Guys, I really appreciated everything that was posted to this thread, and all the hard work. However, I believe it was a little too in depth and a little complicated for any newbie who happened upon the thread in hopes of rooting their wildfire s at the present time. (Like me
During my searches and discoveries this past TWO WEEKS I found that a lot of stuff was out of date, many software programs and fixes that were supposed to solve issues didn't work or was simply outdated, and the whole thing had become. Also, guides a tutorials spread over countless websites, many long outdated, just helped confuse me further.
I didn't give up though. I kept Phandroid as my main support forum and research link, mainly because it is the one forum where people actually respond in a timely manner. I gave the developers sites a wide berth, this time mainly because most treated newbies andtheir questions as an annoyance or responded to them with arrogance or insults, IF they responded at all! Also in addition to this I found the it was very easy to get lost in all the conflicting technical stuff that these fellows discussed, and in all truth was probably the reason I failed to root my phone several times. I even read some recent topics on other forums which declared the wfs could NOT be rooted because of patches applied by the carriers - NOT SO!
In the end I decided to do things MY way, (With the help of guys here on PHANDROID,) and I spent two days trying different methods, using different mods, recovery's etc and in that time learned a few things!
After I finally successfully rooted my device, I found I had so much info that I wasn't sure how exactly I got it to work! So, I unrooted the device, and started again, using the basic method I believed I used, and it was very, very easy that time around! That is the reason I decided to post the thread that is linked top and bottom here, in the hope that 'some' of you will be fortunate enough to find it here and that it will work for you.
Good luck!
See the Thread here... :cheers: