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Let's see your "Incredible" layout (Pun intended)

wow, thanks for the search omh! I was hoping someone would just have it and post it without spending any time on it.

checks in the mail, just wait by your mailbox patiently.
Standard CyanogenMod v7
Standard ADW Launcher
CM Earth Wallpaper

Essentials Screen:
SiMi Clock Widget
SiMi Clock Weather Widget
BattStatt Widget

Social Screen:
Tweetdeck Column Widget

Entertainment Screen:
Winamp 4x2 Widget
ESPN ScoreCenter Widget

Serious Business Screen:
Jorte 3x3 Agenda
Jorte 3x2 Tasks
News Widget

Utilities Screen:
Power Control Widgets
U have many skills ^

Got a few to post,

First up is just a lockscreen
MIUI - Five Target Unlock by dbilliter

Now a regular setup
MIUI - SlipSlide v1.1

Modded mClock for calendar and clock widget found on XDA
Minimalistic Text Widget

And the last one
Button Unlock Theme
Beautiful Widgets
modded mClock calendar found on XDA

Modded mClock calendar and clock, like above said, from XDA

Where on xda did you find those clocks? I have looked for a few days and haven't had any luck. Could you post a link for some help please. Thanks
Where on xda did you find those clocks? I have looked for a few days and haven't had any luck. Could you post a link for some help please. Thanks

Got them from the Post your homescreen thread. They are mod's for mClock.

I made a post the other day listing pretty much all of them, can check it out here. xda-developers - View Single Post - Post your Home Screen **BE APPROPRIATE**

Does the second link work with widget locker? The five unlock circle?

First up is just a lockscreen
MIUI - Five Target Unlock by dbilliter
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6024/...79c8af2092.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5262/...f8e3f38f38.jpg

I've been following every page of widgetlocker in xda but haven't seen it there. A lot of people want it but haven't seen it posted. thanks

No, that's just MIUI only, and those 2 images are the same lockscreen.

Just opens up when you hold/press the button.
Original art by 123orlova at deviantart: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/098/9/4/modern_brown_living_room_by_123orlova-d3dhl6y.jpg

Minimalistic Text
Clock by 1010ti.me
Unread SMS Count
Widgetlocker Sense Slider (tree)
Desktop VisualizeR (Bluetooth)
Circle Battery

Vegetate Lockscreen by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

LauncherPro+, 3 screens
Vegetate text launches HelloStatusBar
Blanks activated by Desktop VisualizeR
Speaker launches Power Amp Full
Lightbulb launches Tiny Flashlight + LED
Star launches Folder Organizer, All Labels
Mic launches Google Voice Search
F is for Facebook
YinYang launches SDRescan
Volume, Bluetooth, and WiFi controls on the far right.

Vegetate with Skeleton by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

Vegetate Screens by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

And if you're concerned with what people think if they see a corpse on your phone, there's the skeletonless version. :D


  • vegetatenoskeleton.jpg
    133.9 KB · Views: 90
Spectacular! One of your best ever, especially the lockscreen.

I have noticed that you usually have a link to the flashlight on your screens, do you often find yourself in dark places?

Original art by 123orlova at deviantart: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/098/9/4/modern_brown_living_room_by_123orlova-d3dhl6y.jpg

Minimalistic Text
Clock by 1010ti.me
Unread SMS Count
Widgetlocker Sense Slider (tree)
Desktop VisualizeR (Bluetooth)
Circle Battery

Vegetate Lockscreen by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr
Spectacular! One of your best ever, especially the lockscreen.

I have noticed that you usually have a link to the flashlight on your screens, do you often find yourself in dark places?

Thanks very much, rcubed! Actually, I was least ok with the lockscreen. But I got lazy towards the end of the project. I was going to build another custom clock with 1010ti.me for it. But that would have tacked hours onto the thing. Plus the Unread icons came out too small for my liking and of course I didn't save the wip so I'd have to start from scratch to redo them.

I also was going to kill the tree (blacken it, not delete it), or at least put some leaves on the floor beneath it, but by then, I was done. The reflections really took it outta me. And I really ate it on the right leg one.

