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Lets us peek at your Screens!


How'd you get those red notification badges? The stock Launcher Pro ones bother me! (Sorry for posting the same question twice, but I'm really excited to see that this is possible!)
I removed the dock background. I'm using the hand icon as my app launcher. To the right and left side of the hand icon I used swipe gestures to open the internet browser with a blank transparent icon
I removed the dock background. I'm using the hand icon as my app launcher. To the right and left side of the hand icon I used swipe gestures to open the internet browser with a blank transparent icon

Please explain. I'm trying to learn more about customizing docks. How did you remove the dock background and where did you get the hand?

You need launcherpro and desktop visualizer to start off with. I just googled up icons and searched different threads for them along with walls and docks. They've been discussed before, I dont recall the exact threads but the search button is your friend. I got the text icons from ultralinx btw. Check my previous posts for the link, countless others have linked him up as well.

I noticed above that you have notification badges used for the Windows 7 icons. I was trying to use sms unread count widget as you mentioned, but am unable to change the icon to a custom icon. I only have 3 choices (classic, eclair, hero). Can you explain how you were able to do that? I like what you have done and appreciate any help.

I noticed above that you have notification badges used for the Windows 7 icons. I was trying to use sms unread count widget as you mentioned, but am unable to change the icon to a custom icon. I only have 3 choices (classic, eclair, hero). Can you explain how you were able to do that? I like what you have done and appreciate any help.

Follow the instructions here:
SMS Unread Count - Android @ Kanok Gems


Icons & Wallpaper can be found here (http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/11749115/1/Android%20Stuff?h=4b30bc)

None of its my work except tweaking size and inverting some colors

How to re-create

LauncherPro Plus
Set to 5 Icon Rows under advance settings
Unread SMS counter w/ Custom Icons resized to 1x2 (except facebook desktop visualizer 1x2)
LED clock widget (white)
Blank Dock in LauncherPro

Switch Pro Widget
Music Mod 2x2 resized to 2x5
Smooth Calendar mod by Manup456 (http://digitalstylewars.com)

Font Manup456's Revolution theme altfont1
LCD density set @ 200

Updated it quite a bit images are no longer embedded in the wallpaper


Desktop Visualizer
Smart Shortcuts

I can't seem to replicate this. The EVO wall has a 4x4 grid which everything snaps too so I can't the spacing right and I can't fit the clock widget if I want all 6 icons on the wall. I got Launcher Pro Plus too and that doesn't seem to help either because even tho I can resize the widgets it's still limited to the that same 4x4 grid... What am I missing here?
I can't seem to replicate this. The EVO wall has a 4x4 grid which everything snaps too so I can't the spacing right and I can't fit the clock widget if I want all 6 icons on the wall. I got Launcher Pro Plus too and that doesn't seem to help either because even tho I can resize the widgets it's still limited to the that same 4x4 grid... What am I missing here?

Menu--> Preferences-->Advanced Settings-->5 Icon rows in Homescreens
Menu--> Preferences-->Advanced Settings-->5 Icon rows in Homescreens

I tried putting these icons on the screen, but they are just small icons. How do you make those picture icons become widgets so that they can be resized in launcherpro plus? In other words, I still can't figure out how guys are filling the screen with those neat pictures. I understand the concept of making them become action buttons with desktop visualizer, I just can't get them big on the screen.
I tried putting these icons on the screen, but they are just small icons. How do you make those picture icons become widgets so that they can be resized in launcherpro plus? In other words, I still can't figure out how guys are filling the screen with those neat pictures. I understand the concept of making them become action buttons with desktop visualizer, I just can't get them big on the screen.

-long press on the screen where you want to add the visualizer widget
-choose appropriate widget size according to picture orientation
*horizontal images, use 4x1 widget
*vertical images, use 1x2 widget
-resize widget after assigning the pic/function
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