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Galaxy Note4

..i forgot..the speed isn't that bad..I'm getting most of the times about 8mbps/8mbps(which it gets me through)..since i never had hot spot with this Note4..and the speed the hot spot is giving about 0.11or 0.5mbps(it surely is very very very very very bad)

So if my Note4 could push not just a little tinny fraction of the speed its getting..but what it is actually getting which is the 8mbps(which is apoor poor signal any ways compared to my girlfriends(25mbps wooping speeds and keep in mind is just Tmobile..i promise i will never never never never ever speak bad about Tmobile) it would be ideal and wonderful..

Now my question to the universe is.. why is Note4 giving that tiny speed as ahot spot..and Note5(which I'm never ever gonna use again.. in fact I'm fixing to sell its ass) pushes all the data it gets as hot spot..HUMMMMM???????

You feel me???????

Yea, try "Connection Stabilizer Booster" app from Google PS. It might help, it pings the network.
If I understand correctly, you new rom forces you to default when choosing one/always but the other rom did not. If so you can use ZArchiver app to open the previous rom and in system, framwork, framework.jar. and copy "framwork.jar" to external sd . Then change the name from "framwork.jar" to "framwork1.jar". Then copy "framwork1.jar " to your system, framwork folder and past it there. Set the proper permissions framework1.jar. Next delete the original "faramwork.jar
into your system, framwork, and "framework.jar" and rename "framwork1.jar" to "framwork.jar". Make sure you have a back up efotehand :)

The repllace that one with the one on your current rom. Youll need to set the proper permissions.
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If I understand correctly, you new rom forces you to default when choosing one/always but the other rom did not. If so you can use ZArchiver app to open the previous rom and in system, framwork, framework.jar.l copy and past it to external sd . The repllace that one with the one on your current rom. Youll need to set the proper permissions.

This is very interesting..but I'm not understanding well..please elaborate
Sorry i almost forgot to share.. the solution and the clue is the Samsung platform & the Samsung printing services Apps..i had deleting them.. but the reason i had deleting them is because i have my own copy of the apps..and i prefer to have an installed users app rather than asystem app(i like that way one million times more).. so i had forgotten to installed them.. actually maybe ididn't forget.. but when i start fresh an installation of a new rom i install one by one every of my users apps(it's about 100 of them)..right after deleting all the crap system apps..so as i go down the list one by one..then when i am finished ialways notice the phone does not install several of the apps I've preveswsly selected.. that's exactly what happened.. that's why i couldn't figure out where was the glitch at..

This id's the false alarm..
This is very interesting..but I'm not understanding well..please elaborate

I edited this post but it may be hard to understand do to my poor writing skills :) Just so you know .jar files are much more finick than system apps/priv-apps. Where most of the time i can delete them from the folder and coppy and past a replacement from external sd. However, the few times I have replaced system framwork folder and the its various .jar files if I delete first my device immediately shuts off and goes into bootloop. Thats why I change the name of the replacement to "1.jar" and set the proper permissions before I delete the original.
In system, framwork, and services.jar. Hot spots that are hacked do so by modifing the "services.jar".

Onc/always instead of default, would be achieved by modifing the "framework.jar" (system, framwork, framework.jar).

If your hot spot disappeared from the phone setting after flashing a custom rom then its due either the csc (system,csc) or the sec.settings (system,priv-apps,sec.settings).

No it's not disappeared..it's in settings..it just doesn't work..it turns on from my Note4 and the Note5 tries in connecting..and then stops(it says "fail" then tries again..and the cycle never ended..until the Note4 gets tired of waiting on the Note5 and goes ahead and turns off the hot spot..
I edited this post but it may be hard to understand do to my poor writing skills :) Just so you know .jar files are much more finick than system apps/priv-apps. Where most of the time i can delete them from the folder and coppy and past a replacement from external sd. However, the few times I have replaced system framwork folder and the its various .jar files if I delete first my device immediately shuts off and goes into bootloop. Thats why I change the name of the replacement to "1.jar" and set the proper permissions before I delete the original.

Makes sense to change the name..I get it until there..and then?
Yea, try "Connection Stabilizer Booster" app from Google PS. It might help, it pings the network.

I have not problem with the connection it self..I created a task in Tasker that makes the phone always stay connected to the mobile data..I think it works like the option in the developer but..but I just didn't wanna mess with that..I think I told you that..

So in connection I'm good..the problem the speed is what I'm not getting..look, I went to the tmobile store today..I was ready to switch..but with their sim I got 8mps in download(the same in getting with cricket..but in upland I got a wooping of 23mps speed(which iis get just 8mps with cricket)..so that tells me right there that the problem is in my phone..they tried to sell me and shit..but you know me..I'm not gonna quit in my precious Note4..but I figure something in the phone is preventing it from getting 23mps for download..

Makes sense?

Question..does your hot spot work in your 5.0.1?
I have not problem with the connection it self..I created a task in Tasker that makes the phone always stay connected to the mobile data..I think it works like the option in the developer but..but I just didn't wanna mess with that..I think I told you that..

So in connection I'm good..the problem the speed is what I'm not getting..look, I went to the tmobile store today..I was ready to switch..but with their sim I got 8mps in download(the same in getting with cricket..but in upland I got a wooping of 23mps speed(which iis get just 8mps with cricket)..so that tells me right there that the problem is in my phone..they tried to sell me and shit..but you know me..I'm not gonna quit in my precious Note4..but I figure something in the phone is preventing it from getting 23mps for download..

