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Are you guys gonna make homescreens and post them? (In the sticky)

I love lookingat tthem. :p

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Finally, I'd rather not lock this thread if you guys find it's useful to help resolve a few issues, but I do ask everything be done with a bit of extra care and respect. Sometimes it's hard to get the "tone" of a meesage across in just text, so it always helps to be extra nice :)

Thanks for this.

Although it may seem silly since I am the only one sticking up for AC, I feel the need to get my point across.

Do you really think that the moderation never had any idea that the place needed cleaning up? I don't think it is as clear as that, or that they were ignoring us, or just not doing their jobs. Fact is, I'd bet most if not all of them are doing this for free, and due to the fact that there are so few of them, they can't hit every single spot. It's not even like it was a gradual increase in users that they could equip themselves to handle, it seemed to me like everything just sort of "blew up" at once considering how many times the OV went on sale within the last 6 - 8 months. You can only expect so much out of so few people.

Yes, they are going and cleaning up now, is that because of you guys? Probably, but not in the way that you think, by "stealing your idea". A moderator is going to ban those who bash them publicly, that's a fact anywhere, but it's not like they enjoy laying the hammer down. In my communications with them, they have been nothing but friendly.

All I'm saying is, there are two sides to this story, and it isn't fair to spew this kind of thing around, especially considering new users may read it and get it in their head to "stay away" from Android Central, when in reality users should not have negative predispositions about ANY forum until they spend time there.
Did someone say... Gammon!!?!?!

I swear this is like the third or second time this topic has been moved, LOL. Not to worry, I will follow it where ever it goes....:D

The first time I moved it to the ATR sub-forum I was anticipating the discussion gravitating to a discussion about Rooting, ROM's, or Modding. When it became clear that it wouldn't I had to move it here.
The first time I moved it to the ATR sub-forum I was anticipating the discussion gravitating to a discussion about Rooting, ROM's, or Modding. When it became clear that it wouldn't I had to move it here.

The topic is gannon and what happened with him xD
If we were to talk about anything else, it would be off topic lol. And @alostpacket glad to see a mod following this up :)

I still do use androidcentral to download ROMs that I port to the Optimus M if they do not exist on AF

I still do wonder how the mods didn't get back to gannon on being a developer there. I see it extremely strange.

If anything needs to be deleted I will remove it.

And gannon, thanks for posting your ROMs on AF too when you get to doing that :D
Well I seem to have ported Sense, and I just about got it booted, with FULL HW acceleration, so it will be much smoother.

As for me and which forum I will be using (again), I'm going to use vmroms.com until it becomes a little more known. As for right now there's only 2 people registered. So I might have to post some exclusive ROMs over there often.. only until it gets more viewers though. Sorry :D

I love AF and all it's members. Even when I was a major noob I used AF and made some ROMs that I'm not very proud of for the Triumph.. :P
Well I seem to have ported Sense, and I just about got it booted, with FULL HW acceleration, so it will be much smoother.

As for me and which forum I will be using (again), I'm going to use vmroms.com until it becomes a little more known. As for right now there's only 2 people registered. So I might have to post some exclusive ROMs over there often.. only until it gets more viewers though. Sorry :D

I love AF and all it's members. Even when I was a major noob I used AF and made some ROMs that I'm not very proud of for the Triumph.. :P

Ehhhh I was a noob a year ago, I got my phone on may 27 2011....that's my birthday, yea I got same month as you and ik so many people now from af that have bdays in may, it's strange.

It was in March 2012 I started porting after taking 2 days to figure it out....then I found your port guide on AC a week later.......I never tried it though.
;-) so what I've been reading itseems like n
obody here likes AC.....I thought it was useful....but I got banned ....like I couldn't mask my IP by oh well ;-) go android forums! And from what I can tell all the devs over there r here too. So I guess that means the sameAwesome rt here. Awsome
;-) so what I've been reading itseems like n
obody here likes AC.....I thought it was useful....but I got banned ....like I couldn't mask my IP by oh well ;-) go android forums! And from what I can tell all the devs over there r here too. So I guess that means the sameAwesome rt here. Awsome

You didn't get banned because of BS did you?
You didn't get banned because of BS did you?

No I got banned originally for joking too much with a "racist comment" about Mexicans "which I am Mexican ......apparently a dev or two complained and there ya go. After then getting banned for multiple accounts I said **** it. Just amazed at the uptightness. If asked I would have removed the post. I've apologized on the forum publicly for speaking freely under the second account and that was the reason for creating it.......its fine I understand what happened and why I was banned. I've left my apology there and made my peace with the forum.
Regardless of what happened I hope tdm the best of luck on quattrimus....as far as the rest.....thank God for github....shout out to Jerry's rom :D and gannon for cna :D
After rooting and installing some roms on my lil nephews phone he is super interested in going to college to to learn how to dev cuz he wants to build his own roms. I'm happy at his new found interest. So lets ask the devs! What course or courses would I have to steer him twords for android development. This way maybe he can stay outta trouble as his teen years go by. Lol who knows in 5 years he might be building roms or whatever
After rooting and installing some roms on my lil nephews phone he is super interested in going to college to to learn how to dev cuz he wants to build his own roms. I'm happy at his new found interest. So lets ask the devs! What course or courses would I have to steer him twords for android development. This way maybe he can stay outta trouble as his teen years go by. Lol who knows in 5 years he might be building roms or whatever

Bump :D I wanna know how to build a ROM

I mean I already port....
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