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Froyo 2.2 Overhyped?

Pretty sure that's required for GMail to get instant notifications.

Others report email updates not immediate without it - immediate with it, as in instant message immediate.

You can't uninstall it, but I don't think it has to be running. Checked after I read your post, and if it's running now, it's well hidden.

I *could* be wrong, but I don't think so.
I got 6-7 hours tops on 2.1.

With Froyo:

I think what really happened is they over hyped froyo in general. But I'm very happy with this update.
I don't get the complaints about the 2.2 update not matching their expectations. Where did some of you guys get these fabricated expectations from? At no point was there any promise of huge UI changes or anything like that. As a matter of fact there was even a long list of the main parts of the update for the Evo on damn near every Evo forum. Where were the complaints then? I could see if the update promised changes like going from Hero 1.5 to 2.1 But there was no such promise. I really do think people were expecting some Minority Report type shit from their phone with this update. We were promised a large gain in performance, finally full flash, better camera and video quality (even though H.264 doesn't work with 720P :\ ), market enhancements, new widgets, app to SD option, Cloud based service aka Chrome To Android which is the ****ing SHIIIITT, just to name a short few ALL of which we got. At no time were there promises of huge changes in UI or off the wall type new options. I really do apologize if I came off like a **** (which I may have) but I really am not trying to be a ****. I think the 2.2 update was definitely a nice improvement over 2.1. I still find new things to be happy about the update. Just sit back and enjoy your 2.2 Evo... Android 3.0 will carry a lot of expectations. THAT'S when we can feel either disappointment or complete utter happiness. Just my $.02
What people dont seem to realize is that this is not a major software revision like the people on Samsung Moments/Heros that went from 1.5/1.6 to 2.1.

1.x to 2.x is a Major revision

2.1 to 2.2 is a rather minor revision. The number of enhancements in this revision is actually quite impressive for even a single minor revision, but that's really up to the developers.

People seem to have expected 2.2 to have a drastically different look and feel, but its still 2.x... In 6-12 months people wont even refer to 2.1 and 2.2 separately anymore, we'll be running 3.0 (hopefully on the Evo, but we'll see if it gets the update) and be referring to 2.2 or 2.1 in the lump like I did before, as 2.x...

Think about it this way: This is an Android "Service Pack"... Did Windows XP change in look between Win XP, SP1, SP2 or SP3? No. Did it gain additional functionality? Yes, quite a lot. However, in the Major release between Windows XP and Windows Vista did you see a Visual difference? Yes. And the version of Windows went from 5.1.2600 to 6.0... Wanna know why Windows 7 looks so much like Windows Vista? Windows 7 is version 6.1... Chew that over.

SO: For a minor software revision, we received a 5-6x performance boost, the rather major addition (and first mobile addition) of full Flash 10.1 capability, Bluetooth voice dialing, as well as a few other goodies. Its proper for a minor revision.

But hey, if you want to stick with 2.1 and have no chance at an update, go get yourself a Samsung Moment or HTC Hero and stick with your terrible performance and lack of real Flash.

I'm just sayin...
I must admit. I am one of them people that thought this was gonna be Big! This is my first andriod phone and when I got this in june i joined a couple forums and from there all I heard about was Froyo. So why would I not expect something big.
Pretty sure that's required for GMail to get instant notifications.

Others report email updates not immediate without it - immediate with it, as in instant message immediate.

That could explain something I noticed peripherally. Sometimes my BB would get my gmail before my evo. I don't leave gtalk on.

Since it was a few posts above, I can say I just did a copy from gmail. just a long press on the word (in my case a tracking number).
not in Gmail app.

BTW - 2.2 is what it is... some real nice tweaks to an awesome phone. I hope EVO eventually gets 3.0 and that blows our socks off.

that's an app issue, not an Evo issue. it works in the stock app. some 3rd party single client apps fall short to be sure. tried corresponding with the dev?
That could explain something I noticed peripherally. Sometimes my BB would get my gmail before my evo. I don't leave gtalk on.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, and no disrespect is intended to EarlyMon (we're all only human, after all), but I'm positive Gtalk running has nothing to do with GMail being pushed.

