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Help Froyo 3G problems

Interesting thing is I have to do option 2 every time I reboot the phone. No matter, my warranty replacement came in today. Maybe it won't have THIS issue....we shall see.
That's good information to know. It could well be an issue with VZW's towers that is caused by them pushing the update. All I know is the screen on this refurb does not look nearly as nice as the screen on my first phone. That bugs me more than anything.
I've had this problem since July. It really started for me with the leaked 2.05 radio update when I upgraded to Froyo. My phone was fine before that with the 1.x radio. There must be a certain set of conditions that have to exist for the problem to appear, because it doesn't happen to everyone. I personally think that the 2.x radio code has a bug that only pops up under certain conditions. I've tried driving around to different cell tower areas, but I still have the problem. I've spent hours of my time troubleshooting this (as a non-developer). I think they could probably fix this with an update to the code at their end (the towers)...but I'm only guessing at this point because I'm not in Verizon's technical loop. :)
Everywhere that this has happened to me APPEARS at this point to be an area of extremely weak and/or no signal at all. I'm going to keep watching it to try to nail it down.
I experienced the 3G loss once, while still running 2.1. Called VZW support and was instructed to power down, remove battery, reinstall battery after 30 seconds, and power back on. That cured the problem. It has not recurred.
After updating to 2.2 when I restart my phone 3G doesn't come back up until I restart it again. Then it's fine. If I goto settings Mobile Connection says turning on.... and its grayed out and never changes. Anyone else having issues with 3G connecting after upgrading?
i had the same problem and did the same thing which also worked for me

It only works because *228 reboots the phone. If you turn the phone off and on a couple of times on your own, I'll bet the problem comes back. I think I'm just going to bite the bullet, do the research and downgrade back to 2.1. My phone worked at 2.1.
Everywhere that this has happened to me APPEARS at this point to be an area of extremely weak and/or no signal at all. I'm going to keep watching it to try to nail it down.

I've had it in areas of strong signal and I've had it in several areas of town. I've done testing on my own all over town and can replicate the problem pretty much everywhere I go.
I have ota, same issue. Turn phone off then back on, more than once Ive had no 3G. Usually turning off then back on again seems to fix it.
I have ota, same issue. Turn phone off then back on, more than once Ive had no 3G. Usually turning off then back on again seems to fix it.

You can try toggling airplane mode as that sometimes works for me. It's stupid that we have to do use these workarounds for something that should just work. 3G is a vital part of the phone. It should just work.
Didnt work.

I also had issues after my first Factory Reset, after OTA and things acting funny. When I did the first *228 to activate the phone I got an error and had to try again several time until it worked. Finally I got it activated and wanted to do the *228 option 2 (update roaming) and it just wouldnt update. It would dial the number then "unlock SPL" then nothing. After a while it said "update failed contact customer support". I called CS and of course they had no idea what to say except take it to a store. I asked if another Factory Reset would help they said they didnt know and take it to a store.

I ended up doing another Factory Reset and was able to do the *228 option 1 then option 2. It was slow, but it worked finally.
I don't believe it...I think VZW finally fixed me! *228 option 2 fixed my 3G connectivity issue! I've only done this about 2 dozen times in the past with no success. But this time it worked! Joy joy joy! I've rebooted my phone 7 times now and 3G hasn't failed to return yet. I hope it stays that way. Now I can stop my incessant complaining...it's about time! :p
Same problem for me -- I wasn't able to get google maps to load and it turned out to be the data connection wasn't working. Had to restart. Is there a fix?
A number of people have had this issue. For the most part toggling the network in some fashion usually works, at least temporarily. ( though for at least one this did not work. )

Q: Has anyone with this problem NOT touched wifi or any wifi settings since the update?

Reason I ask is I was messing with my wifi settings for a bit, and had this problem with 3G stopping. I had to cycle the network to reconnect. I fiddled with wifi some more, and it has been connected perfectly again since. I will be trying to replicate this again, and actually note what all I do, as perhaps it has something to do with WiFi causing 3G to time out.
ive tried it all. no luck. soft reset. hard reset. option 1, option 2, reboots. airplane mode toggle. when i first got 2.2 it messed my calling up, tech support fixed that by having me manually program it. they told me the internet program is a "provisioning" issue which should "fix itself within an hour". no luck.
ive tried it all. no luck. soft reset. hard reset. option 1, option 2, reboots. airplane mode toggle. when i first got 2.2 it messed my calling up, tech support fixed that by having me manually program it. they told me the internet program is a "provisioning" issue which should "fix itself within an hour". no luck.

Have you used wifi, or changed any wifi settings? ( I'm trying to find out if these 2 things are related. )
A number of people have had this issue. For the most part toggling the network in some fashion usually works, at least temporarily. ( though for at least one this did not work. )

Q: Has anyone with this problem NOT touched wifi or any wifi settings since the update?

Reason I ask is I was messing with my wifi settings for a bit, and had this problem with 3G stopping. I had to cycle the network to reconnect. I fiddled with wifi some more, and it has been connected perfectly again since. I will be trying to replicate this again, and actually note what all I do, as perhaps it has something to do with WiFi causing 3G to time out.

I don't think the two are related. I've found (on Froyo at least) that wi-fi over rules 3G. If the phone has a wi-fi connection, it won't use 3G for data. That's been my experience at least. I think I may have to downgrade to 2.1, root my phone and void my warranty just to block the 2.2 update.

The replacement phone I got had the same issue. I downgraded it to 2.1 which fixed the problem. The 2.2 update came down. I figured it might be something to do with how I applied the update. So I took the OTA update. The problem came back. In my testing, it has always had to do with 2.2 and I've not had the problem with stock 2.1. I know others have, but I have not.
I'm having the same problem but mine is in and out and sometimes it will show 3g and as soon as I click on something requiring data connection I completely lose my signal not even 1x and sometimes 1x will kick back in. Super annoying yesterday I sat my Incredible next to another one running root and 2.15 radio and it was running 3g perfectly fine. Even tried a race loading a non bookmarked website and the other Incredible loaded it almost 1 minute faster then mine. 1x data is basically useless on the web since it's loading flash and pictures etc... Very frustrating I'm going to try a couple diffrent radio versions today and if it doesn't work I'm calling for a replacment on tuesday

It's very aggervating having such a nice phone and all of a sudden you can't even use data unless connected to wifi. I pretty much don't even use my phone anymore when not connected to wifi because worthless
also, was able to connect to wifi, had a friend root this and turned off some security pop up and root the phone after froyo, if anyone knows what the nam settings should be, let me know, im an amatuer at this, but want my phone back
I had this problem. I called VZW expecting them to not know what to do. My tech told me to take out the battery, then he took my phone completely off the network. He programmed my account to a phone he had there and then re-added my account back to my phone. I re-installed my battery booted my phone and re-programmed it using *228 option 1. The phone restarted and I haven't lost 3g...yet. I even returned to the spot where I first lost 3g and so far it's holding.

NOW: if I could get the weather widget to properly update my location. I read a post where a guy said that HTC knows about this problem and it's with Accuweather finding the location.

The next thing to tackle is the shitty battery life. I installed Battery Left and charged my phone all night. I woke up and turned it on and Battery Left said I have 6 hours.....WTF???? Although, Battery Left isn't fully calibrated yet. I turned the phone off and am trying to bump charge. I just can't believe that the phone uses 6% battery just checking mail and facebook and looking at a few settings!!
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