Overall, I am happy with it. I tell ya, that Sexy Ninja person and The Admiral really did a number on me when they posted their similar type work. :D Thanks again for your kind words. Made it all worth it.
Ah! Forgot to address the flashlight question. Currently, I live in a situation where I must share a small room with someone. I'm up pretty late and often the room is pitch dark when I get in there. I used to have one of those head light things, but I put it in my storage unit. Then there's finding plugs for my machinery behind couches, dropped lighters under my car seat, etc. I use that flashlight almost every day. Pays to have it handy. :)
Thanks very much, rcubed! Actually, I was least ok with the lockscreen. But I got lazy towards the end of the project. I was going to build another custom clock with 1010ti.me for it. But that would have tacked hours onto the thing. Plus the Unread icons came out too small for my liking and of course I didn't save the wip so I'd have to start from scratch to redo them.

I also was going to kill the tree (blacken it, not delete it), or at least put some leaves on the floor beneath it, but by then, I was done. The reflections really took it outta me. And I really ate it on the right leg one.

Overall, I am happy with it. I tell ya, that Sexy Ninja person and The Admiral really did a number on me when they posted their similar type work. :D Thanks again for your kind words. Made it all worth it.

I think the green tree looks great with the deadness of the rest of the scene. Great contrast in the overall picture.
Something a bit simpler this time...

MFEW Screens by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

Aozora Clock (Sheru Pro Font)
Unread SMS Count
Love Character = Widgetlocker Sense Slider
Circle Battery
Minimalistic Text
Desktop VisualizeR (Bluetooth)

LauncherPro+, 1 screen
SwitchPro Toggles
Fancy Widget Pro Weather
Lust Character launches Folder Organizer - All Labels

For the sake of cleavage, the LP dock and icons are hidden. :D


  • mfewbase.jpg
    81.2 KB · Views: 100

Bed Babe & Co. Screens by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

LauncherPro Plus, 4 Screens.
Dock and Dock Icons Hidden.
MultiPicture Live Wallpaper.
Blank Gifs running across tops of screens launch HelloStatusBar.

From Left To Right:

Aozora Clock (Ethnocentric Font)
SwitchPro Toggle Widget
White Box Icon Launches Folder Organizer - All Labels.

Desktop VisualizeR blanks launch apps/settings corresponding to the various boob tats. :D

Aozora Clock
Widgetlocker Sense Slider
Unread SMS Count (blank PNGs over bra)
Circle Battery

Power Amp Widget

I thought my work was sorely lacking in that department. :D I might have to work a boob into every layout I think. Sometimes so subtle you may miss it, and sometimes it'll be like BAM! BOOBS ALL UP IN YO FACE!

Good lord I love my phone. lol
Dude, you notification bar always trips me out hahah. Got more icons up there than the phone can handle!

LS Slide Bar Lockscreen

Minimalistic Text Widget
replica9000: what clock/weather widget are you using? Love the orange digital look.

Fancy Widget Pro (Now Fancy Widgets Unlocked) with the Digital Orange skin.

What app did you use to get the menu's with your dock icons? I originally thought it was simi folder, but I cant seem to get a similar vertical layout with simi.

Application Folder (J.H. Jeong) - I originally tried Simi Folder to do this, but I couldn't get a layout I was happy with, and it was slow. This app is quick, and updated often.
Dude, you notification bar always trips me out hahah. Got more icons up there than the phone can handle!

LS Slide Bar Lockscreen

Non-Rooted FTW! \o/ :D Your camera there reminds me of the default Retro Camera from the Market. It takes some pretty cool photos, too.
Ahh yess good app,

Kinda brain dead right now lol, Can't think of anything cool.

ikun Lockscreen/ Naked Simplicity Status Bar

Minimalistic Text, and eclipse Icons(Too lazy to dig up how you really spell it)
I wish I could put some crispy cool wallpaper and a few widgets on there and be ok with it. The idea I just had...ooof. It's going to take days and days. And PS skillz I don't yet possess!

Awesome sky in that first shot btw.
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