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How in the world does Apple do this?


Extreme Android User
I am once again amazed at the hype machine Apple has behind it. They announced iOS 6 yesterday and the main feature is baked in maps. Now this is something that has been in Android since Eclair I think and has been in WP7 since it came out. I'm sure it was in other mobile OSes as well. There have been 3rd party apps on iOS that offered navigation as well for a long time. Yet the blogs are abuzz about how awesome and amazing baked in mapping it.

It just blows me away. If the situation was reverse and it was WP7 rolling out baked in maps the story would be, "WP7 finally catches up to the competition." Yet, Apple does it and the story is, "Apple innovates yet again!!" I have no clue at all how they pull this crap off, but I'm jealous.
Furthermore, they screw over their users by only rolling this out to the 4S. You know as well as I do that the iPhone 4 is perfectly capable of running this since it's basically the same hardware as the 4S. Android does something like this and everyone starts talking about "fragmentation". Apple does it and no one cares. WTF???
Well, I personally don't care about 3D; it's a novelty with little value to me, regardless if Google maps add support for it. But, street view is different; it's the most useful feature of google maps, in my opinion. If Apple's built in maps/navigation system doesn't support that and Google isn't allowed to publish an alternative in the app store, then iOS 6 will be a downgrade, in my opinion.
does anyone have a link to an article that states they've innovated yet again?

BB Maps has been incorporated in BB OS since... well forever.
I don't worry about Apple when it comes to phones os compared to Android. What gets me is the price for that Macbook retina display. I'm sure you're going to have some buyers but $2100 for a laptop. I'm sorry but they can keep it..
I just don't get that two companies can do the same thing and no one ever calls BS on Apple. Ever. Microsoft rolls out some feature that Android and iOS have had forever and it's criticized for being too slow or too little too late, but Apple does the same thing and it is praised for it. I don't get it.
Blame the consumers buying into the hype, not to mention some of these tech sites and bloggers scared to rip Apple and let them know how uninspiring they have been lately .
Furthermore, they screw over their users by only rolling this out to the 4S. You know as well as I do that the iPhone 4 is perfectly capable of running this since it's basically the same hardware as the 4S. Android does something like this and everyone starts talking about "fragmentation". Apple does it and no one cares. WTF???

Not quite. Apple maps looks to me like it is designed for A5+ chip architecture. The iP4, iP3gs or iPad1, likely can't handle the graphics. I can imagine the 3gs would slow to a crawl running this feature. Despite outward appearaces, the iP4 and 4s are very different internally. Although Siri worked perfectly fine on my old jailbroken iP4. Apple was full of sh.. limiting that to the 4s!

By the way, fragmentation? On iOS? Never. :D
They also announced their laptop that is .71 mm thick which I'm sure will sell for nothing less than $1100, where I just bought an HP sleekbook that is .77 mm thick but has an i3, a 500 GB HD, and all the other bells and whistles for under $600 shipped.

OUCH!! Make that $2199....http://www.apple.com/macbook-pro/specs/
They also announced their laptop that is .71 mm thick which I'm sure will sell for nothing less than $1100, where I just bought an HP sleekbook that is .77 mm thick but has an i3, a 500 GB HD, and all the other bells and whistles for under $600 shipped.

OUCH!! Make that $2199....Apple - MacBook Pro with Retina display - Technical Specifications

Add to the fact that you can no longer make any mods with these super slim laptops. RAM soldered to the motherboards. SSD drives limited in size and not removable (very easily anyway). Hell, battery connections are probably soldered in place too.

I was thinking of upgrading my modified 2010 Macbook Pro. I have 2 internal drives, one is an ssd, with an external usb optical drive and 8gb of RAM. If I can't make my own mods to harddrive, RAM or even the battery, I guess i won't be buying another Macbook.
It's all about the brand name. My wife loves her iPhone which she uses only to make phone calls. She doesn't even use it to listen to the music I put on it. For music, she uses her iPod. Just today, she was so excited when she put on a new case. Having an iPhone as your phone is like having a Louis Vuitton purse as a purse.
It's all about the brand name. My wife loves her iPhone which she uses only to make phone calls. She doesn't even use it to listen to the music I put on it. For music, she uses her iPod. Just today, she was so excited when she put on a new case. Having an iPhone as your phone is like having a Louis Vuitton purse as a purse.

iPhone: the pet rock of the new millenium.
the press doesnt give apple heck do to the fact they wouldnt get their free iCrap. The press has pushed apple more than apple has pushed itself. The big reason apple can come out behind everyone else and get praised for being innovated is again do to a biased press that loves for all to conform to idiotic mindless standards. If we dont question they can keep feeding us garbage and we'll eat it up and go yum right on cue.
I too am amazed at the audacity of apple. Total arrogance & the way they sing from the rooftops things that were inventing BEFORE CHRIST, claiming it to be there own. Someone's got a god complex! Which is fine for those who like being patronized & preached to. Luckily not all the human race is as gullible!!! :D

To apple: ;)
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