Android Expert
Although I wish this was truly a bug (cuz if it is it can be fixed,) I don't know if I believe this is a problem unless it's an intermittent one. When I'm home using my phone moderately (wifi/3G, phone calls, no games and limited Phandroid app) I get 20+ hours out of my batteries.Franco (on his kernel page) says when you first boot up the phone, open the camera first and then close it. Supposedly the sensor is staying open, which drains the battery. The Nexus S had the same problem.
When I'm using the phone heavy it drops dramatically to single digits. If the battery drain was from the camera bug it would drain the battery even during my moderate use.
I don't know if the Phandroid app itself is the culprit, or rather is it simply the fact I'm running the display so much more when I'm using it. I'm guessing using the browser would drain the battery just as much as the app. I can do a test, but since I'm not in the states it will be over wifi.