Extreme Android User
I am once again amazed at the hype machine Apple has behind it. They announced iOS 6 yesterday and the main feature is baked in maps. Now this is something that has been in Android since Eclair I think and has been in WP7 since it came out. I'm sure it was in other mobile OSes as well. There have been 3rd party apps on iOS that offered navigation as well for a long time. Yet the blogs are abuzz about how awesome and amazing baked in mapping it.
It just blows me away. If the situation was reverse and it was WP7 rolling out baked in maps the story would be, "WP7 finally catches up to the competition." Yet, Apple does it and the story is, "Apple innovates yet again!!" I have no clue at all how they pull this crap off, but I'm jealous.
It just blows me away. If the situation was reverse and it was WP7 rolling out baked in maps the story would be, "WP7 finally catches up to the competition." Yet, Apple does it and the story is, "Apple innovates yet again!!" I have no clue at all how they pull this crap off, but I'm jealous.