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Galaxy Nexus or Rezound?

People keep discussing the thickness of the GNex being better than the Rezound. I don't doubt that the GNex will be thinner, but if I recall P3Droid had some pictures of a LTE version of the GNex. It definitely looked thicker than the one shown at the press conference. And, I know that wasn't necessarily the Verizon GNex, but I am assuming we can expect something similar. So the size we do know is 8.94mm and if you add in some thickness for the LTE model I don't think it is ridiculous to assume an extra 3-4mm, putting it not that far behind the 13.65mm of the Rezound. Any thoughts?

No, at most it will likely add 1mm, possibly even less (has this even be corroborated as true yet?). HTC dropped the ball with the thickness on the Rezound.
No, at most it will likely add 1mm, possibly even less (has this even be corroborated as true yet?). HTC dropped the ball with the thickness on the Rezound.

Right. According to info from our credible source in mega thread, LTE Nexus has 1850mAh battery. It's just 100mAh bigger than GSM version. If anything, that would add only ~1mm at most.
It really depends on the person. The average consumer will probably prefer the Rezound for the following reasons:
- Beat Audio
- 1.5GHz vs 1.2GHz
- SD Card slot
- Phone build (feels sturdier. The GNex is mostly plastic and feels a little bit 'fake' to me. Kind of like the Charge.)

Other than beat audio, all that doesn't mean much to average customer if it can last only half the battery time of Nexus. I'm sure Nexus will feel sturdier than Charge with textured surface and metal frame inside.
will verizon let you upgrade after 18 months or something? they got rid of the 1 year contracts which sucks
In the past, Verizon always let you get the 2-year contract discount price, even though you have not completed your 2 year contract. And I assume they will continue that practice. The only thing you will not get is the NE2 discount. But it is only $100. I really do not mind to forgo that $100 to get the phone. I did it last year when I bought the Fascinate. :)
In the past, Verizon always let you get the 2-year contract discount price, even though you have not completed your 2 year contract. And I assume they will continue that practice. The only thing you will not get is the NE2 discount. But it is only $100. I really do not mind to forgo that $100 to get the phone. I did it last year when I bought the Fascinate. :)

Don't know when you used your NE2 discount last, but it hasn't been $100 for a while. Try $30! Two upgrades ago it was $100, then it went to $50. I currently have a NE2 coming up in February (that I'm probably not going to use, because I want to get SGN right away) and that one is only $30. They've since quit the NE2 program, so it doesn't exist anymore for new contracts or upgrades.

They also had a program where you could get a new device after 1 year for the 2-year contract price if you renewed. I asked last time I was in there and they said that I am eligible for the annual upgrade, but that they've quit that program as well.

I don't know if they're moving the annual upgrade to the NE2 time slot (20 months into a 24 month contract) and not offering any additional discounts, or if they've phased out both and now you have to ride out the full 2 years to get a new device on 2-yr pricing or what?
Other than beat audio, all that doesn't mean much to average customer if it can last only half the battery time of Nexus. I'm sure Nexus will feel sturdier than Charge with textured surface and metal frame inside.

They will see beats and buy the phone. But again just becuase its beats != good.
Seriously ....how can anyone defend the thickness of the Rezound?

That thing is an absolute beast, its way to thick for a phone these days.

And for those stating how ICS will work and look on this phone ...come on, nobody knows that info...not even HTC
I think for me it comes down to 2 things: battery life and updates. The nexus will get the latest updates right away, but if you do not care or are ok with rooting then you can have updates almost as fast on the rezound. I think both will be good phones and can't go wrong with either.
I love HTC. Im not tired of their styling at all. What I am tired of is the battery life on most of their phones. I have little hope in the rezounds battery life with HD display, 4.3 inch screen, dual core, sense, and LTE. Battery is bigger on the GN. Stock android, super amoled (I believe that's a battery saver) and...well, those 3 reasons are why I feel the gn will have better battery life. But if neither make it easily through the day, I wont hesitate to pass on both.(not really interested in the razr.)
I love HTC. Im not tired of their styling at all. What I am tired of is the battery life on most of their phones. I have little hope in the rezounds battery life with HD display, 4.3 inch screen, dual core, sense, and LTE. Battery is bigger on the GN. Stock android, super amoled (I believe that's a battery saver) and...well, those 3 reasons are why I feel the gn will have better battery life. But if neither make it easily through the day, I wont hesitate to pass on both.(not really interested in the razr.)

