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i am angry with apple...i-os5 now copying android 4.0 features


Android Enthusiast
ok guys i know this might not be the place for this but this isnt a rant as such,

i just saw the promo vid for i-os 5.....

Oh my god.....EVERYTHING has been stolen from android 4.0?? i mean everything just look at the list i compiled below.

look the "new features" apple HAVE APPARENTLY CREATED!:

Drop-down notification menu that displays missed calls messages and notifications.........since android 1.6 i believe?

you can access notifications and apps from your lockscreen.... wow just wow funny how you add that to i-os RIGHT after it is released in android 4.0.,

all you magazine subscriptions appear in one bookshelf......i had this on 2.3? its not that advanced to have a folder with your e-books in it, also with android you could buy books-in-app a long time ago.

synced memo pad.....Wow a selling point so advanced!.. a synced grocery list......simply wow im it utter awe at the sophistication

it has twitter installed.........once again that is so sophisticated.....doesn't every smartphone out have fbook and twitter?...like years ago why is it so good now? oh wait you can take a pic, and upload it ...with a menu that look pixel for pixel the same as android's

safari was the first full featured web browser available ......no "flash" is NOT full-feature thank you as at the time you released safari 89% of websites had flash base, and now.....it still doesnt have flash wow thats "new"

i-os5 now has tabbed web browsing..... err so did honeycomb?

best camera yet...... seriously? 0.7mp? but wait?! you can access it from the lockscreen.....where have i seen that BEFORE?! and wow the phone has a camera button? oooooooh savvy

split keyboard.....stolen from android and windows 7 phones, was available years ago apple you did NOT create this.

you can share vid's pic's on your tv via wireless.... cough* samsung allshare cough* not to mention clearfi,mediashare,ims all that was working on android years ago!!

you can send txt messages between i-devices. and i can do that also send video,pics,sound recordings,mps,web-links,files and video chat + voice chat all for free to ANY DEVICE *cough*whatsapp*cough* a long time ago


mods plz dont delete but move if im in the wrong sub-forum but these false claims are what apple apparently sue everyone else for? unbelievable
I think we can safely say that this is bogus....

huh? no seriously look on google its what most of the big brands/tech sites are saying.

the vids real, the annotations at the bottom have been changed but the facts are there.

the notification bar
the lockscreens
the slide to close and everything else,. copied...its a joke after apple say they want to sue anyone with a candy-bar design phone.
lol Gotta love the new ones. :D
My money is on 'cause they're rich. No pun intended. ;)
And if you ask me, it's very hypercritical of apple.
lol remember a while back apple sent a memo to samsung,htc,lg and other leading brands saying "oh yeah if you dont wanna be sued by us conform to these rules".....no slide to unlock, no candy-bar shape, no bezeled edge...countless other outrageous claims of ownership...who the F do apple think they are?

once again pioneers of technology my backside
I think if a feature works, what's wrong with copying it?

Copyright infringement aside, it would be ridiculous to expect nobody else to hop on a bandwagon when something is clearly going to give a user a better experience. At the end of the day, this is all UI stuff. The hardware (and capabilities of the device) is where the segregation should exist. Look at some of the Linux OS's, how they've got a similar button to the "Start menu". It works, so they've employed it too.

There's only a certain amount of methods to do a certain task, there are limitations, whether it be down to the device itself or the imagination of the people who work for these companies.

The Galaxy S3 has now blown every other phone out of the water with the new ideas it has. Let's see how long the thing to control the screen based on eye movement takes to get to other mobiles, including Android AND Apple.
The point is, Apple touted the notification bar a "revolutionary" when iOS 5 came out, yet Android has had it all along. Apple is VERY hypocritical, but they're also doing SOME things right.

I now have an iPad for work, I've had an Apple TV (a 4x4 box with HDMI out and WiFi), AirPlay actually IS pretty sweet, my Iconia requires an actual connection to the TV and doesn't scale well to it.
I think if a feature works, what's wrong with copying it?

Copyright infringement aside, it would be ridiculous to expect nobody else to hop on a bandwagon when something is clearly going to give a user a better experience. At the end of the day, this is all UI stuff. The hardware (and capabilities of the device) is where the segregation should exist. Look at some of the Linux OS's, how they've got a similar button to the "Start menu". It works, so they've employed it too.

There's only a certain amount of methods to do a certain task, there are limitations, whether it be down to the device itself or the imagination of the people who work for these companies.

The Galaxy S3 has now blown every other phone out of the water with the new ideas it has. Let's see how long the thing to control the screen based on eye movement takes to get to other mobiles, including Android AND Apple.

u seem to have missed my point mate, its pathetic that apple sue's so many other companies for infringement for such bullshit untrue claims and then they without haste copy nearly everything from android......... hypocrisy to its max.:D
The point is, Apple touted the notification bar a "revolutionary" when iOS 5 came out, yet Android has had it all along. Apple is VERY hypocritical, but they're also doing SOME things right.

