Hey, gang. Sorry I've been away a little bit, but I've been busy fighting my GNex and the Gnex won. I'm sorry to say that this has to go back to the store in exchange for another Rezound. My main problems:
#1: Signal dropping out completely, even on CDMA, in places I should have full coverage and have had with previous phones. I got to my metro station this morning and had nothing but grey bars with no 3G/4G beside it. A phone's useless to me if i can't make and receive calls in reasonable places.
#2: GPS signal/radio is horrid. I know software patches can fix this and the prior complaint, but i don't have time to sit around and wait for one with no ETA. On two commutes in a row to work, the GPS couldn't lock in on me for the entire 20 minute trip. D1, D2, Bionic, and Rezound could do so in seconds. My wife's TomTom takes less time to get a lock when she's driving, and I'm out in the open on public transit in a full coverage area without going into any tunnels etc.
#3: The rear speaker is too low and, although I could shove Volume+ on to fix it, I really don't want to tweak that until Samsung or someone can confirm it won't shorten the lifespan of the speaker. However, I don't believe this volume level was intentional and believe the speaker can handle the boost, within reason. Ringtone volume can be fixed a bit just by using others instead of the low stock ones.
#4: The notification LED is one of the most important features in a phone for me. I knew it didn't work like my other phones, but thought I'd give it a shot. I'd rather not have to manage every single thing through Light Flow, but admit it's doable if need be.
#5: The audio quality I get from people on calls hasn't been the best even when they've been in quiet environments. When my brother phoned me and I could barely make out what he was saying half the time, I asked if he was in a store on his cell. He was home where he gets perfect signal, and I was home where I get a decent one.
#6: Abysmal battery life even after conditioning, primarily due to reasons 1 and 2 above.
The rest are just little things:
- The back is too slick. I had no intention of rocking a case on my Nexus, but the thing slips off of every surface I place it on unless it's perfectly flat. And even then, vibrate can send it on its merry way. This is then sole advantage of the vibrate setting being so weak. I miss the Droid 1 quaking.
-USB OTG. I know it can be unlocked somehow with the right drivers. This is a must for me with no SD slot. Would love to be able to slap a short USB cable onto the Nexus with a flash drive full of music so as not to waste internal space when I don't have access to or want to access the cloud.
The long and the short of it is that I love the phone specs, but I can't use it in its current state. ICS issues don't bother me at all. Those are growing pains we all went into this phone expecting to run into and knowing they'd be patched quickly. But a phone, no matter how fun and high tech, has to be a reliable phone first. Could it be that mine is a lemon, or at least just a bit worse than others out there? Perhaps. But i see way too many people reporting the same issues for me to think that simply exchanging it will solve my woes. It's difficult when looking upon it to imagine parting with it. Last night the plan was to simply exchange it for another GNex. But I have to confirm with a manager that I could even swap it out again in Jan for a Rezound if the problems persisted. If there's even the slightest doubt that's possible when i speak to a manager today, then it's the Rezound for me, which may be my decision anyhow. On the bright side, at least this Rezound ought have crimson keys as opposed to the pink ones on my first unit. Argh, this is so frustrating. Both are great phones, so I'll be happy either way. But I hate to see the condition the GNex launched in after the long wait.