Why are you name calling? Are we in the 2nd grade or something? Take an aspirin, relax, let those veins sink back into your forehead..there...there...feel better now? Good. Ok what part of "Apple is not for Geeks who like to tinker" do you not understand? Sorry you feel people who have a life, family friends, kids, wife , girlfriend, dog, cat, and who work in the tech field all day tinkering with the worlds technologies wants to come home and maybe not tinker with their setup in their own home? For some reason for you, that equates laziness. Well, it's a free country my friend. whatever.
Most people are good honest hard working people who are not lazy, but just have never learned to repair a pc, learn code, flash roms, hack or jailbreak things. Most people just like to use a computer to "gasp!" send an email, markup and pass along a doc, play on face book, watch youtube, or even play solitaire. Not everyone has an inner or outter geek, and wants to dismantle and reassemble a pc, overclock it, rewrite the OS just for the hell of it. get a grip.
funny thing is, I always heard about how snobby apple fans were, even arrogant, but to be honest after getting to know people in the community of apple people, they really were not any where near like i was told. In fact, i have found more hostility here as well as condescending remarks then i did in any Iphone forum. At least you could gripe and critisize without being called stupid.
I am self taught at what i do, no formal training. Only to get licensed and certified did i do anything formal. not everyone can or wants to do what we do, but why be an ass about it?