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Health Care - STOP believeing the BULL and buying the SCAM

UGH - I'm sorry - you are starting to sicken me
And this is what happens when everyone refuses to agree with you, and believe your crap? LIke i said, save it!

You will not EVER convince me that what you say is true, because your words are shrouded with blame and anger.

Again i say you don't get it! I, and all other conservatives, want everyone to stand on their own feet and not depend on others. I want each and every citizen to reach for the sky, and stop blaming everything and everybody else for their place in this world. I didn't ask to be born, and neither did you, but we must make the best of our own lives, and not expect the Gov't or someone else to take care of us. Our lives are the result of choices we make throughout it. No one else is to blame. Asking for a hand-out is shameful and wrong. Asking for a hand-up isn't.

But i don't expect that is how you feel.
And this is what happens when everyone refuses to agree with you, and believe your crap? LIke i said, save it!

You will not EVER convince me that what you say is true, because your words are shrouded with blame and anger.

Again i say you don't get it! I, and all other conservatives, want everyone to stand on their own feet and not depend on others. I want each and every citizen to reach for the sky, and stop blaming everything and everybody else for their place in this world. I didn't ask to be born, and neither did you, but we must make the best of our own lives, and not expect the Gov't or someone else to take care of us. Our lives are the result of choices we make throughout it. No one else is to blame. Asking for a hand-out is shameful and wrong. Asking for a hand-up isn't.

But i don't expect that is how you feel.

Yea this sense of entitlement is whats really sickening here
(SIGH) It's obvious to me now that you will never get it, because you don't want to get it! It appears all you want is to wallow in anger and blame. Typical!

You can say it all you want. That DOES NOT make it true. The paragraph in red is what you think and feel. not actual fact.
No one is denied care. If you are, then you need to sue, because it is the law. So your arguments just don't fly with ME!

Not insulting. Sometimes the truth hurts. Liberals are destroying this country from within. They need to be stopped. And yes, THAT is my opinion!

I am getting good at smelling troll, and it sure stinks around here!

My sisters Fiance is a surgeon. I will not say what type of surgeon. However, he owns his own private practice, additionally he owns the entire surgery center where other doctors rent out surgery rooms from him. He charges each one of his patients $300,000 per surgery minimum, depending on the nature of the case. He is not obligated to perform surgery on anyone who doesn't have a PPO or cash to pay his fees, he will not bill you later either if you are a cash patient. He is not breaking any laws, and he will not get sued for denying surgery to someone who can not pay his fee. Also he is not a plastic surgeon, so I'm not talking about elective surgery.

My cousin is a dental gum specialist and a professor at a dental school here in California. He too is not obligated to perform free dental work or gum surgery on anyone. He can turn anyone without insurance or money away. Actually he doesn't accept any new patients because he is so busy with his private practice and teaching, but he does routinely volunteer and does provide free service to underprivileged people, however my point is HE IS NOT OBLIGATED TO, and HE WOULD NOT BE SUED otherwise for turning anyone away. He has hasn't been accepting any new patients for almost 5 years now.

In this country you can and you will be denied healthcare either directly or indirectly if you can not afford it. Why is this so hard to understand. IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY YOU CAN NOT GET HEALTHCARE UNLESS YOU JUST GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND YOU ARE IN NEED OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE.
i went to alot of schooling to EARN the degrees and certifications i have in order to EARN the job i have that pays me the money that i use to afford the quality healthcare that i have.

i did what i thought was necessary to guarantee i could take care of myself and my loved ones. i worked for it. it wasn't handed to me.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute, let me get this correct. Having access to affordable yet quality healthcare is a sense of entitlement? WOW that is a sad perspective to have.
Why don't you get that Health care or Insurance are NOT rights?

Never should be, and i hope they never will!

Regardless of what you think, NO ONE owes you, or anyone else, ANYTHING!!

If you want it, go get a damn job and work for it. And don't give me that crap about there aren't any jobs, or certain areas are depressed, or no one gets a fair shake in (name your city).

And yet, you will still get care if you NEED it!

And lastly, the Gov't is not the answer! The Gov't is the problem! ANY government oversight should be minimal, and be only oversight, not control!
i went to alot of schooling to EARN the degrees and certifications i have in order to EARN the job i have that pays me the money that i use to afford the quality healthcare that i have.

i did what i thought was necessary to guarantee i could take care of myself and my loved ones. i worked for it. it wasn't handed to me.

EXACTLY! It should never be handed out. It then creates a sense of entitlement that carries over into every part of their lives!
EXACTLY! It should never be handed out. It then creates a sense of entitlement that carries over into every part of their lives!

So then you agree with the other forum member, having the mindset that all individuals should have access to quality yet affordable healthcare is some sort of entitlement.

I guess next time I see a child with leukemia coming from a hard working family who can not afford health insurance, I should look this child in the eyes and say "gee your parents have such a sense of entitlement, they felt the need to give birth to you, knowing they are low on the socioeconomic scale. Meaning Now, because you were born and because you have leukemia, I have to have my hard earned tax dollars pay for your 2 million dollar leukemia treatment bill."

