I don't follow you. I agree that it is perfectly plausible that science could just be explaining the way god has made things, but that assumes god exists in the first place. What I find illogical is the idea of god. This thread is about the idea of creation from nothing, something many people say is impossible (unless your god of course), so then the question follows "If god is something, and something can't come from nothing, than what did god come from?".
Here is what I believe. I don't believe that God is actually PART of this universe. I believe he has power over it, but I don't believe he is PART of it.
I don't believe that God is effected by time ("before Abraham was born, I am")
I don't believe that we can currently understand the state/dimension/whatever that God exists.
The point is that an omnipotent god can't really be bound by logic, because then he would cease to be omnipotent. So if you could expand a little on how you think your God is logically explainable, I would appreciate it.
I don't believe that God is beyond our ability to understand. I don't believe his motives, or his means are beyond our ability to understand. I don't believe God is beyond the ability of science to one day understand (caveat: I don't know that we, as a race, will be around long enough to gain that much knowledge).
I don't see how being subject to our logic (logic is how we reason and think) would make God not omnipotent.