Like i said earlier, America rejected Obamacare on November 2nd. .
Please do not speak on behalf of all Americans. I am an American, I vote, I pay taxes, and I SUPPORT UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.
Furthermore, the President was elected into office, with many more people voting in the Presidential election as opposed to Nov 2, on a ticket that promised Universal Health care as one of the key reforms.
I am so sick and tired of hearing nonsense and people trying to justify opposition to universal health care. It comes down to one fundamental component of basic humanity; every single human being on the face of this planet should have access to health care regardless of ones socioeconomic status.
Contempt does not even begin to fully encapsulate the vast array of negative feelings I have towards individuals who knowingly, willingly, and purposely expend energy in an effort to deny another human being access to medical resources that may save a persons life.
Millions of people are hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt. People are going bankrupt every single day in this country because of medical debt. People are in foreclosure and losing their homes due to medical debt. People avoid preventive care because it comes down to either putting dinner on the table, or having your yearly checkup. People are dying because they cannot afford the medical care and tests that would otherwise potentially detect a life threatening illness.
People will and are dying everyday in this country, because you do not support universal health care, what I consider to be a basic fundamental human right.
DO NOT GIVE ME THE ARGUMENT THAT EVERYONE HAS ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE. That argument does not fly with me. An emergency room may legally have to provide you medical care when you get a paper cut. However, nowhere does it say that the emergency room has to provide you anti-cancer medication for the next six months that costs $20,000 a month. The issue isn't going to the Emergeny Room and being denied medical attention, the issue is the hight cost of medical care in this country, which as a result is instant denial of healthcare for anyone without $$$$$
Lucky? Yes, that is the word I use to describe myself. I am one of the few lucky and fortunate people in this country who has health insurance and access to some of the best doctors, treatments, and medications in this world. If I have a sore throat, or a headache that won't go away, an infection, or something more serious, I don't have to sit and ponder "how much will this cost me? Will I be able to afford my mortgage this month if I get this test done? How will I afford groceries this week if I need this $300 bottle of a 2 week supply of antibiotics?" For me the doctor is a phone call away. People shouldn't cross their fingers and hope to God they are "lucky" when it comes to healthcare. No one should be put into the situations I described above.
No argument about it, health care in this country is broken. Let's fix the problem, and NO, the problem isn't the proposal of universal health care. The problem is too vast and too complex, but let me give you one common sense example of something that just doesn't jive.
I go to my primary care doctor, for some severe pain in my knee. He takes an x-ray, and can't really see anything alarming in my x-ray. However, the skin around my knee was visibly red and swollen. Worrying I might have an internal infection in my knee or something else he sends me to the ER.
I go to the ER, to one of the best hospitals in this country. The ER physician reviews the x-ray that my primary care physician had just taken a few hours previously, feels around my knee a little and diagnosis me with a swollen bursa. Bursa is a fluid filled sac found in your knee. Gives me a prescription for pain killer. I saw the ER physician for a total of maybe 10 minutes. He didn't even order any tests, all he did was review the x-ray my primary had taken.
A Few weeks pass, I get a statement from my insurance for my ER visit. Anyone want to guess what 10 mins at the ER would have cost me if I did not have insurance? Take a guess. 500 bucks? Nope, 1000 bucks? Nope...go higher. 2k? 3k? 4k? 5k? would have cost me an outstanding 6000 dollars, for 10 mins. I could not believe my eyes, and the insurance settled with the hospital for a little under 5 grand.
I was in such shock and disbelief, I was certain a mistake had taken place, I didn't want my insurance company to pay the outrageous bill. I actually called my insurance company and said "hey there is something wrong here, I was seen for only 10 mins with no tests, no way this can be 6k, please do not pay this yet until you investigate" Insurance replied "well we already paid." End of of story.
So instead of denying people access to health care, lets fix what is broken. 10 minutes in the ER shouldn't cost 6k. Universal health care will not reduce the quality of health care as some people try to frightfully insist. Universal health care will not drive the country into debt, if we fix the real issues, such as outrageous costs for ER visits.
I have to finish by saying if I was someone who put a price tag on health care and a price tag on other peoples lives, then I would be disgusted by myself, disgusted to call myself a human being. I don't know how some of you do it.