Trouble Just Finds Me!
So I was going to catch up on everything I missed since last night. But now with the smell of bacon wafting through the house, I'm too lazy.
just to brag, tonight's dinner menu:
lamb shanks
brussel sprouts with bacon and mushrooms
yellow and red potatoes smashed style
^^^^ best boyfriend ever^^^^
I'm going to retry all my Rezound business tonight, hopefully I can get it all figured out before Sunday!
Gnex is very happy. I took it off the charger last night before bed around 10p and it's only now at 20% battery! I'm loving the extended battery!
Oh and for BB - I got a 2.94 average this semester2 C's a B+ and an A! Not bad for never going to class
(and turning in things late, and flat out not turning things in!)
Well damn. Impressive grades and scrumptious dinner.