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Let's see your "Incredible" layout (Pun intended)

Likin' that music screen, supra. I assume that's mclock?

I was challenged over at xda to do something with a photo of a bird a guy posted. This is what I went with. I need therapy. :D

Are you ready for boobs??

Inside 2nd Base Screens by OMH Android Layouts, on Flickr

I wanted to do something with boobs for a change, but wanted to be original. Well, here ya go. :D

LauncherPro Plus
Desktop VisualizeR
Minimalistic Text
SMS Unread Text
Circle Battery
Widgetlocker Sense
Beautiful Widgets

And yes, the dock is all wrong for this. :(


  • lock.jpg
    83.8 KB · Views: 79
  • home.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 103
Just started using muiu yesterday and I'm in love. Got the idea from the similar layout by suprafreak on the previous page, but used a little LauncherPro dock in there. :)

LauncherPro Plus
Minimalistic Text
What a trip. I just drove past a Chinese restaurant today called Starfish and thought what an odd name that was. Then I thought about chocolate starfishes and it just went downhill from there. :D
Does anyone know if it's possible to link Minimalistic Text to folders in LauncherPro+?

I was able to link MT to any folder via Folder Organizer folder link. So yeah, doable in LPP and I suppose any other launcher using Folder Organizer.
Forgot to post my deets!

MIUI 1.9.2 w/ Extended Settings Mod

iKun Lockscreen

M22MIUI Status Bar
Soda HD Icons
Music Mod By earni

hopefully not a dumb question. Do you have to be rooted to have these amazing layouts? If so, I'm going to skip the current OTA update and hardcore research rooting on my day off tomorrow!
hopefully not a dumb question. Do you have to be rooted to have these amazing layouts? If so, I'm going to skip the current OTA update and hardcore research rooting on my day off tomorrow!

Not a dumb question. No question is a dumb question.

No you do not have to be rooted. I believe a lot of us are, which does help because different roms, such as MIUI, give you a lot of built in customization, but it is definitely not required. I may be mistaken, but I believe ohmyhead is not a rooted user, and as you can see, he comes up with some spectacular layouts.

Most people, rooted or not, do use alternate launchers such as launcher pro, or ADW, and are using Widgetlocker to customize their lockscreens.
I've got a new setup that I've kept for 2 days so far, and hope to keep for a while. For the past few weeks I've been messing around with the leaked OTA roms and a pretty much stock look, but I missed the speed, battery life, and customization of the AOSP roms.

Widgetlocker with Simplism Sense slider


Custom Dock that I made
mclock with ExtDate skin
Fancy Widgets Pro weather widget

Not a dumb question. No question is a dumb question.

No you do not have to be rooted. I believe a lot of us are, which does help because different roms, such as MIUI, give you a lot of built in customization, but it is definitely not required. I may be mistaken, but I believe ohmyhead is not a rooted user, and as you can see, he comes up with some spectacular layouts.

Most people, rooted or not, do use alternate launchers such as launcher pro, or ADW, and are using Widgetlocker to customize their lockscreens.

Thanks! I think I'm going to research rooting tomorrow & get started. I heard it's easy but I can be pretty clueless sometimes.
No you do not have to be rooted. I believe a lot of us are, which does help because different roms, such as MIUI, give you a lot of built in customization, but it is definitely not required. I may be mistaken, but I believe ohmyhead is not a rooted user, and as you can see, he comes up with some spectacular layouts.

Most people, rooted or not, do use alternate launchers such as launcher pro, or ADW, and are using Widgetlocker to customize their lockscreens.

BlankDEP is correct on all points. I am not rooted, and use LauncherPro and Widgetlocker. I poked around with GoLauncher EX last week but the thing I ended up liking most about it was that I could apply my own font to the settings menu. lol

And thanks a lot, Blank! :D
I've got a new setup that I've kept for 2 days so far, and hope to keep for a while. For the past few weeks I've been messing around with the leaked OTA roms and a pretty much stock look, but I missed the speed, battery life, and customization of the AOSP roms.

