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Lets us peek at your Screens!

What shortcuts are you referring to?

If you are just trying to get your custom icons in place of the default ones just long press on it and a pop up should come up saying change icon then select custom icon and it will take you to your gallery to pick them.

If you are using a program such as smart shortcuts long press in the space you'd like the shortcut to be select the for ex. smartshortcuts of choice and then follow the same procedure mentioned above to get a custom icon.

If that isn't what you were trying to do a little more detail and I may be able to help you out

I think s/he wants to use an icon pack they downloaded as the icon in the dock. I don't think you can do this. I haven't figured it out yet, anyway
I think s/he wants to use an icon pack they downloaded as the icon in the dock. I don't think you can do this. I haven't figured it out yet, anyway

Correct you have to have the image file unpacked and on your SDcard in order to be able to use it
tried the text icons last time, now tryin minimal


Please explain to me how you were able to create this look?
I actually used this one, little custom fab work on it.(made it wider) If you get the green box a little to the right of the left edge when sizing the pic for the wallpaper, you get the whole girl to fit nice on the home screen.


Yeah I cropped it myself. I don't manually set my wallpaper. I usually use Tasker and it resizes the image differently. And I like having her half way off the screen :rolleyes:
Using Launcher pro with this theme:
[THEME] Update 09-04 NEW FROYO2.2 Riptide9's ColorNClear, White, or Glass - xda-developers


WidgetLocker and desktop visualizer to change icons in slider
sms unread count to get widget for missed calls with bubble notifications


quickdesk that i can access from anyscreen , even widget locker by holding down the search button
switchpro for toggles
digiclock widget
Lithium music player, i love how the songs fade into eachother like iTunes and when your music is playing and u turn on screen it has its own lockscreen for easy access to fade into another song, change tracks, etc.


random toggles by curvefish
Android apps by CurveFish


android agenda widget


smart shortcuts
audio manager pro w/ skin neon blue
skin: AM Skin: Neon Blue - Android app on AppBrain
storage widgets
Android apps by NetworkG3
mini info
task widget
gtasks by Dato

WidgetLocker and desktop visualizer to change icons in slider
sms unread count to get widget for missed calls with bubble notifications

How did you get the custom icons for your slider I have both widget locker and desktop visualizer, can't figure out how to do it.
Does anyone know if there's a way to hide the launcher pro dock completely or if there's a way to move it to another screen so that it's not on the "home" screen?

I was hoping to keep the home screen clean and just add 2 short cuts to it (phone and sms)
OK everyone This is just basic. With a background that I found on this site....HAWT!
Basic set up. Until I get the gist of customizing my icons and stuff with LauncherPro and all the other add-ons... Here is how I have my LilDivaEVO...


...Beautiful Widgets: Small Home Weather.


...Main Screen with a few Widgets...HTC Clock: small... Android Market Widget...a few apps linked...and a Music Player Widget.


...Basic with Apps I use all the time..4G not available in the NYC region yet...it's dark! Can't wait for it to light up!


...Calendar Widget: Basic


...Unused screen...Background shot #1


...Unused screen...Background shot #2


OK..I've been working..

Found that BG above like the other guy is using and downloaded some other stuff...this is what I have so far...


Sorry I had to bite...the BG is nice. I'm still working on this...
Does anyone know if there's a way to hide the launcher pro dock completely or if there's a way to move it to another screen so that it's not on the "home" screen?

I was hoping to keep the home screen clean and just add 2 short cuts to it (phone and sms)

yes, just long press and delete the icons you don't want. then go into setting and choose no background for the dock, should be under appearance settings.

you can also set up 3 docks, or 15 icon slots for the launcher pro dock. the dock scrolls, you can even set it to loop i think. so you could keep your home screen completely blank if you want, then scroll your blank dock to access your phone and sms. ;)
you can also set up 3 docks, or 15 icon slots for the launcher pro dock. the dock scrolls, you can even set it to loop i think. so you could keep your home screen completely blank if you want, then scroll your blank dock to access your phone and sms. ;)

AH HA! This works !
last question! :)

anyone know of a way to get into the appdrawer other than the launcher pro or any other way besides the dock settings?

I'm hoping there's a way to create a short cut thru "Bettercut"...
Well you're in luck, TS made a deal (or sold his soul) with some members previously and it's been agreed that this will stay a sticky :p
Devil meet TS, TS meet devil. :D

I haven't been in this thread for some time now, and I'm impressed with some of the screens.

TS out (finding some ice, its hot in here)
last question! :)

anyone know of a way to get into the appdrawer other than the launcher pro or any other way besides the dock settings?

I'm hoping there's a way to create a short cut thru "Bettercut"...

i think there are a few different ways to do it. i'm not sure what you want, i've even seen a app drawer widget thing.. it was pretty ugly tho.

you could always use a transparent icon on your dock

right click to save ->
<- right click to save
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