Theist state that god cannot be explained, that god is beyond time and space , and that god has always been here since before time and always will be.f But nothing could have existed before time. So if god created time and space, who created god? And what was before time? I think that if god does exist he or it is not anything supernatural but just matter since matter is energy and energy can be created nor destroyed. So in that essence since im an agnostic and until god is proven im siding with science because science has a theory that works. Science states states the big bang created our universe which created, time and space. Theist argue what created the big bang? But alas! There is proof that energy or matter can appear out of no where and create something, or so steven hawking state's so if his theory is true then before time and space there was nothing. But matter and energy created the big bang which created the universe which would later give life to humans. I like to think that since matter cant be created nor anti matter, those two coming together would create an explosion of some sort. Maybe enough anti matter and positive matter and you have an explosion so complex that it creates the big bang . Science is on the verge of disproving god, and theist are to blind to see it.Who made god? Man .All opinions are welcome.
:::MOD EDIT:::
Please read post #35 before replying.
:::MOD EDIT:::
Please read post #35 before replying.