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Root Hroark's Prevail Kernel Factory

we can only work within the confines of what the source will allow

but this is major, this is new

I am looking forward to seeing what some of these guys will be doing with this

and this is a big step in the direction of getting ICS on the phone

You're absolutely correct. The biggest barriers are (were) getting root, odin/CWM, and the ability to compile a kernel. You're responsible for the prevail overcoming two of those barriers. For this, I commend you and your efforts.

I know the Prevail is not the fastest phone ever made, it may not have the best custom roms of any phone, it may not have the biggest screen, it might not have the most bells and whistles, and the Boost network isn't exactly flawless. What the Prevail is, however, is more than adequate in all of the areas listed -- and it does all of this without signing your life away for a phone.

For this reason, the Prevail is my favorite phone. I would recommend it to anyone and do. If it weren't for the continued support of our devs here, I would be painting a very different picture.

Thanks again for your hard work on the Prevail!
i'm trying to look into a kernel for a different device and
$./split.pl boot.img
gives me
Android Magic not found in boot.img. Giving up.
it's for an Epic but i was hoping i could crack it open just to see what's in there.

EDIT: got it

 for OFFSET in `od -A d -tx1 boot.img | grep '1f 8b 08' | awk '{print $1}'`; do dd if=boot.img bs=1 skip=$OFFSET of=initramfs-$OFFSET.gz; done
hey guys, for cm9/miui

 mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc

is not working for me. I tried using the init.rc and the init.sph-m820.rc

I am not sure what I am missing.

I have also tried simply uncommenting the line similar to how there are commented in the cm7 ext/noext ramdisk??

any help??
hey guys, for cm9/miui

 mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc

is not working for me. I tried using the init.rc and the init.sph-m820.rc

I am not sure what I am missing.

I have also tried simply uncommenting the line similar to how there are commented in the cm7 ext/noext ramdisk??

any help??

should be -after- the mount ext4 /dev/block/stl13 /data <blah blah blah> line

try running the line manually in the terminal (with the needed modifications to run the command at the terminal)
mount -t ext4 -o rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc /dev.block/mmcblk0p2 /data
should be -after- the mount ext4 /dev/block/stl13 /data <blah blah blah> line

try running the line manually in the terminal (with the needed modifications to run the command at the terminal)
mount -t ext4 -o rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc /dev.block/mmcblk0p2 /data

I believe I figured it out.. but I cant test it because when I boot cm9 or Miui it says "enter password to decrypt storage"
Just a little thing I found out. If you have a 64bit system, before using hpkf, you will need to install ia32-libs and ncurses-dev prior to being able to use this. This information will save you a LOT of headaches. If you need more info... pm me.
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