Sense is a battery hog. It is funny that once you remove sense battery increases tremendously. Maybe htc should go stock and quit with the battery hog sense. Then I would be back on the htc bus. Until then, with the battery issues they have I will pass.
The Sense UI on HTC seems to be serious resource hog bogging down the performance of phone. Just look at benchmarks of Amaze 4G vs SGSII on T-mobile or Vivid vs SGSII skyrocket on AT&T. They are all using the same Qualcomm dual core snapdragon, but HTC phones score way lower than Samsung phones with TW 4.0. If HTC simply drops or minimizes the Sense on their phones, they can probably extract more performance and battery life.
The Sense UI on HTC seems to be serious resource hog bogging down the performance of phone. Just look at benchmarks of Amaze 4G vs SGSII on T-mobile or Vivid vs SGSII skyrocket on AT&T. They are all using the same Qualcomm dual core snapdragon, but HTC phones score way lower than Samsung phones with TW 4.0. If HTC simply drops or minimizes the Sense on their phones, they can probably extract more performance and battery life.

They should just drop sense and let google handle the UI and htc can worry about the hardware.
OG Droid Incredible user here.

The Droid Incredible is my first smartphone (technically second; I originally got the Motorola Devour--perhaps the worst decision in my life) experience...and I love it. HTC really stands behind its tagline of, 'Quietly Brilliant'. Immediately out of the box that's what I thought. I was overly impressed with the design, responsiveness, and HTC Sense. I could not put the phone down for the first 12 hours, and after almost 2 years of owning the device, there are only minor scratches and worn areas on the phone. I've treated this phone like I do my vehicle. Its been good to me, and I've been good to it.

When I heard the announcement for the HTC Thunderbolt I immediately thought, "Man. This is going to be the Incredible on steroids," but much to my surprise it was the opposite. There wasn't much of a difference between the two devices unless you count 3G and 4G, but given its battery life, I didn't find it a worthy investment or upgrade. Then the Incredible 2 rolled out. I couldn't believe it. Here I thought, "THIS is my next upgrade! The phone I love got a sequel!" But again, I wasn't at all impressed with the features of the phone. There were marginal differences between the two devices and it contained no 4G chip, so I decided to pass on it as well. A few months back I got antsy. The Droid Bionic, Droid Charge...none of these interested me. Then I came across a device called the HTC Vigor. Finally, I said to myself, "Yeah. This is it. This is the one! Finally. A worthy upgrade from my beloved Incredible!"

Then the news of a 'Nexus Prime' filtered in.

Prior to getting the Incredible, I originally wanted the Nexus that was suppose to come to Verizon. Considering how much I despise TouchWiz, I was convinced that I would not be getting a Samsung device. If I had to put up with a skin, it was going to be the brilliantly designed HTC Sense that I've grown accustomed to...but this 'Nexus Prime' was rumored to be different, to be the 'Pure Google Experience.' The more I followed it, the more interested I became. What I saw was more than an Android device. It was the next line of defense against the iCraze. It was the next step in smartphone evolution. It was the Galaxy Nexus.

Ever since then I've retired my desire for the (now) HTC Rezound. Looking at the design of the device, Sense 3.5, and some other features I realize that this still isn't much of a difference from my Incredible. Don't get me wrong. The Rezound's specs and features are pretty amazing, but I was looking for HTC to do something far more brilliant with Sense and the phone's design; and while Beats by Dre is great, it almost appears too gimmicky. I also failed to mention a disappointment I've found with HTC, and that is updates. The Droid Incredible community went through painful waiting periods for Froyo and Gingerbread. When rumored news that HTC 'discontinued' future updates for the Incredible I knew right then and there I did not want to put up with that type of service anymore. One of the other reasons I'm hopping on the GNex is because the devices are first in line to get OS Updates. There's no waiting for the developer to tear their skin apart and modify it for the update, which then causes delays. We get it and the phone still works as intended.

