I had thought about unrevoked 3.22. I'm happy to have froyo back and a working phone again! but I keep getting that OTA request to update to gingerbread! Would like to update to gingersense or something to get rid of that. I don't think I understand your last line about "forever patch can easily be flahed in recovery"??
the "forever" patch is simply a .zip file thats flashed in recovery that turns your radio secure flag to s-off. if you can use any root method to gain clockwork recovery,all you have to do is flash the .zip and youl be s-off,and have achieved your goal
more info here:
public:forever [RootWiki]
Will need to research a little more about z4 since unrevoked seems to be the most popular and credible.
This just seems wrong.... why does it work for everyone else? It has to be my computer and I'm just not sure what to shut off so it doesn't interfere. I run Win7 with 64bit. And yeah, same result when I removed sd card.