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Root KERNELS For Dummies

When you restore a nandroid, does it reinstall the Kernel you were using when you made it as well, or just the rom?

Does a nandroid save things like the changes that were made when applying supercharger V6?

nandroids are a complete snapshot of everything on your phone. so yes kernels will be saved with your nandroids and same goes for the supercharger script.

As an add on to what Ocn said, if you flash a radio update the nandroid does not include these when created so if you flash a radio and try and restore a nandroid to return to the previous radio version, you will still be on the version you flashed. Confused yet? :)
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i had a question not sure if this would go here or not but i recently flashed my evo to Synergy + Godmode RLS1 and i was wondering if there was a kernel you guys can recommend that would compliment this rom.... or does it come with its own kernel already cooked into the rom....im not entirely sure

every rom comes with its own kernel. if you want a different one then you just flash one. now there are only 3 kernels available for gingerbread sense roms right now. there are the golden monkey 1.1, freedom kernel .85, and the chopsuey 9.2 kernels. all of them are top notch kernels. but with kernels it is hard to really recommend one or the other. it is always YRMV.what works for me may not work for you. just make a nandroid backup and try one out and give it a few days before deciding then nandroid and flash another one.
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I have a simple question. Does my phone have to be powered on when I charge it in order for a kernal work?

No, it will charge with your phone turned off.

Unless you are using an SBC kernel. If you are using SBC you need to leave your phone on so that it will trickle charge. I don't know why it is that way, but it is.
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Unless you are using an SBC kernel. If you are using SBC you need to leave your phone on so that it will trickle charge. I don't know why it is that way, but it is.

Ha, yeah, I guess that is a different question.

Interesting to hear about it having to be on though for sbc to work. almost thinking about flashing to cm7 with Tiamat at night for the charge and then back over to this Evolved rom with More freedom to run during the day. :p
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No, as far as I know, there isn't any SBC for GB yet. I thought someone had a beta sbc out, but I haven't heard too much about it yet.

chop suey had a beta sbc out but they pulled it. i think it was not charging even though it was plugged in. not sure whatthe hold up is.
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chop suey had a beta sbc out but they pulled it. i think it was not charging even though it was plugged in. not sure whatthe hold up is.

Cool, I thought someone had a SBC out, but I knew it was beta, and I hadn't heard anything since then. And with a few of the people I know running MikG, I would know the first day SBC was out. ;)
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Did you get a chance to try it? I am curious why they pulled it too. Would think it must be something 'bad' .

Only one I have seen or heard of being pulled in my whole month of being rooted. :p

they were pretty quick to pull it off the shelf. from what i remember, it was not charging the phone correctly so that the battery kept draining even if the phone was plugged into the charger.

actually i did try it and battery went crazy. the next day regardless of the kernel would not hold a charge. not sure if this was due to a bad battery or the kernel. i have a new battery and all is good, but i'm a little hesitant on trying it again.
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I have a question regarding a kernel. I flashed the ChopSuey-v.9.2.6-UNIVERSAL-signed.zip
I wanted to know would this be the correct one or should I flash the 9.1 instead? Also once I flash whats the main thing I should be looking in this kernels?


well that is the stable version. there is another one that is still in beta stage it is the 9.2.7 but it has hdmi mirror support. but the one you are interested is a good one. i always try the latest version.

and with kernels, you want to look for performance and battery life. it will take a few days to know what the battery life will be. also with custom kernels you can over and underclock your phone. you need an app like setcpu to do it. and in setcpu you can set governors for your kernel. this will also affect performance and battery life as well.
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I have a question regarding a kernel. I flashed the ChopSuey-v.9.2.6-UNIVERSAL-signed.zip
I wanted to know would this be the correct one or should I flash the 9.1 instead? Also once I flash whats the main thing I should be looking in this kernels?


Also I've read that if it borks your wifi to mount data in recovery and then flash the kernel. I'm not sure if that's true on all the kernels, but I've read that on numerous occasions. Be sure to read through the thread of the kernel to see if anyone else mentions it.
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