I love the 4x2 widget, but on my HTC Desire it only shows the next 6 events, when it looks like there's space for 10-12 events in the 2 home screen rows the widget occupies.
I am aware of that, it is on my to-do list.
Also, I'm seeing people refer to widgets. When I long press my Home screen, there are no Gemini widgets.
Widgets (three of them) should be available after you long press your home screen. Do you have any custom app launcher, like ADW? Does anybody else have problems with finding Gemini widgets ?
I love this app, is there a way to see all the events for one month on the window above. I can only display one day at a time.
Agenda View, Week View are coming in the future.
It kind of made me crazy trying to figure out how to SAVE !
I'm A$$-uming most phones have a Back arrow?
Maybe change the "Today" button to a Save button?
Agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! ... you recently fixed an issue that was very frustrating. Pressing the 'Back' button cancelled instead of saving, which was inconsistent with the standard Android UI experience. You introduced an option to change that behaviour to saving instead of cancelling. Brilliant. Except, when you select that option, it changes the old 'Save' button to 'Cancel'. So now, when you've eliminated the possibility of losing data through the back button, you've introduced the possibility of losing it through following your old method (flicking down and pressing the left on-screen button)! It's extremely annoying

LOL, proverb for the developer: "Whatever you do, you will NEVER meet the user's requirements". Just kidding.
The Cancel only in Menu (it is already there) would solve your problem. Perhaps I will add the preference settings for this ("Show cancel button - yes/no").
Would it be possible to have a default event length?
Yes, I did some attempts to implement this feature, but there was always something more important to do. I would personally use this very often, so I agree, it would be nice.
Would it be possible to have a default time for the events? I know it's normally 12, which is fine, but when I'm setting an event for the next day and it's gone past midnight, the default time switches to the next hour which is 0100, so it's annoying to have to flick the time up to later in the day
Interesting, I will think about this.
Where does progress stand on this? You do include the option to use google colors in agenda view, why not make it an option for dots AND lines also in calendar view? To me, this just makes sense, especially if it is an option the user can turn on or off (like we can now in agenda view).
It is also coming.
As for the alarms - I have some problems with this feature, mainly because of the differences between the alarm implementation in different makes of phones. Samsung for example seems to have it implemented in its own way, on some devices it is not possible to turn off the reminders of the stock calendar, there are some other problems, that need to be considered. I am working on it.
By the way: I assume, that some of you, taking part in this thread, have not checked your private message boxes. I sent to some of you PM's and never got answers.