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iPhone 4 User: Got to play with the Droid X today!



Well, just got back from the Verizon store. I went to actually see the Incredible and they had a working model of the Droid X! It is BIG. Luckily I have pretty big hands (long). The last Android phone I tried was the Droid and it was a piece O' crap. I was thrilled to be back with the 3GS. It had 2.0 so it was slow, buggy, and only had about 9,000 apps in the app store at the time and most sucked. Boy have things changed since then! Android is certainly making strides, i will give them that. The picture above was taken with my iPhone 4 and really doesn't do the phone justice. Like I said, I have long finger (I can palm a basketball). And after playing with it for about 30 minutes, I am pretty much sold on it. It does a lot of what the iPhone can do, and just about all the apps I want are on it.

*Twitter, Email, Facebook, Kindle, Last.fm, Wordpress, Dropbox, Directv, Fandango, Foursquare, Seesmic, Yelp, Evernote, etc. Dont play games so that doesnt really matter for me. Plus the Google voice integration is something i look forward to. Gotta say the Swype is unbelievable. It took me about 3 minutes to get the hang of it and boy can you type FAST!

The Store manager there told me that they should have enough inventory to last the day and that is about all they will have for the day. With the size of this beast, I highly doubt women will dig this thing. Once they try it, they will likely opt for the incredible or droid 2. It is just on the border of being too big. Even with my long hands, there were times where i felt it was almost too big.

They also had vlingo installed on this, which is a voice recognition software. This recognizes spoken punctuation and can look up everything on the phone and web. This service is awesome. The manager demoed it and had it look up a contact, type a text with punctuation and hit send and he only needed to hit two buttons. It was pretty cool.

I will likely return the ip4 and get the X. It is a great looking, feeling device that was snappy as hell and has an amazing screen. Sorry Apple. You lost me. Just so you know, I am not much of a fanboy (hate that name) I just go for the best device for me (I have had every iPhone since the first). Up til now, it has been iPhone hands down. Sorry guys at Android, your OS has sucked until now for my needs. I still think that IOS4 is way better than Android for MY needs, its just that the iPhone 4 is THAT BAD. Well, not to mention that AT&T is THAT BAD too. :) Android and Droid X are just getting that good, not to mention that Verizon does rock! And if it turns out that it all the problems that Apple is having are a design with the antenna and they do release the iPhone for Verizon with the same design, well, good luck with that.

Any questions? Fire away!
How was the keyboard and web browsing? One thing I loved about the iPhone is how smoothly it navigated the web. Android OS can be a little jerky on my Droid with Froyo but all the videos Ive seen of the Droid seem to make it look pretty smooth.

Also were you happy by the clearness of the screen? I'm worried it's going to look to pixelated.

how did the screen look? Only thing making me kinda iffy about switching is my incredible had gorgeous colors, and Ive played with the evo and the screen size was great but the colors looked washed out.
Which store had one? The ones I checked around here don't have floor samples and state they won't until the 15th :(
Yea...Swype is a thing of beauty. lol Its what made me not want a physical keyboard anymore. Its seems gimmicky at first, but once u use it and get used to using it.....look out....
damstr said:
How was the keyboard and web browsing?

With so much real estate, the keyboard is really not that bad. Nothing is as nice as the iPhone, I must say, but the Droid is pretty dang good!

damstr said:
One thing I loved about the iPhone is how smoothly it navigated the web. Android OS can be a little jerky on my Droid with Froyo but all the videos Ive seen of the Droid seem to make it look pretty smooth.

Again, one thing that Apple does extremely well. The droid is almost as good. Pinch to zoom is pretty good and the smart double tap to zoom is decent. Not as good as Apple, but pretty darn close.

damstr said:
Also were you happy by the clearness of the screen? I'm worried it's going to look to pixelated.

Ah, this is where the Retina Display will be an issue. To be honest, the only place where i noticed was on white background text and to be honest, it wasn't that noticeable. It isn't until you go back to the iPhone that you notice it. We are so used to not having it, that when you have it, is when you notice it. That was my experience at least. So, for me, I don't think i will miss it, but I will say that the only place I notice the retina display being amazing is with text. Videos and pictures and games all look the same to me.

Eazail70x7 said:
Did the version of swype you used have a microphone button?
Good question, to be honest, I really didnt pay that close attention to it. I plan to go back and play some more, so I will let you know.

soapinmouth said:
how did the screen look? Only thing making me kinda iffy about switching is my incredible had gorgeous colors, and Ive played with the evo and the screen size was great but the colors looked washed out.
The screen looked great! The colors were pretty great looking to me, but I really didnt do all that much of a color test in the store. While it does use the same WVGA screen, they are different MFG's with different QC specs. I never had a problem with the colors on the original Droid so I wouldnt expect them on the X.

jroc said:
Yea...Swype is a thing of beauty. lol Its what made me not want a physical keyboard anymore. Its seems gimmicky at first, but once u use it and get used to using it.....look out....