But hey. This is what is so brilliant about Android and its devices. We have options. We aren't given a single model and are forced to wait a year for the next one. If the Galaxy Nexus is too large, there are 14 other options you have to chose from. If you don't like MotoBlur, Samsung, HTC, and LG have other phones (of the same caliber) for you to chose from. Android gives us the opportunity to chose a device that best suits you the individual consumer.

So whichever device best suits your personal needs and desires, go with that one!
Software-wise, the Rezound is not launching with ICS, and since its customized by HTC and Verizon, it will likely be slow to get updates in the future.

Hardware-wise, why are high-end phones still being launched without NFC? And are the Rezound's menu buttons "static"? I can't tell. That's a problem with the Droid Razr - whenever gets ICS, you'll still be stuck with static menu buttons.

I'll still be going with the Galaxy Nexus.
Right now, I'm leaning towards the Rezound. I don't mind adding what will likely be about 3.5mm of thickness for nearly a full cm smaller length. It's really no thicker than the T-Bolt and the tapered back will make it feel even thinner just like the Incredible 2 (which is 12mm thick but feels nowhere near that thick). I also like having a removable SDcard slot and love the red accents. The beats headphones included are also a big plus considering the cheapest beats headphones you can get retail cost $100.

The processors are both plenty fast in my view and they both have 1g of ram. And which one has the better screen is really a matter of opinion. SLCD will be crisper and probably have a warmer color hue, which I actually prefer since I watch a lot of video on my phone. In terms of build quality, I've never been particularly impressed with samsung. Maybe the GNex will be different.

To me the big GNex advantage is ICS. But really, as long as my phone can play my HD movies and music without any hiccups, allow me to check my corp. email, run my Gapps, browse and download at 4G speeds, and play angry birds, I'll be okay without ICS for a few months.
Right now, I'm leaning towards the Rezound. I don't mind adding what will likely be about 3.5mm of thickness for nearly a full cm smaller length. It's really no thicker than the T-Bolt and the tapered back will make it feel even thinner just like the Incredible 2 (which is 12mm thick but feels nowhere near that thick). I also like having a removable SDcard slot and love the red accents. The beats headphones included are also a big plus considering the cheapest beats headphones you can get retail cost $100.

The processors are both plenty fast in my view and they both have 1g of ram. And which one has the better screen is really a matter of opinion. SLCD will be crisper and probably have a warmer color hue, which I actually prefer since I watch a lot of video on my phone. In terms of build quality, I've never been particularly impressed with samsung. Maybe the GNex will be different.

To me the big GNex advantage is ICS. But really, as long as my phone can play my HD movies and music without any hiccups, allow me to check my corp. email, run my Gapps, browse and download at 4G speeds, and play angry birds, I'll be okay without ICS for a few months.

I would put battery life up there higher than anything, and htc has been awful with that which is why this is off my list unless it has amazing battery life which i doubt it will since it has such a small battery. not to mention sense is such a battery hog.
Personally (and I know you'll all think less of me for saying this), I've always loved sense. I had it on my Incredible for two months until I gave it back to Verizon for the Droid X. Loved the droid X, missed the sense.

At this point, I'd have to say I'm going with the Nexus because HTC batteries in the Verizon packages are too small and because in the last year and a half, I've become a voracious modder. I'd like to take a look at the HTC when it comes out, though.

Right now? We're in a win-win-win situation. Four great phones debuting at the same time. It's a win for the Verizon customer. Yes, I include the iPhone as a great phone, even though I think without 4g, it's so "yesterday." ;)
Does Beats greatly enhance the audio quality of songs?

Does Samsung have any decent music software to enhance quality?
Here is a good comparison for the 2 for dimensions and display:



pretty solid review:

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