I have to ask if you read these before you posted them...
No disaster relief? Perhaps you forget 911
Bush Thanks Canada For 9/11 Aid - CBS News
Bush thanks Canada for helping American citizens stuck in Canada in the aftermath of 9/11.
Has nothing to do with disaster relief.
Canada sent a total of (roughly) 2000 to Haiti... the US sent 16000 Marines, and I Can't find numbers for the other branches, but all branches were involved in the Haiti Response.
The USS comfort alone has a crew of 850.
You made a token effort. You did enough to say that you did something. But you didn't provide relief for the 3 million effected by the disaster, and using that as an example of your disaster relief should be embarrassing to you.
This is what you present? This your idea of disaster relief? Do you realize how many millions would die if we left disaster relief to such pitiful attempts.
Sure, it's what you can afford. Sure, it's what you can spend. But without the US... MILLIONS would die each year because you WOULDN'T do what it takes to keep them alive.
If I was from Canada, I would honestly be ashamed to talk about disaster relief.
Those are a few, and don't include private sector help which is always high.
I would wager that our top 5 givers would outgive nearly ALL of yours.
Our military doesn't provide protection? Here's a list of all peacekeeping missions Canada has been involved in since WW2
Canadian Peacekeepers - Listing of all Missions since World War II
Honestly? Seriously? I actually laughed when I read this. I will be the first to admit that Canada had some muscle back in WWII. Since the US has basically been the war deterrent, Canada and Europe have let their military's go.
Of the last 7 "peacekeeping" missions, 5 were "disaster relief", 1 was the deployment of 2,300 military personnel to Afghanistan (thanks for that btw... it would be nice if they were actually allowed to see combat, but hey... every penny counts right?), 1 was the deployment of 8 people (that's right...
8 people to Jerusalem. That's everything from 2005 to now.
2004 - 24 people in Bosnia.
2004 - The
2 people in Sudan were increased to 100.
2003 - Iraq -
1 Military "observer" assigned.
2003 - Liberia - 4 people.
2003 - Congo - 50 people + 2 aircraft.
2003 - Senegal - 1 colonel.
2001 - Afghanistan - 2000, reduced to 1000 in 2002. Good job. Way to fight a war. (by contrast the US forces are at 94,000).
I could go on, but let me end in this... congratulations... you raised 50 cents for cancer. You helped find a cure.
I love when clueless people talk about our military like we are some unorganized idiots with sticks. Ask some American soldiers who have come to Canada for training or served with Canadians in war. I would bet you that not a single one would say that our military is anything but top notch. Our equipment may be shit due to crappy government policies but our soldiers are some of the best trained in the world. Saying otherwise is disrespectful to all people who have served past and present.
I will personally apologize to all 10,000 Canadian military personnel past and present....
All sarcasm aside, you think you are a world player on anything militarily? Disaster relief? Peace keeping?
I mean, you provide 2,000... The US provides 94,000. You can't accomplish anything without the US militarily.
That list of military "peacekeeping" missions is an embarrassment. Either you didn't read it, or you didn't expect me to, but utterly embarrassing that you would consider any of that "peacekeeping".
What it shows is that depending on the US to actually do the work is so ingrained in you that you think this is actually doing something.
Not developing drugs? Here is a nice little article
Medical Research - The Canadian Encyclopedia
You really didn't expect me to read that article did you...
It stated that Canada discovered insulin in
1922 and that Canada funds medical research.
Where are the
DRUGS that you've discovered? I couldn't find any either.
I would bother to post more but I doubt you would even bother to read it all. You seem more interested in fighting with the OP whom seems to be on a rant more than anything else. I'm not here to defend him, I'm simply giving you the information you seem to have not bothered looking for before you made your post.
Yep... I knew it, you didn't expect me to read the articles at all. That explains why you would actually attempt to use them as evidence of your position. I guess I can leave it at that...
If you want to actually experience what it's like to accomplish something militarily... the US military accepts non-citizens as members. It's a good way to earn your citizenship.