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Galaxy Nexus Watering Hole

Any macbook air or pro users here?
I am at the point I want to try something else out. I have even used linux. Heck I have even at one time set up my own webserver (did not last long, however).

I am looking at a macbook either air or pro (probably air) just for something different. One of the things about apple is how lawsuit happy they are. Have they gone as far as putting this in their EULA, "While owning a mac, one shall not use, think about, work on, or smell PCs, or talk to PC users"? :eek: :rolleyes:

I was a long-time mac-user (not as long as many here, I suppose), from the Powerbook Titanium through Intel macs. After the iPhone came out I abandoned Apple. They were making boatloads of cash on iPhones and started ignoring OS X, and now it's really starting to show obviously with Lion.

Apple makes great, beautiful, usable, expensive hardware. I even think they make great software, but it's not as great as it used to be. Windows 7 OTOH is actually passing tolerable, this from a long-time Windows hater.

I'm not going to recommend you go to Linux necessarily, although it sounds like you already have some familiarity. But why go through all the trouble of switching if Windows works but feels kind of 'meh'? Mac OS X won't bring some sort of magic to your computing life. It may just bring a bunch of expense and hassle as you migrate OSes.
So here are my beautiful girls! All pics taken with my Nexus. The no shutter lag has been nice, but let's face it, they're 3 month old puppies, it's hard to get them even in rapid fire mode! I'd say out of 3 quick shots, I usually get 1 good one. These are all taken in very low light.

Adorable pups! Looks like you're starting the one off a bit early on the beer drinkin' though. :D
A bit late to the party, but here I am, with my new Galaxy Nexus sitting on the corner of my desk! :D
Congrats! Did they end up honoring your discount?

LOVE my Yankees...
You might be interested in seeing my background picture. ;)


So here are my battery stats for the day. Stigy, how'd I do? Is my keep awake time concerning?


Adorable pups! Looks like you're starting the one off a bit early on the beer drinkin' though. :D

She's a sassy one!

They are so cute!!


These are some of the last pictures of Lucy and me :)
They all are so different looking for being from the same litter!

Uh oh! They just learned how to go downstairs!


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Any macbook air or pro users here?

I am kind of torn here. I have been pretty much a PC user all my life but I am getting to the point I want to look on the other side of the fence. Several quirks about windows 7 give me a headache, the driver issue I had a few pages back is one main reason. Its not the first time I have had driver issues. The constant antivirus updates, windows updates and spyware are driving me up the wall. I just want to be able to power up my computer and go.

Not to say Macs don't get virus or spyware or updates, I have heard not as often

I am at the point I want to try something else out. I have even used linux. Heck I have even at one time set up my own webserver (did not last long, however).

I am looking at a macbook either air or pro (probably air) just for something different. One of the things about apple is how lawsuit happy they are. Have they gone as far as putting this in their EULA, "While owning a mac, one shall not use, think about, work on, or smell PCs, or talk to PC users"? :eek: :rolleyes:

A macbook would NOT replace my main windows 7 PC, but I may do some android tinkering on it. It would mostly be used as a secondary computer mostly for finances.

If you own a macbook air or pro, I would love to hear how the computer works and how well it will work with your Gnex or other android phones.

Hope this is not too off topic

Long time Apple Addict here since the IIe days. Currently running a Mini Server as our media hub and have 3 MBP. Wife uses the iPhone and we each have iPad 2s. My iPad goes EVERYWHERE with me, i am posting from it now even. With all that said I love to play in the Android world. I have rooted previous phones w/no problem. I have yet to root my GN, just enjoying it as is currently. Is Apple perfect, no. I encourage you to pick up an Air if you are looking to just test the waters and not seriously invest in the OSx platform with the Adobe Suite, FCP or any other demanding software.

Happy Shopping!

Post 100 of mine is encouraging another forum member to buy an Apple product, hmmmm. Flame suit on for the trolllllll chants.
Congrats! Did they end up honoring your discount?
The rep insisted that the promotion is not available in my area, but gave me $50 discount instead knowing that the previous rep basically bought me into this for commission. So, in total I paid around $200 for the device, which is pretty much the cheapest I can get in the market. :)
Almost got ninja'd by Razor posting that DL article.

What does everyone here do for work (or student)? Just curious to see if relates to time spent on here.

I am a 23 year old college graduate (May 2011) working at UBS doing Business Intelligence Administration for our reporting applications.

I'm 28, married w/ a 6 week old baby girl. I work for a Human Resource Outsourcing company doing coding and testing for our new client implementations.
It's a ton smoother, in my opinion. It also has Wallet pre-installed.

Only bug I've found so far is that you can't sync calendars.

