I'm just curious as to what the issue appears to be with the thought of free health care, it is something that I am very proud that we have over here in the UK.
Now I know it's not strictly free as it's our taxes that pay for it, but personally I prefer this notion, the idea that if I'm sick be it a serious bug, injured playing sport or even walking the street and falling, I know that I can arrive at a hospital a&e and will be treated, with no worries of filling out insurance claim forms or if I can afford it or not.....this goes for anyone on this island if you arrive legally or not!
I realise that yet again things are different in the states, but I know that Obama has a policy that is trying to deliver more affordable health care and that this has its many critics, from a British point of view I don't understand where the problems lie, is it the way he is going about it, or is it the notion of giving away medical care free to those who may not have paid any taxes etc?
Don't get me wrong, our system has many issues, but the core principle of being treated stays the same! We also have private hospitals available and many people use these through company benefits etc, but the nhs is still available to all.