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Gas prices?

borrowed from another forum

shortfall of loss of American oil production.

Domestic oil production has been relatively unchanged for the last 22 months. There were 2 months in that when a significant dip occurred, 1 of which was directly Covid related.

Oil production today is at the same level as 2018. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M

That said, gas prices are significantly higher than 2018. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m

You can keep thinking that it's the political aspect that is causing high prices, but when the top 3 oil companies in the US posted record profits of 7 billion, 7 billion and 6 billion dollars for the 2021 fiscal year with the same production output of 2018 yet prices are ~ 25% more there are more things at play than an administrations domestic oil policy.
If it were only US prices were going up like that then the person who created that graphic might have a point.

However that is very much not the case.
Sadly people forget that the US is not the only country in the world except when it is convenient to blame another country for something.
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Gas today sits at $4.109, at the local Murphy's (Walmart) station. For those that want to disagree with the quoted portion I just wanted to show what was in a report just one week before the election.
ZomboDroid 28042022012726.jpg

Ever since then prices have continued to rise.

Of course old joe will still blame Russia, even though he stopped the Keystone pipeline but continued funding the Russian pipeline.
Gas today sits at $4.109, at the local Murphy's (Walmart) station. For those that want to disagree with the quoted portion I just wanted to show what was in a report just one week before the election.
View attachment 162642

Ever since then prices have continued to rise.

Of course old joe will still blame Russia, even though he stopped the Keystone pipeline but continued funding the Russian pipeline.
i'm sorry but the keystone pipeline would not have done anything to halt the soaring gas prices. keep in mind that gas prices fell at the beginning of the pandemic when most folks were not out driving. now that there is more demand for gas, prices will naturally go up.

so if you factor this in along with slow oil production from OPEC, and the war in Ukraine....this is the reason why prices are going up. it has nothing to do with the Keystone pipeline at all. in fact we are producing more oil than we were in 2020 without the dreaded pipeline.
My car requires premium and with prices in California it was almost $110 to fill up the other day. Yay. SoCal is worse, though…and now they have that horrible fire to contend with as well. :(
Despite the false accusations that Biden actually has any kind of direct control over gas pricing here int the U.S., there is a reality that needs to be considered when our gas prices are jumping up or easing down -- there are no governmental gas companies that sell gas to consumers. All of them are their own private businesses. They determine their own pricing, like all the privatized businesses do. So no, Biden can't tell the gas companies to sell gas within a certain price range. Nor can he tell Google to sell Pixels at a certain price. Private corporations in America determine the prices of their products and services depending on supply costs and consumer demand.
Indirectly and only incidentally there are federal, state, and local taxing involved, that do add to the base price per gallon, but that's a just a minor percentage of the overall, base cost
This article, posted last year (when gas prices were going down), is a nice summary of the situation:
$3.30 - $3.35 in my part of Nashville.

This is where my Kroger fuel points come in handy. As of today will be able to fill up for .05¢ a gallon once this month.
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