Ok guys I want to clear up some confusion. I worked with LiQuID to get LFY and the such on Rom Manager. One thing that was missing from the LFY-1.5 was a single flag in the build.prop that allows Rom Manager to detect if there is an update available for your ROM.
I had him add that line to the build.prop, and with out thinking about the MD5s etc, I told him to go ahead and upload the new. That way we would be fully compatible with RM.
I will take the blame for that little snafu with the MD5 being wrong and the Different files/same names.
Also there are new kernels listed in the link to more kernels. Once again me hitting the ground running. I made several new kernels, with higher speeds, and to keep build time/modules consistent, I cleaned my build directory and started new, from the stock 800 up to the new 1300 and 1300HV. If you are running the older kernel, Great, if you downloaded a new kernel Great! Either way you will be fine, all the features are the same, and they are fully compatible with LFY.
I hope that everyone is running fast and smooth with the kernel/rom.
As for heat issues, this is the coolest kernel I have ever used, and others are reporting the same thing, many others. If you seem to be running hot, try reinstalling Temp Monitor, or reflashing the kernel.
Kernels can be very finicky. For instance I have never had luck with P3Droids kernels. They are great I am sure but MY phone hated them. JDLFGs were a 50-50 chance, and bekits were always great. I have heard others report the opposite. Sometimes you just have to find the "right"one for you and thats great when you do. I will tell you at the moment, I am pretty sure my kernel is the only one to run the interactive governor, although others may be coming.
As for the kernel speed/settings/other stuff:
You need SETCPU,
I suggest the interactive governor with the max slider @max and the min slider @min.
If you are experiencing call delay, try uping the min slider in Setcpu. Some phones have issues coming out of sleep at low speeds.
If you feel battery drain is an issue with interactive, I have all the other governors built in, feel free to change, but you will notice a performance difference (if you are like me anyway)
Lastly, thank you everyone for the great response to the rom! Keep on flashing, and I will try to poke my head in as often as I can. ( I have a wife and 5 kids)
You can hit me up on twitter (@layherdaddy) or here, and I wll try to get to you.
Thank you for the support and the feedback!