Seriously! I hadn't tried Swype until today, just seen Youtube videos and really didnt understand just how cool it was until today. I guess a Motorola employee holds the Guinness record for fastest text in the world using Swype. It is really very awesome. Come to think of it Eazail, i think it may have had a Microphone. Once you try it and get really good, you may never go back to touch typing again. And with Swype, you can always touch individual letters as well. Not to mention the Swype keyboard is pretty awsome in its own right!
Thank you for your review. It is always good to hear from those who've handled the phone you're interested in.

vlingo is a paid app, I can't imagine they would send it pre loaded for free

True. Android 2.1 and up have voice-to text for all input areas, and I thought I saw that on both keyboards stock on Droid X photos. I bet it was just the standard Android voice-to-text input, which has worked great for me ..
Lol I'm a woman and I want this phone. My first laptop had a 17" screen so you can imagine the layout on that keyboard but I would say I have average size hands so I'm not worried. If u can when u go in can u check to see if this phone has the ability to do seperate ringtones for texts and calls for a single user? I only have ever owned one phone with that feature and I miss it the most.
I'm pretty sure the X runs the stock Sms app that all non sense phones with 2.1 have. So I doubt it has any additional options that aren't already available.
Lol I'm a woman and I want this phone. My first laptop had a 17" screen so you can imagine the layout on that keyboard but I would say I have average size hands so I'm not worried. If u can when u go in can u check to see if this phone has the ability to do seperate ringtones for texts and calls for a single user? I only have ever owned one phone with that feature and I miss it the most.
o my yes any android phone can do this
Was it too big to be pocketable? I am on the fence between this and the Inc. I have a feeling the X will be too big.
Was it available for all customers to try or did you know someone that worked at the verizon store?

Well, just got back from the Verizon store. I went to actually see the Incredible and they had a working model of the Droid X! It is BIG. Luckily I have pretty big hands (long). The last Android phone I tried was the Droid and it was a piece O' crap. I was thrilled to be back with the 3GS. It had 2.0 so it was slow, buggy, and only had about 9,000 apps in the app store at the time and most sucked. Boy have things changed since then! Android is certainly making strides, i will give them that. The picture above was taken with my iPhone 4 and really doesn't do the phone justice. Like I said, I have long finger (I can palm a basketball). And after playing with it for about 30 minutes, I am pretty much sold on it. It does a lot of what the iPhone can do, and just about all the apps I want are on it.

*Twitter, Email, Facebook, Kindle, Last.fm, Wordpress, Dropbox, Directv, Fandango, Foursquare, Seesmic, Yelp, Evernote, etc. Dont play games so that doesnt really matter for me. Plus the Google voice integration is something i look forward to. Gotta say the Swype is unbelievable. It took me about 3 minutes to get the hang of it and boy can you type FAST!

The Store manager there told me that they should have enough inventory to last the day and that is about all they will have for the day. With the size of this beast, I highly doubt women will dig this thing. Once they try it, they will likely opt for the incredible or droid 2. It is just on the border of being too big. Even with my long hands, there were times where i felt it was almost too big.

They also had vlingo installed on this, which is a voice recognition software. This recognizes spoken punctuation and can look up everything on the phone and web. This service is awesome. The manager demoed it and had it look up a contact, type a text with punctuation and hit send and he only needed to hit two buttons. It was pretty cool.

I will likely return the ip4 and get the X. It is a great looking, feeling device that was snappy as hell and has an amazing screen. Sorry Apple. You lost me. Just so you know, I am not much of a fanboy (hate that name) I just go for the best device for me (I have had every iPhone since the first). Up til now, it has been iPhone hands down. Sorry guys at Android, your OS has sucked until now for my needs. I still think that IOS4 is way better than Android for MY needs, its just that the iPhone 4 is THAT BAD. Well, not to mention that AT&T is THAT BAD too. :) Android and Droid X are just getting that good, not to mention that Verizon does rock! And if it turns out that it all the problems that Apple is having are a design with the antenna and they do release the iPhone for Verizon with the same design, well, good luck with that.

Any questions? Fire away!

can you say long hands one more time please
Lol I'm a woman and I want this phone. My first laptop had a 17" screen so you can imagine the layout on that keyboard but I would say I have average size hands so I'm not worried. If u can when u go in can u check to see if this phone has the ability to do seperate ringtones for texts and calls for a single user? I only have ever owned one phone with that feature and I miss it the most.

Where it will be difficult for both men and women with small hands will be trying to unlock with one hand when it is in sleep, like the EVO. The unsleep button is on top. You need to press that, then swipe the unlock. Of course, there is an app that allows you to unsleep the phone by pressing the volume rocker, but that will crush the battery in the pocket. As to your other question on assignable ringtone, you can do that!

Stealthman said:
Was it too big to be pocketable? I am on the fence between this and the Inc. I have a feeling the X will be too big.

No it was NOT too big to fit fairly comfortably in the pocket, but i was wearing cargo shorts. :) If you are wearing skinny jeans with really small pocket, you may have a bit of an issue. Most regular fitting pants, shorts and even jeans will be ok.

KG2128 said:
Was it available for all customers to try or did you know someone that worked at the verizon store?

I just asked if they had a working model and the manager came out and spent about 20 minutes with me. Of course I did tell them I wrote for a blog and that probably helped. ;)

un8elievable said:
can you say long hands one more time please

Wow. you actually took time out of your day to read the post and this is what you came up with? Hmmm. What a waste. Ok..Just for you. Long hands.

arcturussage said:
I think he's just trying to stress that he has long hands so someone like me that's only 5' 6" doesn't get the phone and then complain it's too large.

Either that or he's trying to impress the ladies.

Ahh, the former...but appreciate the sentiment.
I have an Eris and I'm thinking about getting a Droid X, but I'm afraid it's a little too big for my taste since I have really small hands. =[
I have an Eris and I'm thinking about getting a Droid X, but I'm afraid it's a little too big for my taste since I have really small hands. =[

If you have LTE rolling out in your area this year, you may want to wait for that. Otherwise, the Incredible is pretty sweet.
I just called my local Verizon and they have a demo unit in store, I wont be able to check it out until tomorrow though. I am excited.
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