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how much is android forums makin for the advertisements?

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Okay... I guess I can understand that, but what im getting at is... and this will probably get me banned.... but oh well. Now I have no clue on how much it cost to run a website like this, nor how much time of someones day it would take.... But what I dont understand is why people need to pay 5 bucks a month for a "premium membership".... Especially since Crackberry.com to my knowledge doesnt charge any money for a premium membership... Just seems kind of odd to me that CrackBerry.com ? The #1 Site for BlackBerry Users & Abusers seems like such a bigger site and they arent asking anyone for money...

Dont mean to stir anything up, if I do... I just feel kind of like people are getting hosed here.
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Some people are so funny.

You don't want them wasting 5 seconds of your life by giving you a reply you don't want - reacting pretty harshly to it while you ask a rather rude question which is REALLY just a question designed to question something else - yet you make a thread like this to waste 5 minutes of mine. Cool..

Again - as we've said before, senses, you certainly don't have to sign up. The site is still 100% free. People know what they get and don't get when they do sign up and when they DON'T.. they still use the site for free. ........?

So, I guess what *I'm* getting at is.. you and I clearly have different definitions of the words "helpful advice", "waste of time" and "hosed."

p.s. Qua-billion-trillions. Little do you know, we're actually multi-quabilliontrillionaires thanks to this site alone!
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