You know you want to.
I understand what he is saying though.. I mean as far as in the work place, sexual preference or anything of that nature should be left at home.. IMO
Those of us who are heterosexual have no need to hide that sexual orientation. Gays have had to do just that in the western world and many other places for fear of life and limb.
Once gays began to come out, and I'm not sure what caused it and I'm sure that is complicated, they began to get together as a group, a community, and make it known publicly that its ok to be gay.
One of the ways they reach out to one another is with public display of their pride at being who they are instead of having to pretend like they are heterosexual for their financial and even physical survival.
For heterosexuals to demand that homosexuals leave their orientation at home seems fair enough, unless one comes to the understanding that to gays "leaving who I am at home" is to become somebody else "for them, for survival" and is to go back to the days of hiding just so they can have a job as readily as their straight counterparts, employment being just one sad example of discrimination.
Yeah but how quickly will a straight guy get brought up on sexual harassment charges if we were to bring our sexual preference into the work place and flaunt it? Its not discrimination. I'm just saying there is no place for it in the work place..
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