more questioning the reasons given for it being pulled. Forgive me but my profession is data analyst, I analyze things when they are put in front of me.
Phases posts on 7/14 that effective immediately due to security flaws Tapatalk support is being pulled from AndroidForums.
In Phases own post he links to the exploit forum discussion on the Tapatalk website where they say the exploit was fixed on 6/26, 19 days before support was pulled from AndroidForums.
My point is that its quite obvious the fix was made prior to it ever being reported on Android Forums, and it was made quite a bit of time before it was decided that support for Tapatalk would be pulled "for member safety". If the exploit was secured on 6/26 why pull it for security concerns on 7/14?
I'm certainly not going to leave because support was pulled but to me the explanation given doesn't make sense.