Thank you, thank you' you've just replied with a good and sensible rebuttal. Case closed! (you should be a lawyer,lol')Really? Are you realy that misinformed or just plain stupid? You get less with a pc? Really? So more compatibility, more programs, more games, more devices, and just more. Macs can't even render the internet correctly without the web designer writing two separate sets of coding. You can't modify apples, you can't upgrade, you can't customize, apple should just change the names of their overpriced, low quality crap products to icant.
And since when does an Crapple product cost the same as anything else in the same market? Uh never?
And as for speed mac computers are a lot slower than their pc counterparts.. with the same hardware. Working in a graphics shop I've done personal benchmark tests.. and the pc was indeed faster.
And as for your universal crap argument.. the massive majority of people like customizability. They are not one size fits all. Think of it this way... how many people are NOT iPhone owners. How many people DON'T own a mac. They pick a different product on purpose.
And yes, iPhone are built for teenagers and people who want to be trendy. Not a business user.
You're absolutely right.
Btw,I thought I was listening to his apple Sermon!wow!