Calender sync does work. When you flashed the ROM did you immediately flash GAPPS afterwards? Or did you boot up and then re-enter CWM and flash GAPPS then? You MUST flash the Gapps BEFORE the 1st boot for calender sync to work. And if you want to flash a kernel (only for 4.0.3!) then go with this one. It's sickly smooth and sorry in advance if this keeps you from real life :)

Oh, and to the gang: I'm 43, married, bun in the oven!, and I'm self employed. I'm a general contractor remodel/renovate and do computer work and home theater installs as a side business.
I ordered a tpu case. The incipio is great but it really loves the little pieces of fur from my coat. And then those pieces end up on my screen as well.
Almost got ninja'd by Razor posting that DL article.

What does everyone here do for work (or student)? Just curious to see if relates to time spent on here.

I am a 23 year old college graduate (May 2011) working at UBS doing Business Intelligence Administration for our reporting applications.

I'm 35yrs old and a General Manager for Red Lobster...at first I didn't know much about smartphones but wanted the iPhone...haha...but...i was on Verizon and had an upgrade...since VZW didn't have the iPhone i decided to buy the Droid over the Blackberry Storm in Feb of 2010...the following month i ran across this term for android called "root"...googled it, found droid-life and have been ADDICTED ever since!!!:D
I did some Galaxy Nexus WiFi iperf testing tonight across my local network. It does work better than my old crappy laptop on average it seems. Not sure what my issue was last night. Anyhow I have a pre-N router as far as I know and I am getting 20-24mbps on the Galaxy Nexus. This is less than the 20-35mbps I get on my wifes Droid Charge, but her phone seems more picky about signal and how you hold it and such. It WILL do way better with optimal signal though. My old cheap laptop's built in wifi get 10-15mbps so we are doing good compared to it.

Anyhow I am not to worried about wifi performance, but is pretty funny we can get better LTE speeds than I seem to be able to get across my home wifi. Might see if there is a newer firmware for my router just outta curiosity as it's all quicker than my home internet anyhow.
Its loaded and I plan on buying a slurpee with it at 7-11! :D

Where ya headed? (Yes, I'm being nosy)

Checking in with all my GNex friends. I Gotta say, after a few days I still get a little smile on my face every time I pull my phone out of my pocket cause its sooo sexy. lol

I took the kids to Boise with my GF to see the Grandparents and great Grandparents for the holidays.
29. Married for 1.5 years. 14 month old son. 4 year old cat. Both of us work for Starbucks Coffee Co. Retail ASM. She is a Supervisor. I have the Nexus, of course. She has the Samsung Stratosphere because she loved the screen, qwerty keyboards and even though the iPhone did have appeal, it was too small...lol! Returning my Nexus for reasons similar to that of Han Solo. My device, upon exchange will be renamed. Thank you Han for letting me name my lemon after you ;)

I will unlock the bootloader and root on my exchange if all is well. But even then I am in no rush! Still acclimating to ICS.

Han, if you have any questions about using clockwork let me know (PM). I have been rooting, ROMing, flashing for 2 years now. If anyone, for that matter, needs help please send a PM.

Any macbook air or pro users here?

I am kind of torn here. I have been pretty much a PC user all my life but I am getting to the point I want to look on the other side of the fence. Several quirks about windows 7 give me a headache, the driver issue I had a few pages back is one main reason. Its not the first time I have had driver issues. The constant antivirus updates, windows updates and spyware are driving me up the wall. I just want to be able to power up my computer and go.

Not to say Macs don't get virus or spyware or updates, I have heard not as often

I am at the point I want to try something else out. I have even used linux. Heck I have even at one time set up my own webserver (did not last long, however).

I am looking at a macbook either air or pro (probably air) just for something different. One of the things about apple is how lawsuit happy they are. Have they gone as far as putting this in their EULA, "While owning a mac, one shall not use, think about, work on, or smell PCs, or talk to PC users"? :eek: :rolleyes:

A macbook would NOT replace my main windows 7 PC, but I may do some android tinkering on it. It would mostly be used as a secondary computer mostly for finances.

If you own a macbook air or pro, I would love to hear how the computer works and how well it will work with your Gnex or other android phones.

Hope this is not too off topic

I have the new model macbook air 13 inch and I love it! It is the best computer I have ever used. It is so fast because of the SSD and I feel like OSX Lion is really well made and smooth as butter. I was always a windows user before this and I feel like Lion is a better OS than Win 7. I would definitely recommend getting the air since I feel like it is the best laptop out right now and the price isn't too bad for such a sleek Mac.