Makes sense?

Question..does your hot spot work in your 5.0.1?

I thought it did but my other N4 nor my laptop recognize it in scan. Its most like do to the broken wifi. The hot spot turns on but the signal does not work.
I edited this post but it may be hard to understand do to my poor writing skills :) Just so you know .jar files are much more finick than system apps/priv-apps. Where most of the time i can delete them from the folder and coppy and past a replacement from external sd. However, the few times I have replaced system framwork folder and the its various .jar files if I delete first my device immediately shuts off and goes into bootloop. Thats why I change the name of the replacement to "1.jar" and set the proper permissions before I delete the original.

Correct, I had that happening when dumping in root system..you have to paste, edit first..then you can delete the one you want to delete, did I get it right?
Ok so we have the same problem..

Everything worked when I was on MM custom roms. Its just mixing LP with MM boot/modem that breaks compatibility. I'm sure there's other issues that I may not be aware of yet. Either way its just not a daily driver. Im frashing MM rom tonight or tomorrow.
I don't think the problem is in the mixing..you can't brake what is already broken, can you?

True but that 5.0.1 custom rom was work excellent when on my old phone. Almost every developer says to first install the official factory firmware via Odin. The bootloader and modem is an essential.
Im guessing at least the OS versions (api) is.

Check this out, a member of XDA as an n910p on T-Mobile in the EU.

Ok geres an example of my current rooted custom stock deodexed rom before I port a Samsung C5's smart manager to my Sprint Note 4. The screen shots before before I port. Othee than deodexed by the developer "original stock sysem app"


So about your stimulated extra 1G of Ram, I used to do that(the mini particion thing with the external sd card) in my former S5..but I couldn't see any improvement..in fact to the contrary..

Also one of the issues I experienced with this method was that you can't pull your external sd card..I would produce unstability on the phone it self..some times with out even pulling the card out the phone will get so hot and freeze and the screen be unresponsive and will change the home screen and then ultimately shot down..this method was a nightmare to me.

Unless you tell me is a different story with the Note4..

Or maybe I can try the method in my Note4 except this time just do the partition just for the extra 1Gig Ram..and leave out the partition for the housing of the users apps..

What you think???

So my question is..is the difference in performance wise very notorious when you didn't have versus now you do???..some times I think and feel is a placebo effect..

Like what you told me two days ago about that app(what's the name..the signal booster one..that requires root)..that's another with placebo..and besides it was messing up with the phone system that the phone didn't want to read the sim card..had to reboot several times to fix it and ended up deleting that app..that app is a bit rather dangerous..but I know you advised with nice intentions..
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I used to have 1Gb simulated ram on an older OS. Kit Kat and/or LP and it was a noticeable effective. One method is an app called Ram (something lol)
Ramasoft or Ram Expander. However, I chose to use 3 different apps. The first to partition. I don't remember the name of that one because I only used it a few times to figure out how the heck to partition my external Sd. If I remember correctly, the first was FAT32, the second partition was f2fs and the third was 1.2Gb. I tried 3Gb's but no matter what I did, I could only get 1Gb simulated ram.
Anyway the other two apps were Link2SD and App2SD.
Simulated ram will degrade the external SD card over time. Thats why is important to buy a high quality micro sd. (SDXC class 10 U3 with a high R/W speed).
Anther thing to consider is you never know when your SD will fail and along that goes you data. I found this to be concerning, I fash and mod and I need reliable storage for my backups. Thats why I kept copys of them in other locations (flashdrive/Laptop). For the record, none of my sds failer. :)
Another thing to consider is that external ram is not as fast as internal ram. Thats why I chose three the 3 app method. If you rememberhow things changer from adoptiple storage to expandable storage. It kund of like that but kind of not :)

lets say I have a hypothetical 101 Gb sd card. I split it in three partitions 50 Gbs Fat32, 50Gbs f2fs and 1 Gb ram. Our Note 4 can not read the f2fs in the system settings it only sees 50Gbs FAT32. Thats where Link2Sd comes into play. I alows keeping the app on you device and pushing the data to the sd card or both. Most of the time, theres the app data is far greater than the app itself. Hevey gaming for example. Pushing the data to f2fs and your Android has no idea its on sd. All that data off your internal will in itself boost overall speeds, with a few exceptions. Those apps will take longer to load because the data is on external but its worth it. Especially if something you use but not that frequent. You can forch apps and data as well. Lets say Facebook and its data, that a big Mother freaking cunk. LoL
Next you have an additional 1Gb simulated ram to add to the equation. Yes, the combination boosts overall performance and its a big one for the N4 with 3Gbs ram.
As for the not as fast as internal, thats where App2SD comes into play. Amongst other things it alows to set priorities and mount scrips/bash at boot and........ Making the things you run less frequently and less likely to be called run on simulated ram partition. Beautiful! !!!
Of couse its not going to be as fast as internal but on a 3Gb phone its a testosterone /horsepower boost , yea youll notice it.
At some point this method ceased to work on the new Note 4 OS but I think thats been solved but I haven't even thought about it untill I got back on LP. Now Im on MM and when I have time, I'll look into it. I read one site that suggested partitioning it on 5.0 and flash back to 6.0 and the method will work. If thats True or false information IDK. I also read someplace that making a change in some of the system file from this to that make it accept the 3 app method. IDK.
Not directly related to simulated ram but kind of related to the other 2 partitions but not realy :). Here you can only choose 1.


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