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htc going to help us fix our "unofficial" updated phones

Sorry but i can wait. Im not going to flash a rom that has more problems then Mel Gibson. I came from rooted to stock because i couldnt stand flashing a rom and spending weeks trying to get everything to work and still not having things work.

Ill stick with a good running 2.1 over a busted up 2.2 anyday.
Busted up? Running GREAT with no issues for me at all
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Sorry but i can wait. Im not going to flash a rom that has more problems then Mel Gibson. I came from rooted to stock because i couldnt stand flashing a rom and spending weeks trying to get everything to work and still not having things work.

Ill stick with a good running 2.1 over a busted up 2.2 anyday.
Busted up 2.2? Are you for real?
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Assuming that the update IS being pushed back, it's not because of the unofficially official update being leaked, it's because there were more problems that were found by people who loaded the unofficially official update. So don't blame the testers, thank them for finding out possible problems with your soon-to-be update.

Also, considering that the testers found the file and updated their phones manually, can't HTC just send the OTA to those with 2.1, and OFFICIALLY release the updated zip file to the early Froyo adopters so they can manually update their phones again?

This way, the 2.1 people get their update OTA, and the early adopters get the same exact file/version, but are forced to manually update it. I mean, it's not like the early adopters don't already know how to do that right?

Just my 2 cents.
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Sprint/HTC: Don't worry, if you've rooted your phone to install the 'unofficial' update we'll put out an OTA update that will break your root and install the 'official' update. This is so we can go back to charging you for wifi tethering and other nonsense.

****Sprint is still 100 billion times better than other carriers that don't offer unlimited data/text****
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Assuming the HBOOT is the same for the official as the leaked 2.2, HTC could just post a full 2.2 Rom (not an update), for us to download. Problem solved!

I also think HTC is just yanking our chains, because even if the leaked version was ment for beta testers (or whoever it was ment for), there still had to have been already a way to get those people to the final build or version.
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?

did you read the parts after someone posted a "bug" (translation = "question") how many of your "over 300 posts" ended with a solution? i just mean if you want to post scientific information like *numbers*, you should include that information as well. Try counting those and let me know what you come up with.

Just want to add, mine installed flawlessly, camera NEVER stopped working. Flash NEVER stopped working and the "on and on" you mentioned, maybe you could tell me what I'm looking for to be "broken" because I can't sniff it out, and you seem to be so knowledgeable about something you never did.

Have you considered that possibly just maybe, the original "bugs" discovered by "volunteer beta" testers in these forums, may not visit your phone? can you tell me how they might have discovered that a hard reset was necessary to fix a browser issue causing flash to crash?

try not to be offended, but please do try to answer the questions in a way that is useful.
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hawkijustin;1288366]Sorry but i can wait. Im not going to flash a rom that has more problems then Mel Gibson. I came from rooted to stock because i couldnt stand flashing a rom and spending weeks trying to get everything to work and still not having things work.

Ill stick with a good running 2.1 over a busted up 2.2 anyday.

My 2.2 seems fine. More like Tom Hanks than Mel ;)
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?

This almost feels like a troll.

Justin, the vast majority of folks watching this thread are doing so because they applied the update. I note that none of the rest of us are clamoring for an update to save us. We're speculating on the deltas (if any) and the update mechanism, and frankly whether there is any need for an additional updates. This is not the kind of audience that is likely to agree that there are significant issues with the build. I'm enjoying the 2.2 preview and will rejoin the herd when the path back is in place and seems solid.
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?
You apparently found what you were looking for. You missed the part where most of the problems were with apps on the phone, not Froyo.

To each his own. Maybe you can get 1.6 running on the evo and be even happier :p (Yes I'm kidding).

I've had one 'real' issue with 2.2 and it's minor. I can live with Google Navigation pausing my media player for everything else I gained with 2.2. If they fix this because some of us chose to go on the bleeding edge and feel it out.

I understand why people choose to wait.

Your spreading mis-information about 2.2 on the Evo in every other post on this forum is just ridiculous.
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?

Now tells us how many of those people have already resolved their issues and are now happy with the install, because I have seen a lot of those too...
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?

You crack me up. Since Thursday you have been all riled up about people updating to the "unofficial" 2.2 that was "accidentally" released by HTC. Four days later and you are still riled up even though you didn't update and therefore had no issues from 2.2.