I have not plugged my GN into the Air yet since I have no need to. Everything I need is already on the phone, I might put my music on it at some point though. My air always worked well with my OG droid though so I am sure it will work just as well with the Nexus.
Good morning all!

So on a topic that was brought up yesterday, the stock kernel does in fact support USB OTG (usb host mode). The program I am using to watch for connections requires root, but I am sure there is a way around this to mount the USB drive when not rooted. Unfortunately I don't know what it is right now, BUT check out the screenshots below of my flash drive being detected and its contents in ES File Explorer.



If your friends/family also have Dropbox, you could just make a shared folder that they can all access.

Just saw this - if you want to take a screenshot and post it, I find that Imgur is the fastest and easiest way. Take the screenshot, then open the Imgur site on your mobile browser - it'll let you upload the screenshot right from your phone's gallery. It then gives you a very short URL that's easy to post.

1. Yeah going to migrate all to one service -- probably Dropbox. Its just gonna take some time to move it all over.

2. The IMGUR for Android app is even easier because you can upload to imgur straight from the gallery and since ICS (love this feature) puts your last shared service next to the share button it takes me two clicks to share a picture to IMGUR for online viewing.

Well this is the last time I will be making an order from VZW online. I ordered my extended battery on Friday, got a sales confirmation email. Since then, NOTHING. I've tried to check the status on their website, but it says page not available. I've tried different browsers and reloading, everything, and it just plain doesn't work. I'm really annoyed, I could have just picked one up at a corporate store when doing errands but I thought this would be simpler. I was wrong.

Emailed customer service, hopefully they'll respond with something.

Just as an FYI myself and my friend (in NY & NJ) got ours today via Fedex.

So here are my battery stats for the day. Stigy, how'd I do? Is my keep awake time concerning?



Can I see screen on time as well? I'm gonna send my stats to a dev later today so he can take a look at them.
Was this on a normal or extended battery? Any extra efforts of any sort employed to maximize life or just pretty standard light power use?
Normal battery, pretty standard light usage. Just trying to get a feel for the phone as a daily driver, and seeing if I'm falling under the "keep awake problem" umbrella.

The rep insisted that the promotion is not available in my area, but gave me $50 discount instead knowing that the previous rep basically bought me into this for commission. So, in total I paid around $200 for the device, which is pretty much the cheapest I can get on the market. :)
Nice! Not bad at all. Did you get any of the accessories? I jumped for the extended battery, personally; it's arriving in the mail today.

So on a topic that was brought up yesterday, the stock kernel does in fact support USB OTG (usb host mode). The program I am using to watch for connections requires root, but I am sure there is a way around this to mount the USB drive when not rooted. Unfortunately I don't know what it is right now, BUT check out the screenshots below of my flash drive being detected and its contents in ES File Explorer.
Wow, this is great news! Did you make a post on XDA? I wonder if they hadn't noticed this before because your program requires root.

The IMGUR for Android app is even easier because you can upload to imgur straight from the gallery and since ICS (love this feature) puts your last shared service next to the share button it takes me two clicks to share a picture to IMGUR for online viewing.
Nice, even better!

Can I see screen on time as well? I'm gonna send my stats to a dev later today so he can take a look at them.
Ahh, sorry, plugged my phone in after posting the pictures and it's been charging all night. :o
Wow, this is great news! Did you make a post on XDA? I wonder if they hadn't noticed this before because your program requires root.

Ahh, sorry, plugged my phone in after posting the pictures and it's been charging all night. :o

1. Already posted in the USB OTG thread, since there was one. I know MoDaCo baked it into his custom kernel but 4.0.2 definitely supports it, its just a matter of the OS knowing how to detect and mount the drive.

2. No worries -- I'm gonna get him some info today. He said he saw some weird things in my phone that he hadn't seen before.
What does everyone here do for work (or student)? Just curious to see if relates to time spent on here.

I am a 23 year old college graduate (May 2011) working at UBS doing Business Intelligence Administration for our reporting applications.

33 Yr old, now engaged and wedding date set for 9/2012. 2 daughters, 1 son. Both my better half and I work for a Pharma company, in the office, doing digital reporting, presentations, and auditing of consignment breast implants.:D

Web app, web site and small business technology integration (on the side) for more than 15 years. The majority of all of my comp integration has been PC based, until about 2 years ago, and now I am integrating PC based SMB networks with mobile application and communication with IOS, WinOs and Android.

Morning All!! And thanks again for all the help here....I may be a constant Lurker, but all of the posts help!!:)
Morning fellow Nexiians. Put Nova Launcher and Fab's stock deodex on Da NEXINATOR last night. Still having the widget issue. Can anyone else reproduce this???
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