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HTC Inspire Battery Experiences...

I'm getting pretty good battery use out of mine. Took mine off the charger yesterday around 7AM and by 630 PM it hit 15%.I guess I'd say moderate to heavy use? I've been web browsing on this phone more than I did on my iPhone. So I'd say almost 12 hours was really good. I'm hoping to get the same results today.

My question is, should I let my battery drain down to 15% every day before charging it? Or is it better to let it charge in the car on my way home from work when it is only at 50-40%?

I let it die completely yesterday and to get from 15% to 0% took about 2 hours. This is including playing words with friends occasionally.

Oh also! I deleted my battery percent widgit. I was checking it constantly to see where my phone was at. I figured I'd be less worried about my battery if I just let my phone do its thing without me constantly checking to see where it was at.
Figure id put my 2 cents in since ive been using this phone more than my computer. Its been midterms week for me which is why i havent been posting much. I have been using my phone A LOT and this is what my day usually looks like:

first off, things constantly running in the background:
Sense widgets
words with friends
Corporate Email
phone goes off the charger at 7am
I use pulse for all my tech news quite often through the day
I respond to all my emails
I send about 100 texts a day
Talk on the phone about 1 hour a day
Im on facebook chat quite a bit
Using a downloaded calculator app for physics and calculus (use for about 3-4 hours in a day)
During my 30 min lunch break, I play jet car stunts (super addictive)
Im constantly playing my coworkers in words with friends
Down load about 1-2 apps a day
take a few pictures here and there and send them to facebook
I use the ultimate guitar app + (cant remember the name of the app that opens up guitar pro files)to practice guitar and play some songs
I use pandora for about an hour when im working out
EDIT: forgot to add running speeds tests through out the day
phone goes on the charger at about midnight
the last 2 days of doing that, ive landed at about 30% left (each day)

This is pretty much my usage and results
I installed Juicedefender last night and also Screebl. And I've been running Profile Valet for a couple days too.

What settings are you using for Juicedefender? I've been using it too but I'm not sure which setting works best. At most Juicedefender will tell me it is saving 1.2 battery
How many email accounts do you have? Just out of curiosity could this be why I seem to be using more battery.

BTW Andrea what is your screen brightness set at?

Update battery: 6 hr 15 min I'm at 50%.
The first couple of days I wasn't getting great battery life, but as I have been using it, it seems the battery is 'broken in' and I am getting significantly better battery life. this obviously takes into account apps and settings ive used to increase the battery life, but I still think that there is something to be said for 'breaking it in'
There is no way I could do all of those things on my Inspire at be at 30% by midnight. I've just been playing words with friends every hour or so today and I'm at 67% 4.5 hours after taking it off the charger.
Right but I don't consider playing words with friends occasionally to be even moderate use. I had much better results yesterday.

No I get it but depending on network strength WiFi etc etc battery usage will differ daily. Also the charging methods of the individual will alter this as well. In the end though this phone to basically double the average usage of the lesser EVO and identical desire HD is impressive in its own right
my next question would be, should I give it a quick charge in the car? It is like a 45 minute drive home from work. I'm expecting my battery to be at 40-30% by 5 PM. Or should I just let it get down to 15% within this first week to "train" the battery?
my next question would be, should I give it a quick charge in the car? It is like a 45 minute drive home from work. I'm expecting my battery to be at 40-30% by 5 PM. Or should I just let it get down to 15% within this first week to "train" the battery?

From what I understand, that isn't necessary. Once a month or so, drain it to around 15% and charge it full. Don't use it while its charging. You should be fine if you follow those steps. The batteries like juice, so don't be afraid to toss it on for 45 minutes now and again if its not at like 90%...
I'm still torn on this device. I was due for an upgrade and got the iphone 4 last week, but i really WANT this device, but I don't think it will be able to handle my schedule. I would be pulling it off the charger at 6:00am and need it to last until 2:00am some nights. I would be mainly using the following:
Corporate Email
a few games
a few phone calls
text messages
I'm in charlotte which is supposed to have 4G now, but don't get a great signal in the building I work at so I force my iphone to edge and it does fine with battery. I use about 50-60% of an iphone 4 battery charge a day. For those of you who have switched from an iphone 4. How does the battery compare?
From what I understand, that isn't necessary. Once a month or so, drain it to around 15% and charge it full. Don't use it while its charging. You should be fine if you follow those steps. The batteries like juice, so don't be afraid to toss it on for 45 minutes now and again if its not at like 90%...

Awesome, I will do that. Just to clarify are you saying to not use it while it is charging ever? Or just that one time where I am draining the battery and charging it to full?
For those of you who have switched from an iphone 4. How does the battery compare?

My iPhone4's battery definitely lasted longer, but I'm working on the Inspire to last a little longer (more on that later). It has a larger screen which is going to require more juice, but it's just so much nicer to look at and work with than the iPhone was for me.
I'm now at 55% remaining, 7 hours since unplugged. Much better today then yesterday. At this point yesterday I had 5% left.

7 hours 2 minutes I'm now at 30% battery life.

Have been texting, fb, games, google, email... etc.

It looks like my battery results are similar to yours. Today I've been texting, words with friends, and the occasional check of facebook. 6 hours 5 min since charge and I'm at 55%.

What is your battery use telling you?
My display is at 66% (probably because I have been on words with friends so much, it is usually lower than this)
Words free 7%
Cell standby and android system both at 6%
How are you guys displaying battery charge and how much power is going to the display?

There is a widget for the battery. I'm not sure if mine came on the phone or if I downloaded it from the market. Usually anywhere from 50-70% is going toward my display. I even have a dark background and a low brightness setting. Not to mention I only use 4 of the 7 home pages and the only thing that autosyncs in my clock/weather widget.
How are you guys displaying battery charge and how much power is going to the display?

Setting > About Phone > Battery > Battery Use > Here you will see what is using the most!

Mine are currently -

Display - 77%

Android System - 13%

Phone Idle - 3%

com.htc.launcher - 2%

Update on battery status -

8 Hours 32 Minutes and I have less than 15% left.... :(
My verdict is that this phone is definately worth the trouble but is going to require a few things to keep it from being a pita.

1)Put in on the charger an hour before leaving work every day.
2) Buy a car charger and/or a portable battery and always have one or the other handy for long trips or when you are away from an outlet.

Not ideal but i think those two things wont be too much trouble.. a small pita to pay for such an awesome device imo.
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