I think deep down inside you want to thank of all those early updaters for helping HTC to ensure your safety during the "official" update. Heck even HTC is thanking those unofficial beta testers by creating a special update.

OK, time to go play with my working-perfectly "unofficial" Froyo Evo.
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Assuming that the update IS being pushed back, it's not because of the unofficially official update being leaked, it's because there were more problems that were found by people who loaded the unofficially official update. So don't blame the testers, thank them for finding out possible problems with your soon-to-be update.

Also, considering that the testers found the file and updated their phones manually, can't HTC just send the OTA to those with 2.1, and OFFICIALLY release the updated zip file to the early Froyo adopters so they can manually update their phones again?

This way, the 2.1 people get their update OTA, and the early adopters get the same exact file/version, but are forced to manually update it. I mean, it's not like the early adopters don't already know how to do that right?

Just my 2 cents.

But now HTC/Sprint have a convenient scapegoat to not have the update available tomorrow, us! Tomorrow they can just announce the update is delayed because people downloaded and installed an "unofficial" release, we now have to delay the release for everyone untill we rectify the problem. Instead of just saying we are not able to meet the date we put out there (aug 3), sorry but Sprint won't be the first, Verizon will, with Droid. lol Who knows until tomorrow. An update will either be released or a statement will be made.
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I've had one 'real' issue with 2.2 and it's minor. I can live with Google Navigation pausing my media player for everything else I gained with 2.2. If they fix this because some of us chose to go on the bleeding edge and feel it out.

Others found in 2.1 that if they have their music on a louder volume - over the speaker - forget headphones or into car stereo, etc - that the nav would just drop completely.

I'm curious - do you use yours over the built-in speaker, at a high volume, and if so, does your nav continue to work?

The thing that you're mentioning may be either:

  • a fix for the conflict at high volume killing nav altogether
  • just some feature they dreamed up, so people wouldn't miss hearing the driving directions

I'm just curious.

For the dropped-nav problem, I think we (or maybe just myself) were expecting the speaker working harder caused gps radio interference or something.

Thinking about your report - I wonder if it was a simple power-distribution question and what you're finding as an objectionable defect is the outcome of fixing a bigger defect. I think a few people suspected power as the issue before.

The second seems much more logical to me now.

Really curious.
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But now HTC/Sprint have a convenient scapegoat to not have the update available tomorrow, us! Tomorrow they can just announce the update is delayed because people downloaded and installed an "unofficial" release, we now have to delay the release for everyone untill we rectify the problem. Instead of just saying we are not able to meet the date we put out there (aug 3), sorry but Sprint won't be the first, Verizon will, with Droid. lol Who knows until tomorrow. An update will either be released or a statement will be made.

The update is not being delayed because of HTC or Sprint.
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I read about the nav dropping pre-2.2 but never had the issue that I noticed.

I use a cassette adapter connected to the earphone jack on about 80% volume. This may be why I haven't had the nav drop issue.

On mine the HTC Music app just pauses when the navigation speaks. Before it just muted the 'media' while the navigation was speaking.

I installed bplayer today. I just did a test and it does not have the 'pausing' issue that the HTC 'Music' app does. It just mutes the media while Google nav speaks, as the phone did before with 2.1.

As far as I'm concerned, no big loss because the HTC music app is painful to use and bplayer just works!
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I read about the nav dropping pre-2.2 but never had the issue that I noticed.

I use a cassette adapter connected to the earphone jack on about 80% volume. This may be why I haven't had the nav drop issue.

On mine the HTC Music app just pauses when the navigation speaks. Before it just muted the 'media' while the navigation was speaking.

I installed bplayer today. I just did a test and it does not have the 'pausing' issue that the HTC 'Music' app does. It just mutes the media while Google nav speaks, as the phone did before with 2.1.

As far as I'm concerned, no big loss because the HTC music app is painful to use and bplayer just works!

I never had an issue with this - and I play music at max volume with Nav going all the time while I drive. Then again, I mute the Nav..
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Yeah i am for real. I have read well over 300+ posts over the weekend about problems people are having. Non working camera, no flash and on and on. The front page was full of stickys and threads all weekend about 2.2 bugs.

So are you serious?
Someone already posted a camera issue with the new build.......It's the same issue and fix as the proir build. I am betting it is the exact same update!
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