You know what, you are right. We should re-write all the laws. Why should my tax dollars go to pay for medical treatment for children from poor parents who felt entitled. Screw them, let all the children in California die.

You know what, lets get rid of all social programs. Heck, lets hope these parents themselves develop cancer. Those damn entitled people. I hope they develop cancer, then they can't afford the $20,000 a month anti-cancer medication. As a result they will die and the children will end up parent-less. While we are at, lets get rid of programs that place these orphans into homes. Why should my hard earned dollars go to support entitled families who couldn't develop a trust fund or life insurance to go to a beneficiary until their children turned 18. Screw that, I don't want my tax dollars supporting children of entitled parents.

Dang being a republican feels good so far. Lets see what other stuff I can come up with. How about we get rid of public school buses. Those damn kids feel entitled to a free bus ride to school. Screw them, not my problem their poor entitled parents don't have a car, or can't afford a nanny to drive them to school. Plus I don't want the public schools in my high class neighborhood being infested by children of poor parents who feel entitled that their children should be bussed in from the ghetto. My California property taxes shouldn't be used to educate people from the ghetto, let them use 30 yr old run down desks, and books with missing pages, not my problem someone poor felt entitled to have children.

Wow, I'm loving this feeling. What other selfish dog poo can I come up with now that I'm a republican. Hmmm, you know what, I'm really starting to hate people who feel entitled. Like those entitled people who give birth to children with mental disorders and learning disabilites. F*cking aye, that child with down syndrome will grow up one day to become an adult, will not be able to get anything more than a minimum wage job sticking stickers on boxes, and darn it now I will have to use my tax dollars to subsidize housing for this adult with down syndrome.

On top of that, most down syndrome patients have gastro intestinal problems, and other issues with their viscera. Freaking aye, now my hard earned dollars have to support this adult with down syndrome for the rest of his life, because his hard working yet selfish and entitled parents only made minimum wage, then they themselves died because they didn't get blood pressure and cholesterol medication since they had no insurance.

As a result both the mother had a clot in her left descending artery which caused ischemia of her heart tissue and she died. Just 2 months later the father had a blood clot that traveled up his carotid arteries, traveled to the capillaries of his brain, and caused a stroke. Damn it, he didn't die. However, he is paralyzed and now my hard earned dollars have to pay for nursing care for this man who wears diapers now and needs a respirator to breath because his hypothalamus sustained damage. On top of that, the 40 yr old down syndrome man needs surgery, and expects me to pay for it?

You know what. Lets do away with subsidized student loans too. I'm sorry but I was able to afford my 40k a year tuition in cash. Not my problem another student feels entitled to getting a government subsidized loan, and on top of that they get it deffered? HELL NO government should NOT be getting involved in ANYTHING. STAY OUT GOVERNMENT, if someone can't afford tuition that's not my problem, let them get 3 jobs and pay for it. What makes me even more angry are government grants, they never get paid back! Can you believe all these freaking self entitled college students, expecting to get money they never have to pay back. SCREW THAT I PAID FOR MY EDUCATION. People wanting something for nothing.

Hmmm, wow I'm loving this feeling being a republican is great. Well I got to go and get drunk now, then go cruise a public bathroom for sex with people of the same sex. Then tomorrow I'm going to run for office with GOD as my platform and I'm going to shun same sex marriages. Oh and I heard some 19 yr old girl got raped by her own father, and now wants an abortion. These damn entitled woman. She is going to give birth to her fathers baby one way or the other if I have my way, to think she feels entitled to an abortion. Freaking liberal Baby killers, drive me insane.
You know what. Lets do away with subsidized student loans too. I'm sorry but I was able to afford my 40k a year tuition in cash. Not my problem another student feels entitled to getting a government subsidized loan, and on top of that they get it deffered? HELL NO government should NOT be getting involved in ANYTHING. STAY OUT GOVERNMENT, if someone can't afford tuition that's not my problem, let them get 3 jobs and pay for it. What makes me even more angry are government grants, they never get paid back! Can you believe all these freaking self entitled college students, expecting to get money they never have to pay back. SCREW THAT I PAID FOR MY EDUCATION. People wanting something for nothing.
This is the ONLY thing you have EVER said that makes ANY sense! You crack me up!

Seriously? You really believe this stuff you are writing?

Let's just do away with liberalism altogether. It's as harmful as smoking and illegal drugs!
This is the ONLY thing you have EVER said that makes ANY sense! You crack me up!

Seriously? You really believe this stuff you are writing?

Let's just do away with liberalism altogether. It's as harmful as smoking and illegal drugs!

Umm no I was being sarcastic. That entire thing was sarcasm if you didn't catch that.

Ok I have a deadline to meet tomorrow, bye for now.
charity should never be forced upon any citizen.

and don't insult me by calling me a Republican. i'm not a Republican.

I also don't consider myself a Republican. I am a Conservative. I generally vote Republican because my views and beliefs more often follow those of the GOP, than any other party.
What we agreed was that if you had to follow the state laws of the state you were selling in, there was no reason to not allow them to sell policies across state lines.

And we agreed that the ban from selling across state lines had nothing to do with following state laws. If it is repealed, the state laws will still remain in effect, just like they do for Motor Vehicle Insurance.