I've checked Running Applications, Battery Usage, and opened System Panel, and none of those show Talk running. To test, I opened Talk, unchecked Login Automatically (had no idea it was checked to begin with), rebooted and sent myself a test email from a different account on my laptop. It popped up on my phone about 10 seconds later.
I like the fact that it's faster, but so not what I was expecting. People talked about Froyo like it was gonna change the life of smartphones. It's a bust. Not to mention all the apps I have are not showing in the market anymore.
I like the fact that it's faster, but so not what I was expecting. People talked about Froyo like it was gonna change the life of smartphones. It's a bust. Not to mention all the apps I have are not showing in the market anymore.

Just go to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications and select Market. Hit 'Clear Data' and 'Clear Cache'. Open Market again, accept the license and it will correctly refresh your downloads.

LOL@ "people were talking like it was gonna change the life of smartphones"..
And you believed them???????????
Just go to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications and select Market. Hit 'Clear Data' and 'Clear Cache'. Open Market again, accept the license and it will correctly refresh your downloads.

LOL@ "people were talking like it was gonna change the life of smartphones"..
And you believed them???????????

You must do clear cache first. If you hit clear data, it masks clear cache. I did this...now my battery is out. About to connect again. Did I believe them you ask...well, I didnt know what to expect. Froyo was hyped like my phone would print money afterwards. Aside from being faster, i'm not impressed. I rarely access the web from my phone. I am always somewhere I can jump on a PC.

Phone back in order and those mentioned apps are NOT available for me. WTF!
Doesn't this update unlock the full 512 RAM? I should be getting 256+ MB free but I only get about 128 with practically everything closed, which is only slightly higher than what I was getting on 2.1.
The 2.2 upgrade (i.e. JIT) should help improve CPU bound operations, but most stuff you do on the EVO isn't CPU bound.

The one area where the evo is still CPU bound is surfing the web, does anyone have any way of doing some 2.1 to 2.2 comparisons of web surfing on the EVO (hopefully over a consistent wifi connection)?
You must do clear cache first. If you hit clear data, it masks clear cache. I did this...now my battery is out. About to connect again. Did I believe them you ask...well, I didnt know what to expect. Froyo was hyped like my phone would print money afterwards. Aside from being faster, i'm not impressed. I rarely access the web from my phone. I am always somewhere I can jump on a PC.

Phone back in order and those mentioned apps are NOT available for me. WTF!

did you try a battery pull to get those market apps back?
might help

Also, don't forget you DO have more GB's, and "the wifi's"...
haha just be happy that we got the release before verizon! its a start for sprint in the right direction.

battery life still isn't what I expected, but seriously, what other platform supports flash 10.1. technology has come a long way since the zach morris "saved by the bell" cell phone days. haha
let me see...

value = benefit / cost

benefit = x more than not at all
x = .0001 to billion (what ever you think is right)
cost = $0 (if you paid for the update, call the police!)

so .....
x/$0 = infinity
value = $infinity

yeah... i see it is not worth it! :rolleyes: :p
I can get to multiple google calendars (personal and google apps ones) as well as copy text in the Gmail app. That plus Flash makes me happy.
Cloud based service aka Chrome To Android which is the ****ing SHIIIITT

No kidding. I LOVE this. Froyo is awesome. Being able to push web sites from my PC to my EVO in a matter of seconds is really cool. I was doing this last night for about an hour:)
Just waiting to be able to cut & paste in Gmail...


ps: my flippin' Treo 700wx could do that... amazing how many simple little things Treo's did that our hot new phones don't. Love my EVO though.

gmail app: menu, more, select text. as soon as you select it it copies it, nothing else needs to be done.

i like the screen rotation. i can rotate the screen any way i want but completly upside down. really nice when laying in bed and my charger is off to the left. the auto rotation of the camera is great as well. the video is much better as well. this of course is ontop of the great responsiveness it has now.

i'm sure if we didn't have sense the look would be much different but since we are stuck with sense don't expect a whole big difference.
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