EXACTLY! It should never be handed out. It then creates a sense of entitlement that carries over into every part of their lives!
So then you agree with the other forum member, having the mindset that all individuals should have access to quality yet affordable healthcare is some sort of entitlement.
I guess next time I see a child with leukemia coming from a hard working family who can not afford health insurance, I should look this child in the eyes and say "gee your parents have such a sense of entitlement, they felt the need to give birth to you, knowing they are low on the socioeconomic scale. Meaning Now, because you were born and because you have leukemia, I have to have my hard earned tax dollars pay for your 2 million dollar leukemia treatment bill."
You know what, you are right. We should re-write all the laws. Why should my tax dollars go to pay for medical treatment for children from poor parents who felt entitled. Screw them, let all the children in California die.
You know what, lets get rid of all social programs. Heck, lets hope these parents themselves develop cancer. Those damn entitled people. I hope they develop cancer, then they can't afford the $20,000 a month anti-cancer medication. As a result they will die and the children will end up parent-less. While we are at, lets get rid of programs that place these orphans into homes. Why should my hard earned dollars go to support entitled families who couldn't develop a trust fund or life insurance to go to a beneficiary until their children turned 18. Screw that, I don't want my tax dollars supporting children of entitled parents.
Dang being a republican feels good so far. Lets see what other stuff I can come up with. How about we get rid of public school buses. Those damn kids feel entitled to a free bus ride to school. Screw them, not my problem their poor entitled parents don't have a car, or can't afford a nanny to drive them to school. Plus I don't want the public schools in my high class neighborhood being infested by children of poor parents who feel entitled that their children should be bussed in from the ghetto. My California property taxes shouldn't be used to educate people from the ghetto, let them use 30 yr old run down desks, and books with missing pages, not my problem someone poor felt entitled to have children.
Wow, I'm loving this feeling. What other selfish dog poo can I come up with now that I'm a republican. Hmmm, you know what, I'm really starting to hate people who feel entitled. Like those entitled people who give birth to children with mental disorders and learning disabilites. F*cking aye, that child with down syndrome will grow up one day to become an adult, will not be able to get anything more than a minimum wage job sticking stickers on boxes, and darn it now I will have to use my tax dollars to subsidize housing for this adult with down syndrome.
On top of that, most down syndrome patients have gastro intestinal problems, and other issues with their viscera. Freaking aye, now my hard earned dollars have to support this adult with down syndrome for the rest of his life, because his hard working yet selfish and entitled parents only made minimum wage, then they themselves died because they didn't get blood pressure and cholesterol medication since they had no insurance.
As a result both the mother had a clot in her left descending artery which caused ischemia of her heart tissue and she died. Just 2 months later the father had a blood clot that traveled up his carotid arteries, traveled to the capillaries of his brain, and caused a stroke. Damn it, he didn't die. However, he is paralyzed and now my hard earned dollars have to pay for nursing care for this man who wears diapers now and needs a respirator to breath because his hypothalamus sustained damage. On top of that, the 40 yr old down syndrome man needs surgery, and expects me to pay for it?
You know what. Lets do away with subsidized student loans too. I'm sorry but I was able to afford my 40k a year tuition in cash. Not my problem another student feels entitled to getting a government subsidized loan, and on top of that they get it deffered? HELL NO government should NOT be getting involved in ANYTHING. STAY OUT GOVERNMENT, if someone can't afford tuition that's not my problem, let them get 3 jobs and pay for it. What makes me even more angry are government grants, they never get paid back! Can you believe all these freaking self entitled college students, expecting to get money they never have to pay back. SCREW THAT I PAID FOR MY EDUCATION. People wanting something for nothing.
Hmmm, wow I'm loving this feeling being a republican is great. Well I got to go and get drunk now, then go cruise a public bathroom for sex with people of the same sex. Then tomorrow I'm going to run for office with GOD as my platform and I'm going to shun same sex marriages. Oh and I heard some 19 yr old girl got raped by her own father, and now wants an abortion. These damn entitled woman. She is going to give birth to her fathers baby one way or the other if I have my way, to think she feels entitled to an abortion. Freaking liberal Baby killers, drive me insane.