Widgetlocker with Simplism Sense slider


Custom Dock that I made
mclock with ExtDate skin
Fancy Widgets Pro weather widget


Hey, sorry it's raining. On the plus side, that's a cool rain graphic. :D And is that Cindy Crawford's mug hiding behind that mug? Edit: Aw crap. That's a cup, which effs up my mug joke pretty handily. lol
Is there a thread on how to create your own layout, or do you just do whatever the he** you want? I've already got Launcher Pro, but not Widget Locker. Are these the ONLY apps you need to create themes like all of the above?
Hey, sorry it's raining. On the plus side, that's a cool rain graphic. :D And is that Cindy Crawford's mug hiding behind that mug? Edit: Aw crap. That's a cup, which effs up my mug joke pretty handily. lol

Lol well, I appreciate the effort, and honestly, after reading your joke I just assumed it was a mug, guess I didn't really pay close enough attention.

It is not Cindy Crawford; however, it's Flavia de Oliveira. Wish I could remember where I found the picture.

And yeah, the rain sucks, it's been raining for days though, so I guess you could say I'm used to it :(
Widgetlocker is a must IMO if you aren't rooted and want total control over your lockscreen. With it, you are able to create any ole danged thing as an unlocker or "slider". Take a look at some of the layouts I've done. On or below each graphic are the apps and widgets I use to create the finished product.

Large Android Layout Displays - a set on Flickr

You'd eventually need some graphical manipulation/creation skills if you venture out past the land of "already made" stuff and want to do something original and all your own.

I must warn you, though. Getting into to this, this...Android layout stuff...is wicked addicting. Of all the stuff at the link I put here, I don't think I kept ANY of those layouts actually ON my phone for more than...three days. :D
Is there a thread on how to create your own layout, or do you just do whatever the he** you want? I've already got Launcher Pro, but not Widget Locker. Are these the ONLY apps you need to create themes like all of the above?

Well, for the most part everyone lists the apps and widgets that they used for their particular setups. Those are probably two of the big ones, but most use clock widgets, minimalistic text widget can display a lot of information in text form.

For me, I just do whatever the hell I want. I used photoshop to make the dockbar, but if you search around on XDA or deviantART you can find custom icons all over the place.

When I started messing around with this stuff I had a lot of questions. Everyone seems to be more than willing to help, so if you see something that you like, but can't quite get it how you want it, just ask and more than likely you'll get an answer.
Lol well, I appreciate the effort, and honestly, after reading your joke I just assumed it was a mug, guess I didn't really pay close enough attention.

It is not Cindy Crawford; however, it's Flavia de Oliveira. Wish I could remember where I found the picture.

And yeah, the rain sucks, it's been raining for days though, so I guess you could say I'm used to it :(

tineye.com and Google's right-click image search bring up that shot in plenty of places as well many other pics of her. :)

And I'm in SoCal. I'd kick a puppy in the head for some rain. Don't be greedy with the wet stuff, yo!
Is there a thread on how to create your own layout, or do you just do whatever the he** you want? I've already got Launcher Pro, but not Widget Locker. Are these the ONLY apps you need to create themes like all of the above?

Other than the endless array of other threads that show thousands of screenshots with enough ideas to make your head spin, maybe try these threads out:

Android7 Theme

Post Your Lockscreen Screenshots (WidgetLocker, etc.)

Beautiful Widgets Skins - Guide and Gallery

(Yes, I'm plugging threads that I started/wrote.)

Another idea is if you see a layout you like, just send a "Personal Message" to that user. Most people are here to help and would be glad to tell you how they achieved their setup.
tineye.com and Google's right-click image search bring up that shot in plenty of places as well many other pics of her. :)

And I'm in SoCal. I'd kick a puppy in the head for some rain. Don't be greedy with the wet stuff, yo!

Haha, I haven't been to California in a long time, have some family in the burbs south of LA, loved it out there.

But believe me, if I could send some of the Jersey hurricane rain to you I would, at least you guys don't get the humidity, I hate that more than rain all the time
Forgot to post my deets!

MIUI 1.9.2 w/ Extended Settings Mod

iKun Lockscreen

M22MIUI Status Bar
Soda HD Icons
Music Mod By earni

I love that status bar and icons. Where can you download/install them from?

EDIT: I found the miui theme and have it installed, but mine doesn't look as clear and frosty looking as yours. Is that part of the Extended Settings Mod?
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