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HTC Inspire Battery Experiences...

keep us updated still sounds on the low side

4 hours 26 minutes since unplugged
Display 71% Display time on 1 hr 37 minutes
Android system 11%
Voice Calls 6%
Cell Standby 3%
Hancent SMS 3%
com.htc.launcher 2%
phone idle 2%
wifi 2%

Current life remaining 26%. This just isn't going to cut it. May have to swap it for a different unit if this keeps up. Will give it some time though, and will let the battery die completely today before recharging.
4 hours 26 minutes since unplugged
Display 71% Display time on 1 hr 37 minutes
Android system 11%
Voice Calls 6%
Cell Standby 3%
Hancent SMS 3%
com.htc.launcher 2%
phone idle 2%
wifi 2%

Current life remaining 26%. This just isn't going to cut it. May have to swap it for a different unit if this keeps up. Will give it some time though, and will let the battery die completely today before recharging.

Have you tried tweaking some settings? I changed my exchange settings to only "push" during peak hours that I defined as 7am to 5pm, then it only checks mail every hour. Turned the brightness down, and it's still very vivid. Got rid of my RSS feeds widget. All this helped A LOT. I had a 50% charge last night and was on it surfing the web etc for 4 hours and had about 15% before I finally fell asleep.

I friggen love this phone! It just keeps getting better.
Have you tried tweaking some settings? I changed my exchange settings to only "push" during peak hours that I defined as 7am to 5pm, then it only checks mail every hour. Turned the brightness down, and it's still very vivid. Got rid of my RSS feeds widget. All this helped A LOT. I had a 50% charge last night and was on it surfing the web etc for 4 hours and had about 15% before I finally fell asleep.

I friggen love this phone! It just keeps getting better.

I have the built in email app checking 1 mail account every 15 minutes peak, every hour off peak, another gmail account(using the gmail app) which pushes email, and twitter polls for new tweets every 15 minutes.

Nothing else should be pulling for data, except the htc weather widget that updates every hour.
You shouldn't have to change push settings as it isn't your phone doing the work (ie- checking so often) compared to non-push applications. Right?
Something is screwy cause my phone has been unplugged since before 8am, and its now almost 3:30, yet the phone says its only been unplugged for just over 6 hours.

Gonna do a factory restore and start from scratch and see what happens.
Something is screwy cause my phone has been unplugged since before 8am, and its now almost 3:30, yet the phone says its only been unplugged for just over 6 hours.

Gonna do a factory restore and start from scratch and see what happens.
You sure you never plugged it back in to anything, like a car charger or to your computer via USB?
Wow, dude your not gonna get sh1t out of your phone, or any phone for that matter. That, in my opinion, is extremely heavy use.

100 SMS texts? (holy hell)

135 downloaded tweets

Angry birds

and then regular stuff like facebook, internet, etc.. And thats all in less than 3 hours?! Damn

I beg to differ about that being heavy use. I own and run a BlackBerry tech support and training business. I send out 500+ texts a day, THOUSANDS of IM's and have open and running IM+, Facebook, and about every other app out there.
THATS heavy use when I am basically available 19 hours a day.

My phone was taken off the charger at 6am this morning, its now 4pm here (10 hours later) and I'm JUST now getting 10% battery warning.

Oh and thats with the HTC Inspire and not my Blackberry lol
I beg to differ about that being heavy use. I own and run a BlackBerry tech support and training business. I send out 500+ texts a day, THOUSANDS of IM's and have open and running IM+, Facebook, and about every other app out there.
THATS heavy use when I am basically available 19 hours a day.

My phone was taken off the charger at 6am this morning, its now 4pm here (10 hours later) and I'm JUST now getting 10% battery warning.

Oh and thats with the HTC Inspire and not my Blackberry lol
Ill agree that is some heavy use. I guess its all subjective really on moderate, mild, heavy usage claims.

My idea of moderate use is like 50 texts, maybe 5-10 phone calls, browsing, and checking some emails.

Harlemn is having his phone update twitter every 15 minutes lol. I would imagine that would just kill aaaaany smartphone battery, but thats just a guess.

Good luck fellas, but for me this phone is perfect and the battery will never be an issue compared to some of you guys and your heavy usage.
you are right in regards to it being subjective as to what is heavy use ;)

If I used it as little as you do (again my opinion only) that would be like me never using it lol.
50 texts, 5-10 phone calls yadda yadda. I do that all before 9am :/
If burn your phone down to less than 50% before noon--get a life. Seriously just look around you and enjoy being in the world in first person. I was without a phone for 48 hours a few months back and I noticed how much I was missing of the world around me. I was so focused on my phone that I never noticed anything else.

Phones for people in 2011 is like playing World of Warcraft 24/7 and ignoring real life. In class or in between class do you ever look around and see how many people have their heads down staring at their phone? It's ridiculous. People are slaves to their phone.

