I don't consider myself "environmentally conscious" I consider myself "logical".
On one hand I do have an understanding and respect for the fact that we have limited resources and I am a firm believer in reducing the amount of waste I as a person put out.
A few years ago when I had the option of getting a truck or a car, I choose a car that gets 39 highway MPG (toyota yaris) because it was cheaper than a prius, looked better, and got great mileage. Benefits me in the form of being cheaper, benefits the environment by being easier on our resources. A great symbiotic relationship!
When I was disposing of 2 computers about a year ago, I took them to best buy hoping they would be recycled. The guy at bestbuy said I had to pay 10$ each to have them recycled and I would receive 20$ back in the form of a best buy gift card.
I was perfectly willing to put for my own gas money to drive to best buy, spend 30 minutes to an hour of my time to recycle and receive nothing in return for my efforts in order to do the right thing and recycle those products.
I am not willing to spend my own money to receive a gift card I can't use to pay my bills just to do the "right thing".
Since best buy wouldn't take them, and I heard of no other recycling place I just threw the computers right in the garbage.
I am willing to do the right thing up to a point. However, I am a firm believer that there are a lot of voltures out there who want to capitolize on your good intentions..
EX: a hipster friend I had who was all pro environment only ate organic food because it is "better for the environment" then turned around and bought an suv because "I wanted to take advantage of low gas prices while I can".. (When she was considering her vehicle.. gas prices dipped a lot due to the recession)