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Let's see your "Incredible" layout (Pun intended)

I discovered The Great Court in the British Museum while browsing building photos at RedBubble. What a cool structure! Cool enough to put me to work. Here's my current layout.

Aozora Clock
SwitchPro Toggles
Battery Status (tacky, but I love the black shiny battery!)
Invisible slider across all the windows
SMS Unread Count
Beautiful Widget Weather


LauncherPro +, 3 screens
Desktop VisualizeR

Far Left:
Calendar behind pillars
GPS and Wireless settings on wall
Facebook on vertical banner

Lit lights along the rooftop launch Tiny Flashlight + LED
Mic "art" launches Google Voice Search
Black Star/Sun on floor launches all app folders
Wireless, Sound, and Media Reload settings on wall
And Facebook or course.

Far Right:
Reload media and Bluetooth settings on wall
Android (Market) held captive behind pillars.


There is certainly room to add more, like on the standing pieces in the foreground and/or something with the windows. I briefly considered brushing out all of the people. Briefly. I got a few folks outta there, but life is too short, ya know? Anyway, this place almost makes me want to go to Europe. Almost.
Been a long time work has been getting the best of me but that is a good thing! I've been running MIUI for the last 3 weeks the latest 1.14.22 I think it's called. Really stable and I put Chad's latest kernel on the day it came out and run it at 128-768MHz....I charge my phone once every 2-3 days I love it. This ver of MIUI is extremely stable, more so then CM7 (specifically no pmem issues), and it's more intuitive. The theming community for MIUI is unbelievable and you know how much we love to change the look. Having said that I'm on the same layout for 3+ weeks lol. Feeling the urge to try a Sense ROM again soon right back where I started before rooting :P Great looking layouts fellas!!

EDIT: I see supra we think alike ehh :)

A mixture of theming going on here minimal warm noti bar, can't remember icon theme??, fancypro widget miui clock/weather, smooth calender




This might be a very stupid questions but could someone tell me if it is possible to link the app drawer from minimalistic text?

I doesn't seem to be an option (that i can find). There are options for app settings, manage apps, etc. but not the actual drawer.
How did you get those hi-res off of RedBubble? All I can get is smaller images, then when you view the larger one the copyright is put on it. I'd probably buy a digital image, but all they have is prints.
My next lockscreen: "Cat's In The Cradle..." Fine Art Print by Carol Knudsen | RedBubble

Just for kicks, I went checking Chrome Extensions, and found this!


Works like a charm and it's FREE.
Dan!! Really good to see u back man. Always saw you around the forum here and there recently and thankin in here and I was like, where he at!?! So that's where you've been, and yea we do think alike hahah. Man MIUI is ridiculous. I'm loving it so much. I stayed away from it for so long because I had thought it was pretty much a replica of IOS or some sort you know, but jeez was I wrong lol. The menus interface/look might be my favorite thing about MIUI, and especially on that minimal theme.

I went back to CM7 for the moment for some reason I can't remember the other day, but Im about to flash back to MIUI so I'll make up something new here soon as I get it back on. Speaker blew the other day :\ so im waiting on a new speaker I should get tmrw, and a new power button(getting a lil too flush with my phone lol).

Theme looks really great btw, Really like the look of it. Deff something u could rock for a few weeks like you've been doing. LOL i'd even call that one, a "stable theme".
WOW, Dan, Supra, OhMy, RollyFingaz and billiter your recent setups are awesome. I wish there was this kind of creativity in the TB screen shots thread :( but there isn't so I lurk around in here and am never disappointed :)

Here's my latest. Not something I usually do, I'm more of a landscape/nature wallpaper kind of guy, but I really like the look of it


Minimalistic Text | Fancy widget pro | Widgetlocker | Analog Clock Collection | SMS Unread Count (purple)
Thanks, Worm. I like that dock and the clock. I don't get it. Whenever I put an analog clock on my phone, I hate it. But it looks great on other people's phones. Weird. Anyway, I'll have something new up this weekend. With all the British nonsense on TV this week, I ceased liking my British museum layout pretty quickly. :D
RE: RedBubble: So turns out the picture is actually pretty easy to pull from the page if it is covered with a clear.gif - the picture link is just sitting in the page source. Look for .jpg and it's usually the first result.
Cake, but still pretty low quality. The best way I've found is actually to get to the artist profile and see if they have a flickr. ^.^
I'm just about done with my next layout, just trying to figure out how I want to do the unlock slider. Custom icons aren't working out too well for me, I don't know why.
Some more fun with RedBubble. Sick SICK amount of pics there just DYING to be walls on my phone. This one's a quickie to give you seizures while I polish up something minimal, believe it or not. Hope everyone's having a killer weekend so far. \m/\m/