I now have an iPad for work, I've had an Apple TV (a 4x4 box with HDMI out and WiFi), AirPlay actually IS pretty sweet, my Iconia requires an actual connection to the TV and doesn't scale well to it.

heres an example from only last night,:

i went to a friends house, i happen to have a copy of "21st jump street" dvd on my tab,
hi's GF wanted to watch the movie, so i said switch your xbox on, i then streamed the movie direct from ims-mediashare to the xbox wirelessly without the need for a separate probably expencsive i-cable...the movie was perfect quality on the flatscreen,:D

fun was had by all..do that with an i-pad within 3 minutes without cables or an expensive wireless app':D
heres an example from only last night,:

i went to a friends house, i happen to have a copy of "21st jump street" dvd on my tab,
hi's GF wanted to watch the movie, so i said switch your xbox on, i then streamed the movie direct from ims-mediashare to the xbox wirelessly without the need for a separate probably expencsive i-cable...the movie was perfect quality on the flatscreen,:D

fun was had by all..do that with an i-pad within 3 minutes without cables or an expensive wireless app':D

then again apple will probably copy this soon too then say they invented it,.....say apple make phones,,.,,that must mean they invented it right? lmao...in apples world yeah!
And Android has copied plenty from iOS.

I will NEVER understand fanboyism.

Everyone has copied everyone. Always have. Even with desktop operating systems.

However, what is annoying is that apple are relentless in the pursuit to prevent copyright infringement but will exploit the lack of copyright so blatantly, then tout it as their "invention".

There's no doubt android wouldn't be what it is today without ios and symbian. But I do believe now there is more android in ios than vice versa.

Am I a fanboy?! Nope, im quick to acknowledge android short comings (being unable to patent good ideas for example) but I also do get fed up with apple.
Apple has had a history of claiming they invented the devices people use since the days of the first iPod where they stole the OS from Creative. It is the way of the world when you have a quality marketing department. The ads put out there for the iPhone not only made it appear that it was the only device capable of running apps or using the internet they made it look like Apple invented the whole concept. They set the tone for how apps should look. They set the bar for what a smartphone should be able to do. They also drove millions to go out and buy smartphones.

How many people would be on this forum right now if it hadn't been for those ads? Would there be more because people chose Android over iOS or would there be less because people never realized what a smartphone is capable of doing?

I can understand getting annoyed with the disinformation that companies like Apple put out there. It sometimes makes it worse when companies like Google don't stand up and defend themselves publicly. The thing that you have to keep in mind about Apple is that while none of the devices that they sell are truly original ideas, they do help the industry. Smartphones, Mp3 players, tablets, streaming media players, etc. were not popular devices for general consumption by anyone and everyone before they put their spin on things. They made these type of devices necessary for people to own. They pushed the smartphone industry to start advancing at a far more rapid pace than what anyone had seen before.

While you may not be able to credit them with inventing the idea or even really innovating that much you can credit them with helping to push smartphones to where they are today. I doubt they would have been considered the #1 gadget in the History Channels top 101 gadgets of all time without that push. So don't get upset about who invented what, but rather be happy that someone did at all. Enjoy what works for you and let the disinformation and propaganda be just that.
The thing that you have to keep in mind about Apple is that while none of the devices that they sell are truly original ideas, they do help the industry. Smartphones, Mp3 players, tablets, streaming media players, etc. were not popular devices for general consumption by anyone and everyone before they put their spin on things. They made these type of devices necessary for people to own. They pushed the smartphone industry to start advancing at a far more rapid pace than what anyone had seen before.
Funnily enough, Apple has also helped lower prices for MP3 players, smartphones and tablets. Go figure.

The original iPod 5GB was $399 at release. I remember looking at MP3 players from other brands which cost $500~600. A year after, Apple released the 2nd gen iPod and barrier of entry for the 5GB model has dropped to $299 which again undercut the competition at the time.

The original iPhone 4GB was $499 at release (no contract). That's actually just par for course when it comes to high-end phones. I've seen high-end Nokias costing $800~1000 and Blackberries and Palm Treos were going for $399 with 2-year contracts. The iPhone 3G introduced the age of deep smartphone subsidies. If the iPhone 3G hadn't been made available for $199 with 2-year contract, I doubt we'd now have the current level of smartphone adoption in the US. Granted, I question the wisdom of spending a smaller initial outlay with a much higher TCO but hey, it works for Americans' instant gratification mindset.

The original iPad 16GB Wi-Fi was $499 at release. Prior to that, a halfway decent tablet would cost you at least $1,000 (closer to $1,500~2,000 really). Most require a stylus to operate, ran quite hot and had really short battery life. Mind you, I'd like to see more stylus-capable Android tablets with handwriting recognition as good as or better than Windows Vista/7, however, you can't deny that Apple has helped make consumer-oriented tablets more affordable and user-friendly.
I am all for copying stuff. To avoid patent violations, most of the time that requires companies to get creative with implementation, which can often yield improvements to the feature as a result. Just don't pass it off as an original invention. That's annoying.
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