Buckeye, AZ - just outside of the Phoenix metro area, 3000 sq foot home, 2 stories, pool, 2 air conditioning units set on programmed thermostats, 4 kids that leave everything on and like to leave doors open that air condition our backyard, a wife that leaves lights on, and 110 degree days for most of the summer, my bill this month is $490. In the winter it drops to like $100 though, just the insane heat here trying to keep the house cool and the pool blue causing stupid crazy spikes in electricity costs.
I'm down in yuma, so I feel your pain! 1700sqft improper insulation. House kept at 80 during day, 78 at night. $334. Luckily I'm on an equalizer plan so i don't pay that much and my landlord doesn't realize the insulation is horrible cuz he doesn't listen to me. Oh well. I will be out of there before the summer starts again