The issue is that the proponents of allowing them to sell across state lines advocate removing those protections, because the protections are what drive the differences in premiums.

I live in the deep (I mean... DEEP South). I've never heard anyone mention doing away with state regulations (with the exception of Bob here on this forum).

You couldn't find it because the subsidiaries don't separately report (I followed the HC in a sell-side advisory role for about 18 months). They report as line-items on the "base" company (and even then it's generally bundled; it's a PITA trying to look at state-by-state business without a contact).

Subsidiaries are separate companies controlled via stock.

There is really no difference between allowing me to sell across state lines if I have to obey the state laws, and making me create a separate company that sells within that state -- I can transfer money to and from it as needed, there is slightly more paperwork, but that's it and considering the number of lawyers I need on retainer anyway the difference is negligible.

So we are agreed.

You can always feed money to your subsidiary that's losing money (it's wholly owned, it's not like you need to worry about whether the other owners will or not). The same way you could to any other arm of your business that's losing money. The issue is that the barrier to entry is substantial due to the high cost of setting up networks.

That's the point. You HAVE to funnel money to the subsidiary.

It's one thing to setup a new section in your company, and allow it to remain unprofitable for a bit, and it's another to setup an entirely different company that has no revenue stream for years.
So, why can't we put in place legislation that allows us to sell across state lines and if those states won't repeal their draconian laws, leave them out of the process until they see the citizens of their neighbors saving money?

Why can't we get some control? People on the right say that is going to save us so much money that universal healthcare won't be necessary, the people on the left say it won't help enough. No one has really said we shouldn't do it, the worst I have heard about it is that it won't solve anything.

That being said, there isn't a lot of evidence that letting some giant insurance companies work it out will fix things that much but it would be interesting to see what actually was possible in terms of cost and availability. I guess we just have to ask ourselves which is worse: some company protecting its profit margin or some politician trying to influence the voters with the carrot/stick approach. Both options really stink.
OK, so who here has actually read the ENTIRE HC bill? Not me, and likely, NOBODY here has read it. So before those of you that support the bill do so publically, perhaps you should read it? Lots of scary things in the bill.

My sisters Fiance is a surgeon. I will not say what type of surgeon. (SNIP)

My cousin is a dental gum specialist and a professor at a dental school here in California.

Bob is a tad confused. Why are you reluctant to mention what kind of surgeon your sister's fianc
Quality Affordable Healthcare . . .

I think everyone should have access to quality affordable healthcare. But my children read this post with care, for I did not say we honest hard working taxpayers should pay for it; the word affordable suggests it costs money and it is to be purchased by those that want coverage.

What a vast number of lazy people want is the government to pay for it. Healthcare is most certainly not a right.

If we do away with state mandates, if we do away with restrictions on selling insurance across state borders so insurance companies can compete, if we do something about Tort Reform . . . well, the larger problems are solved and insurance becomes affordable.

It is simple folks, a no-brainer.

Bob Maxey
Quality Affordable Healthcare . . .

I think everyone should have access to quality affordable healthcare. But my children read this post with care, for I did not say we honest hard working taxpayers should pay for it; the word affordable suggests it costs money and it is to be purchased by those that want coverage.

What a vast number of lazy people want is the government to pay for it. Healthcare is most certainly not a right.

If we do away with state mandates, if we do away with restrictions on selling insurance across state borders so insurance companies can compete, if we do something about Tort Reform . . . well, the larger problems are solved and insurance becomes affordable.

It is simple folks, a no-brainer.

Bob Maxey

This is something that finally makes sense.
What a vast number of lazy people want is the government to pay for it. Healthcare is most certainly not a right.

Bob Maxey

This is where we differ. I think we need some sort of universal healthcare system in this country, which will provide every single American affordable yet quality healthcare, and if some individuals can't pay anything, then so be it. I don't care if you grew up in the ghetto living in the projects, if you get sick then you deserve the exact same treatment someone who grew up in Atherton receives. You also shouldn't go bankrupt or broke paying for this treatment.
This is where we differ. I think we need some sort of universal healthcare system in this country, which will provide every single American affordable yet quality healthcare, and if some individuals can't pay anything, then so be it. I don't care if you grew up in the ghetto living in the projects, if you get sick then you deserve the exact same treatment someone who grew up in Atherton receives. You also shouldn't go bankrupt or broke paying for this treatment.

as long as YOU dont have to pay for it right?
as long as YOU dont have to pay for it right?

Who me personally? Umm did I say that? You know nothing about me. Do you think I'm really that stupid, you really think that I THINK this is going to be free? You think I would come here and run my mouth about providing healthcare for free to people who can't afford it, without expecting someone like me would have to pay for it?

People like me will be paying for it, and I have no problem with that. Actually I hold the belief that the top earners in this country should pay more in taxes. I do pay taxes now, and I have no problem paying even more. The more and more I make, the more and more I should pay. I'm sorry, you may not agree with that, however that is the political view I hold.

The difference between you and I, is that I EXPECT TO PAY FOR IT and I DON'T have a problem doing so. Apparently you do.
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