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Root I want to be able to do a Factory Reset

Damn returning my phone back to stock is the hardest thing I have been challenged with... I have tried the CWM Advanced Restore method which never worked... I couldn't find the files.

I attempted the Downgrade to B then Upgrade to D but I couldn't find all the files to download or install LGNPST correctly... Hell I am so freakin frustrated and all I want to do is be able to do a factory reset at the Metro Store so that I can prove that my phone internal speaker doesn't work. My phone is still under warranty.

So although I have read most of the threads about returning to stock I am begging someone to point me in the best direction to return to out of the box conditions.
Let me know if your available today & when-we can team view downgrade if you want. Should have some time later-just PM me or post up here :)

Thanks for the offer but my buddy just bought a 19' Mariah boat and we are taking it out tonight. If I'm still in the weeds I would love to get a little help though.

And thanks for the other replies I'll be back at it with more determination and understanding.:D
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It should be unrooted after downgrading but yes you can

Sent from my typewriter.

Thanks I unrooted it and can do a factory reset at metro to get my new phone. Phew... I thought I was going to pull my hair out but when I got the files everything worked out.

Thanks again to everyone who offered some experience... Much appreciated.
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