Aozora Clock
SMS Unread
Circle Battery

Tree Portal Lock by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

LauncherPro +
SwitchPro Icons
Corona launches app folders
Mic launches Google Voice Search

Birdshot Home by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

The Admiral, what trouble are you having with custom icons? Can we help?
Alright, here ya go! Didn't turn out quite like I'd like... If I used exclusively orange text on the homescreen it just didn't look good, if I used all white it was boring. So I mixed a little (well, the battery) and it turned out OK. I finally bought BW, and now I'm kinda wishing I hadn't. The skins are nice, but the text isn't customizable enough (size/transparency). No matter which orange I picked, it was always too strong. I also have the transparency on the battery and time set to like 70%, it sets it in with the wallpaper a bit more, but the text on BW just pops a little too much for my tastes.

"Gatakers Sunset #2" Fine Art Print by Brad Grove | RedBubble
Gatakers Sunset #2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Left screen - SwitchPro & Pure Messenger
Homescreen - Beautiful Widgets, Minimalistic Text (battery), SiMi Clock, ecqlipse 2 icons for SMS, Phone, and Apps Organizer.


"Cat's In The Cradle..." Fine Art Print by Carol Knudsen | RedBubble

Lockscreen: SiMi clock, Minimalistic Text, Translucent Slider unlock.
I wanted to do a custom icon on the slider, something green and rustic to match the background, but it just didn't work out.


I'm throwing this in: this is my "car dock". Launcher 7 home replacement - it's awesome. It almost makes me want to buy a Windows 7 phone for my next phone, but why if I have Launcher 7? :P
The reason they are all 1x1 is because they rotate with the phone - usually when the phone is docked in my car it is landscape because Audiogalaxy player looks better landscape, IMO.
That looks great! And I don't think the white text on BW kills anything. It's a good bunch of widgets, that BW. It has it's bugs and flaws like any other, but IMO it's the best for what it does. Man, that's a nice ocean shot. I like how you credited the artist. I need to do that in the future as well.

Great job, sir. :salute:
You guys are rubbin' off on me a little. :)

Minimalistic Text (Date & Battery)
Sms Unread Count

Blue Box Lockscreen by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr
"Ad.Memento" Fine Art Print by Nykolai Aleksander | RedBubble

Minimalistic Text
Desktop Visualizer
SwitchPro Toggles

(Getting the girl out of there and leaving the feather was a graphical good time!)

Blue Box Home by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

Folder Organizer

Blue Box Apps by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr
Hey SupraFreak how did you remove the bottom dockbar or is it a theme on these two homescreens and is the weather at the top (on the island widget) a widget or something else? Sorry if its a dumb question or I'm not doing something right, I'm pretty new to this.
Thanks :D


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Nah ur all good man it's no dumb Q.

With Launcher Pro, or ADW( any other launcher too i'd guess but those are the only 2 I use) you can go into settings and change the dock to a custom image, which is what you see on the right(then I use transparent images across the dock)or set it to blank, like on the left.

On the top, that is minimalistic text widget for everything across. The kinda "bar" u see there is something I put on the image in photoshop.
Ok thanks a ton! Also I just flashed back to MIUI and was now wondering how you changed the status bar or if it was just a theme in the two included pictures?

Thanks for all of the help, it is appreciated!


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Yea that's the MNML d4rk theme that changed the notif. bar.

Im guessing u know about the miui theme system, so u can go get that theme and apply just the notif. bar if u want that part.

The whole theme is sick.
So I tried MIUI 1.4.30 and it was pretty cool, but I have to say I really like CM7. That being said, I was wondering if there are any MIUI type folders that you can use with other ROMs out there. I really like how they look and would love to have something like that in my setup.

Any help is appreciated.
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