Amazing how people with the exact same phones can have such different experiences. I'm running 1.5 with Slayers 1k kernel and smoked theme and it is flying.
Actually, as with any electronics that are mass produced, not all devices
are the same.
Case in point- My DROID hated trying to go over 1100 MHz when I first rooted - until I used Taz's kernels. Then, it hated 1200 unless I used BD ROM. Now, it just hates it whenever I switch a ROM from something else that has been working on my phone for a long period of time lol.
My phone loves Chevy's kernels and does OK with P3's kernels, but performs nearly flawlessly on jdflg's kernels. It scores best with Chevy and decent with P3, but with jdflg's latest kernels my scores suck arse. But the phone runs perfectly fine with the kernel, smooth as silk, no lagging, extremely hard to reach high temps.
Others here have said that Chevy's makes their phone go stupid, that P3 does very well to excellent, and that LFY 1.5 with the stock kernel run as the best ROM ever.
I had that experience with LFY 1.4 - but 1.5 just ain't doing it for my phone. however,I have yet to flash dif kernels on here.
Although the devices are the same make and model, there is no way to say they are identical - the same CPU from Intel in 4 different machines can achieve 4 potentially different (as in drastically different) OCs.
Same applies to our phones.
Well... Looks like I pegged mine out. The fastest stable speed I can run mine at is 1100. Quadrant scored it at 1329. Not too shabby, but it just goes to show... not all Droids are created equal.