I love this phone, but it's still just an accessory. Don't make your life revolve around it. Battery life is no problem whatsoever.
I think most people will have heavier use on a phone when they first get it. I've had mine since the release date. Yesterday it hit 15% around 7:00PM (took it off charger at 100% around 9:00 AM). Today I had what I consider heavy use on my phone and it is at 42% (full charge at 7:00 AM and it is now 4:41). So I'm not really complaining because I'm sure battery life will get better once I stop playing around with all the different things.

But I do have one question: I've been told to give the battery a week or so to get use to how I use the phone. Is that true? Will my battery become "trained" and last just a little longer?
Li-on batteries aren't trainable afaik.

As for battery life, it's currently 6:12, I've had it off the charger since 9:07 and I have 47% battery left. :)
If burn your phone down to less than 50% before noon--get a life. Seriously just look around you and enjoy being in the world in first person. I was without a phone for 48 hours a few months back and I noticed how much I was missing of the world around me. I was so focused on my phone that I never noticed anything else.

Phones for people in 2011 is like playing World of Warcraft 24/7 and ignoring real life. In class or in between class do you ever look around and see how many people have their heads down staring at their phone? It's ridiculous. People are slaves to their phone.

I love this phone, but it's still just an accessory. Don't make your life revolve around it. Battery life is no problem whatsoever.

But the morons around me are not NEARLY as interesting as reading the world news....

Lets see..which is more educational and interesting... 1) Whats going on in egypt, the local news and the tech news...or 2) Some idiot in public with a story to share about his wifes bunion...

Hmmm.. 1 or 2

1 or 2

Hmm....... I think 1????

LOL..you get my point..

Unfortunately you are right...most of those idiots with their nose buried in phones are social networking....IN PUBLIC..which is ridiculous..

Your arguments however do not apply to me however as i am MOST LIKELY catching up on current events, stocks, traffic accidents, and tech releases...all MUCH MORE productive than "socializing....regardless if its in person or on a phone".

Li-on batteries aren't trainable afaik.

As for battery life, it's currently 6:12, I've had it off the charger since 9:07 and I have 47% battery left. :)

No but the user is....
Compared to my Captivate, the battery on this thing rocks. I could barely go 6 hours on the captivate without being down in the 30% range, and sometimes even less. I use my phone mostly for mail and well, calls. I do get twitter updates and some facebook updates but during the day while at work, I am actually working so the non-work stuff is limited.

On the Inspire, I can go the entire 9-11 hour day at work without the need for a charge and still have 40% left when I get home.

I get about 300 emails during work hours, use the phone for browsing websites on occasion when I do not have my laptop handy and get maybe 10 text messages, and I am using the actual phone about 30-60 minutes a day on about 10-30 calls.
I got 11 hours and 5 minutes and my battery light just turned yellow, I am not sure what % that is because I don't do meters anymore, they cause me to OCD on the battery. But i have done over 100 text, browsed some, downloaded some widgets and notifications from da hub, did FB postings, read my google reader, checked weather bug a few times, and talked about 45 minutes on different calls throughout the day. Changed my wallpaper maybe 2-3 times too. I think that's pretty good. Does anyone know about how much battery is left when it turns yellow, it looks about like a 1/3 of battery left.
Android power management is weaker in comparison to some other mobile operating systems. Thats is a reality. The Inspire is still an amazing device regardless.
I was at about 11.5 hours when i hit the 15% mark today with "medium-heavy" use. no videos but downloaded a few apps, sent several texts, talked about an hour or more, ran several speed tests and read the news a few minutes, checked email a few times, and surfed the web a while. With REALLY HEAVY use i could kill it in 9-10 hours or so i am sure...
I am not about to get into an argument on a forum. However if the "getting a life" rant was for me in regards to heavy use etc..... then maybe the posting person should re-read the fact that I run a mobile telecommunications BUSINESS....
Therefor I will be connected and online. Granted I do not always answer right away because I have 3 dogs and 5 kids, so I'm extremely busy. But even when I am sleeping, I am always connected and "online" etc
Wow, dude your not gonna get sh1t out of your phone, or any phone for that matter. That, in my opinion, is extremely heavy use.

100 SMS texts? (holy hell)

135 downloaded tweets

Angry birds

and then regular stuff like facebook, internet, etc.. And thats all in less than 3 hours?! Damn

(im cooler than everyone:rolleyes:)
thats a VERY light morning for me

I usually get 40 emails with attachments and probably 200 text before lunch.
Check facebook every 30min for a break from work.

Battery life was very good, plugeed it in after lunch just cause :p
Got the phone yesterday, took it off the charger this morning at 8:00 and was at 15% around 9:00 pm today. This was with moderate use from facebook, surfing the web, 2 phone calls, 30 minutes of angry birds, 3 hours of my phone going in and out of service(due to my work building) which wastes battery when trying to pick up a signal. All in all, very impressed with the battery.
Used I guess moderately today, but have been on wifi a lot, plus being connected to the network, and I've been off charger since 9:07AM (now 12:00AM) and still have 26% battery left. Pretty impressive imo.
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