Just because jb is the latest doesn't make it the best. But think about this, Samsung worked on the gs3 for a while. At least a year, since the launch of the s2. Samsung also had plenty of time to tweak ics for the gs3 to make sure it ran perfectly on the device. When a new version of the os is released, people expect it to be available right away. Samsung needs to customize it with their ui first, then take time to make sure it runs smoothly. Would you rather have them release the update right away, but take multiple updates over the months to make it run right, or take time to minimize the bugs before releasing it? It's all about quality
Nah... I'd just rather get the update when it's available, and be done with it.
If I want their TouchWiz UI interface cr****p on top, then I'll get that too once it's updated.
The way I see it, the phones should be configured as so:
/system/app <--- only vanilla android stuff. Period.
/system/data (/data/data) <--- normal user installed program without root
/system/vendor (or /system/oem, or /system/distrib) <--- touchwiz, carrier bloatware and all that stuff.
Now when an update comes along for android, we just update /system/data and we're done.
if /system/vendor happens to conflict with the update, then sad day for it. /system/data works without it.
Now when Samsung or whatever other manufacturer or carrier decides to update their apps, they can just push an OTA to /system/vendor, and if it's good, we'll use it.
Why would you want it this way? You can ensure you ALWAYS have the latest android version on your device, regardless of manufacturer/carrier laziness.
I mean, do you wait for your car dealership to get a better radio or tranny installed in your car?