So, stability, reliability, etc. don't count? I lost count how many times i have to reboot my wife's Nexus (and my old Androids) many times it froze on me during an important many times it died on me during the night because some wild app going crazy (resulting in a miss alarm!!)...and so on. Can Android beat Apple at these very BASIC function of a reliable phone? If it can, then show me where and i will sign up! Screw the widgets or the fish aquarium background (love those things!), i want a phone that works! And maybe unlike some of you, my phone is EVERYTHING to me, for pleasure and work. Yeah, i am a disgruntled Android user, who began with Android but lost confidence in it. And what has Google shown? The ability to push things under the carpet and go onto something else. Did they fix what was broken with Gingerbread? Nope. Moved on. Did they fix what was wrong with Nexus S? Nope. Moved on. Where is the Google experience?? Remember, Google told us Nexus S owners that ICS will come to Nexus within "weeks"! I am sure that they only did this so that people buy into the "Google experience" and that folks think that Google phones are different. We're in February 17, 2012...and there is no ICS in sight for Nexus S. I am sure when the next gen GN comes out (with the next 5.0?), Google will say the same things to you folks...and then leave you out in the cold!
As I've told you multiple times, you need to calm down. You get far too worked up when discussing this. I know from our past conversations that you have a bad phone. Why you refuse to accept the fact that you picked up a lemon is beyond me. There are a ton of very happy Nexus S owners out there and while you may choose to believe that you are far superior to all of them, you really aren't. Most all of them do the exact same things with their phones as you do.
Of course stability and reliability are important. Nobody ever said that they were not. You are once again looking for an argument were there isn't one to be had. As I've said to you many times on this forum, your experience is uncommon. I have no idea what "wild" apps you installed, but you obviously have issues. It is either a bad phone or you are picking the worst of the worst in the market or out of the market. I've been using Android since 1.5 and have never had any of the issues you describe and that is dealing with 3 different Droid Eris, Motorola OG Droid, Droid Incredible 2, Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S), Samsung Vibrant, HTC Rezound and now the Galaxy Nexus. While I'll admit that I have helped and talked to plenty of users that have had issues or lemon phones don't try to pretend that lemons are exclusive to Android. There are reports of iPhones exploding in people's pockets, but I don't take that as the norm for the phone. If it was I'd take any of the problems you are claiming vs loss of a limb.
As far as your phone being everything, mine is too. I work my phones to death. I wouldn't accept or tolerate a phone that was buggy or had issues. My first Nexus had a microphone bug and it was back at Best Buy within a couple of days. It is the first and only Android I have ever had a real issue with. My current Nexus is buttery smooth, fast as can be and I get 13 to 15 hours of battery life on average. I don't see an issue.
As far as "fixing what was broken" in Gingerbread, what was broken? Oh, that's right in your mind it is just about everything. I'm not sure that you understand that ICS is the next evolution of the OS. They didn't drop and restart with a different OS, they just advanced onto the newest version. Apple did this with iOS 5, the difference is that Apple thinks iOS is perfect just the way it is so they added some stuff but decided to keep everything else same old same old. Google actually sees where there is room for improvement and they take the logical next steps (as they see them) to move the OS forward overall. Nothing is going under any carpet as you suggest. Would you have preferred that they spend a whole bunch of time fiddling around with a single part of an overall OS design or moving forward in that design? If you say fiddling around, then I don't think there is much else to talk about.
As far as the Nexus S being updated, I've never seen any type of timeline on it, but then again I've never looked. Most of the Nexus S owners I know have rooted phones that are already running ICS. Then again, right now the Galaxy Nexus is the one and only phone with ICS right now. It could have something to do with the exclusivity stuff Google signed with Verizon. It could have to do with some possible issue that the Nexus S hardware is having with ICS. I have no idea and I choose not to speculate, but your complaint on this sounds just like anyone I see getting upset about updates and then getting mad when they are rushed and imperfect.
Let's not kid ourselves though. You have an issue with Android based on your bad experience. Since you don't see others coming in to declare the same things you do, you might want to consider the fact that your problem is exclusive to you.